My fagbook air is heating up too much which is currently on Manjaro.Tried everything to reduce heating and its still not working. Which distro should I install next? Debian maybe?
My fagbook air is heating up too much which is currently on Manjaro...
How much?
alpine+rio/cwm, openbsd
Around 50C. Also I cant set the exhaust speed as it doesnt show any pwmconfigs
Nine Inch Nails fan?
Maybe you need to delete your linux partition and just run it in a VM through mac OS.
>runs meme matrix that uses gpu rendering and wonders why its heating up
50C aint that bad son
Install Xubuntu
dude its a macbook
i wonder how did you actually get it that low
idle with fan at 100%?
fagbooks are made for ONE type of operating system. They likely have all sorts of hardware-level systems to fuck up if anything else is running.
>purchasing a $1,000 laptop to run linux on
Benjamin is that you?
Install Gentoo and use DWM fucking retard.
gee, I wonder why
all laptops run hot
consider yourself lucky that thin turd isnt 60
My gentoo with i3 runs cool to touch, it won't hiss and get throttled. I have set cpqscaling and power stuff all to performance. You should give it a try, if you aren't building entire kde suite and did parallel compilation it should take no time. And if you got thinkpad, you can install thinkpad-acpi thingy to manually control the heat
install a brain and don't buy applel shit
oh i didn't noticed you are mac person, disregard my post
Dont buy macbooks, period.
>blaming apple cause linux shitty thermal management.
What the fuck does any of that mean in your pic? Is this some kind of wizard programing os?
Getting a fagbook was your first mistake. Nothing good can come from packing so much hardware into a tiny space.
Give macos a try I hear it works well on apple products
This, without throttle.exe they are unusable dumpster fires
macOS tard
antergos if you like arch vibe
Try another distro dude
>50c idle
that is normal for my x60
try 90c under load