im 25 years old and a neet while this bitch has a 2 million dollar apartment in Manhattan. and what great service to society did she do? she fuckin walked on a ramp.!!! A FCUKING RAMP What the fuck is this world about. why does the world spend fuckin millions for some hoe to walk on a ramp. she didn't even walk on a tightrope or something like a Russian circus act. she walked on flat earth and for that the jews are paying her millions of fuckin dollars which led me thinking. What is the actual motivation. these useless fashion. brands selling gaudy over priced clothes and bags are the culprits. ITs an entire industry built on nothing remotely productive to society. these faggot firms pay millions to some hoe to walk on a ramp and other faggots line up to spend 1000$ for a fucking handbag because this hoe walked with it and the fashion faggots make a few hundred million and spend the money on the next useless hoe to continue the cycle. This entire industry is worthless wastage of resources. with absolutely nothing useful gained at the end.
the driving force behind all this shit is the mindless consumer faggots who like Instagram photos by the millions for no fucking reason. A whole bloc of stupid consumers is all is needed to fuel this jewery in the name of fashion
And she is now fucking with feet beta sucks like me in that she is also a fucking code artisan or some such shit. They are expanding their consumer base from the retarded fashion bucks to beta cuck coders like us and Im not letting that happen. Id rather fucking drop a nuke on Hollywood and NYC and destroy this entire fucking industry before they spread their cancer.
Camden Rodriguez
Since this is a technology board, /ABMG/ can we have an atom bomb making general to nuke these faggots.
I literally feel worthless right now and I feel osama bin laden did the right thing. The world has strayed from the light of nature to pure faggotry. very post of hers on Instagram I see made me REEEEEE harder and I'm literally mad a sfuck now.REEEEEEEEEEEEEE. fuckkkk
Joshua Fisher
what are you talking about
James Hill
Karlie kloss and the vapid fashion industry and how to nuke Hollywood
Connor Garcia
how is this Sup Forums related
Jaxson Adams
nice blog
Lucas Walker
Ian Lopez
>I just learned about this bitch called Karlie Koss here hello newfag
Benjamin Brown
Karlie may be a phony, but I'm certain she wrote more code than OP ever did
Joseph Gutierrez
>white person complaining about privilege
Chase Reed
James Bailey
Kek, how does it feel knowing that even a stupid instagram whore is vastly more successful at life than you? For fucks sake OP stop crying like a little bitch and go get a real job
John Evans
>What a horrible person. Doesn't even possess the moral integrity to refuse offers of huge amounts of money to walk on a fucking runway. ok kid.
John Bell
Charles Morales
all of this is exactly why karlie is doing this and not you.
Isaiah Bell
> >I feel like becoming a terrorist and blowing shit up for shits and giggles FBI has been alerted.
Liam Scott
>waaaah a model who drives sales for a multi-billion dollar fashion industry and receives money volultarily for her representation gets more money than me, I don't understand how she makes more than me even though I'm a useless NEET waaah autism waaaah
Learn how the world works. You're a worthless piece of shit. There's billions of you, not so many of Karlie though. Karlie is objectively more valuable than you, and you're not even trying to achieve anything. This must be how communists are made.
Jayden Rivera
life is unfair, what a revelation
Jose Campbell
If you can kode like Karlie, your won't be a neet and you can afford all the asthma inhalers you'll ever need
Michael Williams
>why do football players earn more than me? ree.
Nolan Foster
>he doesn't /kode/ with karlie
Lucas Peterson
>FBI has been alerted.
Parker Hall
>he codes with Karlie
Matthew Jones
>this bitch has a 2 million dollar apartment in Manhattan So she's poor af by NYC standards? Can't imagine the kind of shithole you'll get in Manhattan for that price.
Daniel Johnson
I want to kum in Karlie
Brandon Evans
these threads make me wonder:
Coders - is yous actually wicked smaht? I mean, I do coding as a sideline and I am not very good at it, and i took a job in medicine that basically guarantees a good income. Are coders smarter than, for the sake of argument, doctors, and just don't get paid shit unless they make the killer app in college. Or are you all just dumb and don't deserve much money? if you guys are smart but underpaid why do you do your job?
I mean, my code is like 4th tier quality, and I couldn't make money off other Sup Forums stuff I do, like overclocking or whatever, so why don't you guys become doctors or chemical engineers or something if you have the smahts?
Owen Davis
Let that anger motivate you to build the skills necessary to find an entry level job. Or just kill yourself.
Jayden Jones
did someone mentioned Karlie?
Brody Robinson
>beemo >>>/tumblr/ kys
Charles Gomez
Welcome to capitalism, user. She makes millions because she sold her image; an image that a wealthy industry wanted. You can exploit something something to make money too. But may I also suggest /r9k/ instead of Sup Forums for your cringey bitchfest.
Adam Thomas
>capitalism >you hear jews >bad
Asher Morris
You don't like money?
Nathaniel Rivera
I think every likes money to a degree.
Isaac Edwards
>im 25 years old and a neet opinion discarded
Joshua Powell
It's true that there are a few of them who game the system but you have to take into account the millions who don't and end up spending most of their time protesting well into their 40s