ABP vs uBlock Origin

Why do I see more ads when I use uBlock than I do when I use ABP? My cache is clear and my filters are up to date, but just in the 10 minutes that I've been awake today I've already seen two ads (one on /fit/ and one of YouTube).

ublock white lists some stuff

uBlock only hides ads rather than stopping them loading, so sometimes they slip through as technically they're always there, just hidden. ABP actually strips out the ads, which is why it's the most popular ad blocker.

>Another shill vs shill thread

so ABP makes your browser run faster ?

That's bullshit and anyone who's read uBlock's FAQ knows it.

>Why do I see more ads when I use uBlock than I do when I use ABP?
For me it's the other way around. With ABP is see crap whenever I scroll down a Sup Forums page, with ublock I don't.


Did you read the title?

Because you're using chrome. I haven't seen a single ad on Firefox with uBlock Origin. Use proper filters dumbfuck. Not only is uBlock 10x more efficient it can actually block more shit.


This is bullshit. I'm using Firefox and more than one time I've seen ads being hidden after being rendered. I use it anyway because I don't care, but this is still bullshit no matter what gorhill says

I meant you too

I'm using Firefox and I have problems.

>Use proper filters dumbfuck.
Such as?

Literally enable every filter if you don't know what to do. You shouldn't see ads.
What version of firefox and what version of uBlock Origin do you use?

Firefox 55.0.3, uBlock Origin 1.14.10.

>Literally enable every filter if you don't know what to do
Wouldn't that block a lot of stuff that isn't ads?

Dumb ABP shill.

I'm not seeing ads. Sometimes the ads are shown than hidden exactly like what OP has said (The thing that shouldn't be happening but honestly does). And I'm using release firefox and ublock

It wouldn't block anything that isn't ads or tracking.
I haven't seen a single ad with these filters. An user recommended StevenBlack Hosts once but it's just most of these filters merged into a single file.

What's with all the mis information on ad blockers?

ABP shills. ABP is paid by advertisers to ignore ads. It's also a much slower adblocker. Basically the same degenerates who shill Brave.

Alright, thanks user. Hopefully that improves things.

Allegedly that happens if you've not cleared your cache since installing uBlock.

You might want to enable AAK and Adguard to stop sites from giving you "please disable your adblocker"

not only is it bullshit but it actually did affect things like adblock as chrome addons pre-2010 couldn't prevent network resources from being downloaded leading to adblockers on chrome for that era hiding the ad elements rather than not downloading them at all, it was never true for firefox nor umatrix which came years later

if the ad is actually being downloaded, and you can verify this using the network logger that ublock provides, then the issue is with the list maintainer of the lists you're using where one list is tagging the ad element correctly but not the ad

it has literally nothing to do with ublock and you'd get identical behaviour on other adblockers using the same lists

Firefox and Ublock Origin, never saw any ad here.

What Ublock filters am I supposed to use? I'm still seeing ads on Twitch

I've had the bladerunner ad sneak past while on Twitch.
Not sure why it gets past, I never see any ads aside from that one, must be a problem with the block list.

Use more filters user. I had this issues when I only let basic filters.

>not using adnauseam

>hiding ads