I posted this thread earlier and I don't understand why it was deleted. I'm an aging software developer in my 30s who's finding it increasingly impossible to compete with younger people in the job market. Is it time to just throw in the towel and kill myself or is there still some kind of hope left? I have no savings and live paycheck to paycheck, so if I get fired from this job I'm going to be homeless.
I posted this thread earlier and I don't understand why it was deleted...
>compete with younger people in the job market
why compete for shit tier jobs? with your experience you should aim for senior/lead dev and higher positions with salary no less than 100k
I still might be able to get a job, but it's been getting more and more difficult every time. I think I'm very close to the point where I actually become unhireable. I just don't have the energy and mental acuity that people in their 20s have.
>I just don't have the energy and mental acuity that people in their 20s have.
you are in your 30s, you should have all that and more, if you dont then there is something wrong with you
change your lifestyle, hit the gym, eat well, sleep well, if it still persists then there is a clearly a much deeper problem somewhere
I have no time or energy to hit the gym. When I come home from work I'm completely exhausted every day.
make time
You're just another user reposting. Original OP claimed to have a heart condition.
You suck. Eat shit and die
I don't have time to exercise, even if I wanted to. And I've tried it in the past, it doesn't do anything for me, it's just a waste of time.
From sitting in a chair and code monkeying?
This is what fat people say about dieting and druggies say about quitting. You need to go to a doctor for sleep therapy imo.
I'm 160lbs at 6ft. Also, I went to a doctor and went through a sleep lab to test for sleep apnea and other ailments and they said I was fine.
k y s
you need to change your fucking lifestyle, you fucking retard, if you dont want to do it then you will stay miserable piece of shit for the rest of your life and there nothing else you can do about it, take or leave it.
I just told you I tried, and I really did try hitting the gym 3x a week, in my gym spandex, working the treadmill and pumping iron for months on end. And I'm telling it to your face it did nothing for me. Also, you're probably still in college because you're giving really generic /r9k/-tier advice.
>in my gym spandex,
>working the treadmill
>pumping iron for months on end
confirmed for never going to the gym
I am 28, and there is nothing else you can do except change your shitty lifestyle (as doctors have said you a fine and there is no medical problem)
if you dont want to then kys
you're fucking 30 years old and you're complaining u don't have the same energy that 20 somethings have HAHAHAHAHA how fucking shit are your genes?
You known what,. with that attitude u deserve everything you're getting
And what are you Sup Forumsuys? I'm not asking for compassion or even pity, I'm just sharing my experience being a software developer, that it's not all that it's cracked up to be and it's a miserable experience because it wears on your mind. As you get older, it doesn't get any easier either. I don't know if "getting older" is an attitude problem, I take it as staring at reality in the face. I've deluded myself long enough, and now I'm brave enough to face this problem head on. The question is, when will this happen to you?
Remember Man as you go by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so shall you be,
Prepare yourself to follow me
30 isn't old you've just given up and will take the easy route and start hating on "kids" 5 years younger than you
you worry about age when you're 20 because everyone treats you like you're 12. Reason why is because of shits like you.
>blah blah blah energy 20s
No. You. Just. Gave. The. Fuck. Up.
Kill yourself is indeed the answer.
Get all the money you can, buy an assault rifle and start slaughtering all those worthless shitskins.
Nothing else matters.
>dat bait tho
You're 30 not 60, no reason you can't BTFO the younglings
Dude, this has nothing to do with being 30.
It's more about living the freelancer live.
Just get a comfy 9 to 5 job and you'll be fine.
Also age doesn't really matter that much. Some people will reject you because you are a man, some people will reject you because you are a nigger, some people maybe don't like your hair cut. Deal with it and be on your way until you find what you were looking for.
your thread wasnt deleted moron, I was reading it late last night when it lapsed off the board
as to your problem, you are in good company because Sup Forums is full of Luddittes, mainly C++ programmers who are constantly baaaahing that new programmers are using 'meme languages' and want everyone to go back and just use C++/Java/C#/PHP for everything. So lets just say for example you started in 2000, back then C++, Java, VB and Perl were the ONLY commonly used languages, it didnt take much skill to learn just one of those languages and use its IDE features to make apps. Well all thats changed, we have web apps, mobile apps, a bunch of modern new languages that all require to learn new programming techniques. So if you are one of those self-taught programmers who thought you could pull a paycheck doing nothing but C++, well thats over. The 3 options you have are 1) get into Java/C# enterprise which is the most stable programming area, 2) take a year off to learn all the new programming languages and frameworks 3) get in a new field. The fact you are on Sup Forums complaining just shows you are a weak minded baby
I'm 30 and only just got my first programming job. I started at the same time as 10 other people in their early 20s, and we all started with zero programming experience. I am quite a bit ahead of them in ability purely because I put a lot of free time into reading books and practicing. So no, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to keep up with these kids and out perform them
What languages do you work in? For whatever reason, all of the decent I.T. jobs in my area want experience in programming. Maybe you could look into that? Most everyone in I.T. is a slouch, you'd fit in nicely from the sounds of it.
Why'd you start at 30 instead of 20?
you had your self-pitying thread earlier. now you're back, and still not bringing anything to the table.
go away. lose this URL (Sup Forums.org/g/). and clean up your act.
I'm soon going to be 40 years old and i'm still better than many of the newbies
That isn't the point about being "better than the newbies." Of course you'll be better than the newbies, but you're expected to be qualitatively 10-20 years better than a guy that started out in college (i.e. management bean-counters expected you to churn out 10-20x better code in 10-20x the rate with 10-20x fewer complaints and 10-20x the attitude over a fresh-college grad).
I told my boss that i'm not a machine
Couldn't go to university until a later age due to family issues. Graduated with a physics degree in my late 20s, landed this job when I was 29 and here I am nearly a year later
>I have no savings
You've been working for a decade, why don't you have any savings?
Are you one of these retards spending everything? In which case you deserve to be selected out of the gene pool.
The cost of living is insanely expensive in the cities where the jobs are.
I'm well over 30 as well. You think your job is tough? I work two jobs and support my wife and two kids. Pull yourself together, mate.
And plan your spendings, you're supposed to save up to gain a stable financial state before its too late
What jobs do you work?