Sorry boys, technology is a girls only club now.
"women in tech"
Other urls found in this thread:
Coding is a clerical (women) job.
Better wages for blue collar jobs would solve the problem right up.
Are they doing this on purpose?
Every Kloss video so far had a gem like this too.
>Lots of text on a black background
>Wow they must be hackers or something
Someone should also tell them that the first "woman" they had on there was a dude
first person on the video is definitely a dude. wtf?
>Women In Tech
>Vice video
no thanks
Posting the other gems
this is some kind of sick joke, right?
every single IT class i've seen had like 5-10 girls at the beginning and after a year that number dropped to 0-2
that's because most of them suck so hard even at using putty it's fucking sad
uh no she's not
it's 2017 grandpa, she's a girl if she feels like one.
The last safe space for white men are being destroyed. Imagine my (((shock)))
Ls: the command to make the Russians fear
>Sorry boys, technology is a girls only club now.
These people are cancer! How date they tech these little girls to code in python 2 in current year?
Why can't people accept that maybe women just don't want to code...
This is a nice shop.
women can't accept that women don't want to do certain jobs
Let us be honest: They want to force women only in technology because there are many white men here. Feminism is nothing but an anti-white men's movement.
Yes but why they don't force blacks there?
There are two reasons this is happening.
1. Big companies want to lower programmer salaries. They don't like paying $80k per year for a developer. They tried outsourcing to India and failed. So now they're all about H1Bs and women.
2. Women are angry. A lot of these girls grew up mocking tech guys. They're now finding out that Chad probably won't make it into the NFL and the nerdy guys they mocked are making bank. They're pissed. They hate the idea that someone they pegged as lower status is successful.
hahaha go my girls be stong!
It's always the same step.
1. White women first.
2. Then black men.
3. Then black women.
> A lot of these girls grew up mocking tech guys
> someone they pegged as lower status is successful.
Were you bullied by them?
>lower programmer salaries
>by hiring women
they would also need to lower the standards by which they hire programmers to do this
so what? the lawyer wasn't hit by a car?
They didn't hit the brakes for the lawyer
This will last until the companies start to post losses due those things.
Then they will backflip 180 and well this will hurt women in programming as hard as it can.
u dumb
They will when they get the troops to march down the streets.
DESU hiring for tech jobs sucks in general regardless of whether your a dude or a girl. There are no companies that really know how to properly hire. People just get hired based on whether they said the right buzz words to impress the interviewer.
At my job (huge tech company that prides itself on being good at hiring and having the best engineers) I've come to the realization that except for a select number of devs (which actually pretty diverse people) everyone is pretty much a complete idiot. Most of my (and the other competent devs) job these days is doing a ton of hand-holding the idiots to make sure everything doesnt get destroyed. And on top of that we have to handle our regular workload which is pretty large.
Tech sucks. People are stupid and dont scale well. We need to start from scratch and figure out a better way to hire.
Also software dev should pretty much require a trade school. CS grads dont know how to code, but think they are the smartest people in the world. Im sick and tired of having to explain to new hires with fucking masters degrees what version control is and why we use it.
>clerical (women)
really makes me think
Put up or shut up. Men get hired because most don't need their hand held every step and constant words of encouragement
What company?
>we need cyber security teams that are diverse
whew lad, patjeets on your neck
Think Big-N of tech. Not gonna say the specific one.
tech scene is already so fucking diverse with asians, poojets, russians in it but no, they always have to force women in it. no matter how diverse it is, you have to force women who don't have any interest in that job, because it's a desk-job that doesn't require physical strength. bad news is, it requires mental strength and guess what?
I'm not even a coder I'm just tired of tangentially hearing about this
Women in tech has never bothered me, I don't care race, creed, gender or whatever. All I care about is that they write good code in a timely manner and keep all drama to a minimum. I have had a few very good female programmers on my team. Unfortunately, I've had far more snowflakes that couldn't code for shit. The rest of the team had to pick up the slack so these snowflakes could be "diverse". Complete waste of time.
I got them canned by having anonymous code reviews once a month. All the good coders could easily pass while the snowflakes got bad scores consistently.
What a troll haha10/10
That's implies that he's successfull, and that, my negro, it's a lie.
>doing a ton of hand-holding the idiots to make sure everything doesnt get destroyed. And on top of that we have to handle our regular workload which is pretty large.
You pretty much described my job perfectly. Out of 50 or so developers, there are maybe 10 of us that get anything useful done. I either have to clean up after someone or I have to hold their hand through every ticket they get. It's true for men and women alike. Although in my particular case there is one Indian woman who's so awful that I basically do her job for her. I've basically acquired her job. All the tickets that used to be assigned to her are assigned to me now because production support got tired of her pushing broken crap to prod. These days she spends her day babbling in Bengali on her phone. What's infuriating about it is that pay grade is based on number of years at the company, not skill or work load. She's been here longer and makes more money despite not doing anything now. So my typical day is now doing this woman's job on top of my own job, plus any extra fires that need putting out by the other fools bumbling about.
