Syntactically significant whitespace

>syntactically significant whitespace

>dynamic typing



>type inference

What about for separating tokens

>if statements don't need brackets


>flow control

python hate thread?

>ctrl+f "self"
>a billion results

>functions and classes
fuck i hate those basic building blocks of all modern languages.

The only significance in whitespace you need is the difference between a single space, and multiple spaces or newlines.



>I don't have a job

>Principles of

>anonymous functions

Functions are literally the only thing that should exist along strings, floating-point and maybe some primitive notion of lists.


>no integers
>no arrays

Separating tokens with whitespace is good and useful for reading and editting

Forcing your users to use whitespace for indentation and failing to compile if they don't follow those rules is fucking awful for editing.

>no arrays

sounds like bash is just right for you

but a string is just a char array