Does Sup Forums suggest this?

Is it a burning computer meme or is it good?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's TBBT with British accents.

It's very funny if you're not yet/anymore in your ultra edgy teenage phase or severely autistic. Also

Fuck off to Sup Forums

fuck. I hate tbbt

> Sup Forums
" The place to be if you like 50 different types of bane posting and constant interracial porn threads "

First few eps are gold but then it starts losing track of itself. The second episode is my favourite

Why don't you just watch it, british series are like 6 episodes long.
Any show only has maybe 10 episodes.
No one is going to make fun of you for watching
your time is worthless anyway

> Sup Forums
" The place to be if you like 50 different types of botnet posting and constant autistic flamewar threads "

And that’s the way we like to keep it

honestly what isnt autistic?
I worked with autistic people and some of them wore diapers and couldn't speak
I think you guys mean Asperger syndrome, which is a little more specific

>not being able to differentiate between medical diagnosis and colloquial slang usage of the term
I think you might have Asperger syndrome.

It's shit


>Using colloquial when you meant vernacular
I think you might wanna be raped

I used to love it when I was younger but when I tried showing it to my relative recently I realized just how unfunny it actually was, holy shit.

It's an anachronism now that IT has been pajeetified.

>colloquial - (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
>vernacular - (of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.
>t. OED
I think you might want to figuratively fuck off, developmentally disabled negroid.

I'm confused, why did you post something confirming that i'm correct in my assertion?

I liked it

Hello new friend!

>I'm confused
That would be the Asperger syndrome acting up.

Stop projecting, people tend to think what they are most insecure about is the greatest of insults.
I bet you go around telling everyone they are gay to avoid dealing with your own latent homosexuality

>stop projecting
>I bet you
This post is a work of art. I tip my fedora and my ubuntu simultaneously.

Did you really believe I would honestly go and try and correct Sup Forums's usage of autistic?
Thats the one thing about baiting people, if you admit it you look like a retard anyway

Yes. If you enjoy pretending to be retarded, chances are high you actually are.

I laughed a lot

>Stop projecting, people tend to think what they are most insecure about is the greatest of insults.
>I bet you go around telling everyone they are gay

Gay play episode was bretty dank too senpai.

It isn't unfunny, it's just the type of straightforward hyperbolic humor that isn't really rewatchable.


Don't listen to

It's great. Ayoade's character is mostly annoying instead of funny and the laugh track gets on the nerves, but otherwise it's superb.

no it isn't faggot


it just wanders into off-topic british surreal humor often

but you are not correct, colloquial was the right word

>a joke from a 90s video game
>surreal british humor
Not the best choice of pic perhaps.


>a joke from a 90s video game


I've laughed at mr.robot more

Yes, it's great

You claimed that using "colloquial" was wrong, but his post clearly shows that it was the right word to use.


>figuratively fuck off

That's actually really fun to say out loud.


Fuck you.

No, that's the way the larping kids like to keep it. Everyone else would like to have the occasional discussion.

> or is it good?
Good but 90-tier good. It may feel cheesy today.

>I worked with autistic people and some of them wore diapers and couldn't speak
t. high functioning autist

I do miss the term assburgers going out of favour

did you take an intro to psychology class to see the world and peoples motives in such black and white terms?

It's from They Live (1988) you fucking moron

Nah, it sucks.

lol ur gay

Pretty accurate. Both are no brainer shows that fringe on sci tech jobs but don't go beyond the surface

its a comedy show it isnt meant to be a fucking documentary on sysadmins or something

Yeah but neither are particularly funny. Tbbt actually has a fair bit of attention to detail at some points. The most ITC has is a few EFF stickers and "have you tried turning it off and on again".

>The most ITC has is a few EFF stickers and "have you tried turning it off and on again".
So it should be GNU stickers and "Install Gentoo faggot"?

Is it really like TBBT? like, just nerd stereotypes and star wars references followed by canned laughter?

Sort of, not nearly as cringy though.

It's pretty good.

Wel l it does have oss stickers but its still barely an it show at all, none of the sitcom is really about it. They had that one net box episode though which was the closest they got. a shame since it had potential. Tbbt at least has a lot of situations around nerd culture and the university.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

>""""nerd culture""""
Fuck off back to crabbit already, underage retard.
>office literally littered with dozens of legendary machines of the past
>heaps of relevant manuals, posters and shirts
>one of the DVDs contained the most epic and autistic IT easter eggs ever created
This is the actual fanservice, not fucking Arch stickers on your ThinkPad.

Not to mention again, this is a fucking situation comedy with couple characters being IT nerds, not a reference memefest for autistic people.

A gay musical called 'Gay'. Yeah, that was pretty gay.

Sir, could you keep it down?

I'm disabled.

What are you saying? Also great to see the DVDs contain more interesting stuff in the Easter eggs than the entire show. Machines being "littered" around the office is precisely my point, the show barely goes beyond that

Did most people miss the obvious boner joke there

No it fucking isn't. Fuck you.

>interesting stuff
>barely goes beyond that
The show is the interesting stuff, not the set decorations, autismal retard.