OS puts advertisements in itself

>OS puts advertisements in itself

For what purpose

>socially engineered malware

What does that even mean?

>Please use our browser ;_;

>Windows 10 is trying to help its user by recommending a better and safer browser
>Sup Forums autist interprets this as an ad

You people are paranoid.

just unpin it from taskbar.

Are you retarded?
They aren't advertising the OS, they are advertising their browser because they know you aren't using it.
They want you to get real comfortable with edge to make it harder to leave to OSX or gunu/loonix.

*Click here to see this*

*Download buttons*

> better and safer browser
> IE
MS can't deal with Google taking over MS at the most prominent market. What's even worse, Chrome is cross-platform, works almost anywhere which is a threat to MS.

Microsoft wishes their OS was gnu+linux

>fake statistics
>annoying popups
>only has freemium software
>slow and clunky
>malware infested
>have to fight against the OS to make it barely usable
I'm sure glad I don't use that garbage anymore.

>know you aren't using it.
>clearly has it open

the power of windows

is this what Windows 10 users have to put up with? I'm glad I didn't downgrade from 7 to 10.

It's literally an advertisement. It's a pop-up telling you to use a product. It's the actual definition of an ad.

It's not IE, it's EDGE

people who fall for that shit deserve to get backdoored by chinese and russians

If you ever see those then you only have yourself to blame.

so what's the difference?

>gas-lighting this hard
>on an imageboard

>his OS displays ads by default
>it's the users fault for not changing every setting

Protip: if the OS defaults to such crap, it's trash

Same shit different package

>socially engineered malware
What did Mr. Pajeet mean by this?

Ganoo Linsucks and fagOS don't have this problem

>pay money for an OS that pushes ads to you
Are there still ads in the start menu?

You have to turn them off, on by default... Like the ads in explorer for cloud storage.

You get the option to select the option during setup, retards just blindly click yes to everything without reading and then act surprised when they have shitty settings. Same sort of people who have 1000 different ask toolbars installed or some shit.

They're entirely different browsers that share absolutely 0 technical similarities, the only connection between the two is the logo.

Good post

They are still the defaults, even in the setup they are only shown if you want to see the custom settings
It's simply not acceptable in a product that is sold for money

so there are actually people who fell for M$ marketing

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Malware that bullies you online

Malware that relies on user stupidity as opposed to software vulnerabilities. If malware can convince the user to put it on their computer and run it with a high privilege level then no exploits are needed.

>People defending windows ITT

I actually believe Microsoft here. But only because of market share statistics.

Edge is good, it's just a shame I've had Chrome to do its job for the last ten years.

Blocks messages with high triggering power

When you have Windows installed then use Edge. You gave yourself already it's logical.

OP is a faggot and using windblows

daily reminder that there are people on Sup Forums who unironically defend using Windows 10.

>Complain about OS not doing what you want/doing something you disagree with.
>Keep using said OS.

Hmm, I wonder why it keeps happening.

>Complain about OS not doing what you want/doing something you disagree with.
>Keep using said OS
I'd be not using computers at all at this rate

>right click
>unpin from taskbar

>windows 10 is trying something I didn't permit to
maybe it would be better if it was obedient like 7


>unpin from taskbar
>unpin from taskbar

>unpin from taskbar
>unpin from taskbar>unpin from taskbar>unpin from taskbar
>unpin from taskbar


All systems have shitty defaults unless they don't come with any defaults at all, which is just as shit in a different way. If you're a power user you will have to tweak thet vast majority of software you use for it to work how you want.

>Windows 10 tries to "help" users find a browser that "blocks more malware"
>The OS itself is adware/nagware, which is a form of malware
Really activates those almonds

>everything i dont like is malware and a botnet
truly makes me ponder...

>windows isn't a botnet
makes me consider buy windows 10... hm...

I don't know where you're from but where i come from we call this shit an advertisement.
And we call this shit an advertisement because it advertises product X has over product Y

I dont have this issue

next it will start recommending a better and safer dish soap.

Are you retarded? Can you read?