What botnets are YOU connected to right now?

What botnets are YOU connected to right now?

Run lsof -i | grep -i established to find out.

sylpheed 484 ultramarine 13u IPv4 23366 0t0 TCP adeptus-astartes:52337-> (ESTABLISHED)
ssh 566 ultramarine 3u IPv4 26259 0t0 TCP adeptus-astartes:50063->adeptus-mechanicus:12233 (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 17004 ultramarine 61u IPv4 22502 0t0 TCP adeptus-astartes:43023-> (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 17004 ultramarine 76u IPv4 23123 0t0 TCP adeptus-astartes:52719-> (ESTABLISHED)
irssi 2032 ultramarine 4u IPv4 34519 0t0 TCP adeptus-astartes:51457->irc.rizon.no:6697 (ESTABLISHED)

Other urls found in this thread:


10 connections

all chrome


Mail 28403 salat 24u IPv4 0xf41c8a344bd25187 0t0 TCP>wl-in-f16.1e100.net:imaps (ESTABLISHED)
Mail 28403 salat 25u IPv4 0xf41c8a342b696057 0t0 TCP>wl-in-f16.1e100.net:imaps (ESTABLISHED)
Mail 28403 salat 27u IPv4 0xf41c8a344bd25187 0t0 TCP>wl-in-f16.1e100.net:imaps (ESTABLISHED)
Mail 28403 salat 32u IPv4 0xf41c8a342b696057 0t0 TCP>wl-in-f16.1e100.net:imaps (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 60u IPv4 0xf41c8a3430218ee7 0t0 TCP>fra16s25-in-f14.1e100.net:https (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 65u IPv4 0xf41c8a3430216057 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 97u IPv4 0xf41c8a342ceb7db7 0t0 TCP>fra15s12-in-f14.1e100.net:https (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 101u IPv4 0xf41c8a344b893597 0t0 TCP>ams16s21-in-f196.1e100.net:https (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 120u IPv4 0xf41c8a344b895187 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
firefox 50273 salat 131u IPv4 0xf41c8a3430218597 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
irssi 51084 salat 5u IPv4 0xf41c8a34306b5c47 0t0 TCP>kornbluth.freenode.net:6667 (ESTABLISHED)
irssi 51084 salat 6u IPv4 0xf41c8a342c90d467 0t0 TCP>irc.rizon.no:distinct (ESTABLISHED)
Spotify 55030 salat 70u IPv4 0xf41c8a344b88f467 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Spotify 55030 salat 73u IPv4 0xf41c8a3430217c47 0t0 TCP>cache.spotify.com:http (ESTABLISHED)
Spotify 55030 salat 74u IPv4 0xf41c8a34306b49a7 0t0 TCP>lon3-accesspoint-a2.lon3.spotify.com:4070 (ESTABLISHED)

Who is that? I'm in love

com.apple 509 daniel 5u IPv4 0xc3164fce9124abd3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52648-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 7u IPv4 0xc3164fce8e76b4cb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52591-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 9u IPv4 0xc3164fce8a1712db 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52604-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 10u IPv4 0xc3164fce897879e3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52592-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 11u IPv4 0xc3164fce7dc8c0eb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52650-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 12u IPv4 0xc3164fce7da622db 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52651-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 13u IPv4 0xc3164fce8a1709e3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52605->lm-in-f198.1e100.net:https (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 14u IPv4 0xc3164fce7e6156bb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52607->lj-in-f196.1e100.net:https (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 18u IPv4 0xc3164fce8b6c2bd3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52612-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 33u IPv4 0xc3164fce8e7699e3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52636-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 35u IPv4 0xc3164fce8e76a2db 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52637-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 36u IPv4 0xc3164fce8b6c46bb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52638-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 37u IPv4 0xc3164fce8b6c10eb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52639-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 38u IPv4 0xc3164fce8b6c19e3 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52640-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 39u IPv4 0xc3164fce8b6c34cb 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52641-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.apple 509 daniel 40u IPv4 0xc3164fce806ed2db 0t0 TCP imac-daniel:52642-> (ESTABLISHED)

comment too long kek


some jap qt

Did she also post the ass shot he took?

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

I fell in love

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


how to do that? terminal noob here

also why girl in the pic wears slipper?

you're not allowed to wear shoes indoors, but somehow they think slippers are ok

These slippers are only meant to be used inside (School) only. Helps with hygiene

Only Sup Forums cloudflare

Are you fucking retarded?
Just type the command.

how do I do that on windows

you don't because Windows is a Fisher-Price OS


retards who use Jewgle shit. KYS.

(or hackintosh since the guy who created gentoo uses it too).

thats a chink
thats a dude


>parents took me out of the country to be with a bunch of white trash, spics, and nignogs

Kill your parents

The teacher isn't hot like in my hentais, would creampie that gakuen shojo though

for you

>mupdf is connected to an anonymous IP address
what in the actual fuck? if IEEE is tracking usage statistics i'm gonna put a bullet in someone's computer

>lsof -i | grep -i established

yes see now.

No uniform?

>5 connections to Mountain View, California
How do I stop this

some block list are here:


but of course you can add your own lists or block a single IP/range/country etc.
>inb4 hosts file

like 15, all firefox. I also have 15 tabs open

>mfw windows server 2008r2
4 instances of Google Drive connecting to Google. 3 connections from irssi to the IRC servers I'm on. An SSH connection to the laptop I'm using. Occasional incoming connections to httpd and sshd originating from actual botnets.