>Women are angry. A lot of these girls grew up mocking tech guys. They're now finding out that Chad probably won't make it into the NFL and the nerdy guys they mocked are making bank.
Sorry to tell you this but most of the "nerdy guys"(aka losers) I see are playing video games and masturbating to Chinese cartoons while being bitter about their lives. I have met many people from Sup Forums who can hardly read or write, they communicate through 10 word sentences because of their inability to string together coherent thoughts. I am in IT and the people who are "nerdy" or overall weak, don't make it past the first two years. Gamers drop out after a semester.
>They're pissed. They hate the idea that someone they pegged as lower status is successful.
Woman don't want to "be" successful they want to "be" seen as desirable so that a man with high income will give them a baby and provide them with material goods. What you are seeing with women in technology is corporations trying to tell women that they can bypass the whole "find a man" stage and go straight into material goods stage.
>wow i can sit all day long and get paid? I don't even have to spread my legs? sign me up!
I'm working at one of those big companies. Most of the devs suck and you have to clean the mess they make and you have to make sure they don't fuck up anything with the repository.
people literally are too lazy to write 2 lines of code and the lazy ones are usually the ones that set meetings every fucking hour to be seen busy. their shitty meetings don't contribute to anything and they actually expect to be spoon-fed for the task they have.
I am so angry.
>she's a girl if she feels like one.
I fell like a lion, so i am lion now.
fuck off tranny
Coding is by nature a mostly introverted activity.
Introverts tend to be more nerdy, extroverts more chaddy.
So on average, your gaming nerd is more suited to IT than the sports chad.
This assumes both groups have an equal average IQ, which is a reasonable assumption.
does not work like that.
the media bosses do not push that opinion therefor you cannot be a lion, a man becoming a woman is perfectly natural, there are numerous accounts of male slaves having their genitalia cut off to prevent them from spreading their DNA among the non slave population.
>the media bosses
Good to know others are going through the same thing as me!
I was mentoring an intern this summer who was super excited to get to "work with the smartest engineers in the industry." I didn't have the heart to break it to him that he was going to be sorely disappointed.
I don't understand why programs like these push the ideology that "no you're not wrong/under-qualified/bad at your job, you're just being discriminated against."
I'll be the first to admit that there are many cases of discrimination based on gender/race in the tech industry, but the thought process above stuns peoples drive to improve themselves. These programs will immediately blame failure on discrimination, therefore removing the need to reflect on what YOU did wrong and trying to fix it. Eventually people adopt this mentality and completely lose the drive to improve.
Having that constant need to improve grow and improve your skills is the main common character trait i see among the good engineers at my company.
lmao, just teach him to be in discipline to work. it's not easily gained. you can learn programming as much as you want but discipline is a hard gained trait. otherwise he will be another meeting-setter bitch boi.
He already finished his internship. Did a really good job and received a return offer based on my recommendation (although he did mention he was interested in returning to the company, but not the team).
I've mentored a couple of interns/new hires already and I'm good about not dumping my negative thoughts about the team/company. I also push for as much independence as possible when it comes to the tech direction and overall task breakdown of their assigned project. Makes it a bit tough on the interns but also allows them to step and and show that they are ready to be an fulltime engineer (by my standards)
I dont disagree but if you lurked more youd know that black women are actually more intelligent than black men (not by much mind you)
>So on average, your gaming nerd is more suited to IT than the sports chad.
Can we get over the notion of the "gaming nard"? video games are primarily targeted at low IQ males, ages 13~25. They do not offer much mental stimulation and probably depress IQ in children if played excessively.
The one thing games help with, is showing children that computers can do very interesting things and pushing them to be curious about the possibilities. That being said, if a person simply plays games without looking deeper into them(how they are built, aka programming) by the age of 18, It can be assumed that they are simply a media consuming drone who enjoys being told what to do by a system instead of making the system.
>I don't understand why programs like these push the ideology that "no you're not wrong/under-qualified/bad at your job, you're just being discriminated against."
The programs administrators would like to remain employed?
Imho most people are drones
Sup Forums isn't that much better, a collection of self aware drones
I wouldn't say gaming makes someone better at IT, but rather being a uneurotypical person can offset a higher interest in technology beyond the surface level
This makes me so fucking angry.
I find that older games n64, ps1 era (maybe even ps2) were less (graphically) advanced but more stimulating because players had to often used their imagination and were presented with unique mechanics (alot of times due to tech limitations).
Look at todays ultra realistic games, there are hardly any limits anymore, devs dont have to come with new ways of presenting a game and gameplay, they just bring 100% realism and that uniqueness is gone, they are 100% realistic and they feel like just watching a movie on a tv, which is an ultimate cancer of modern day entertainment.
When I got my first programing job fresh out of college (chemistry degree) It was a small company making and maintaining scientific software. Think data interpreters, visualization software etc.
It was run by a husband and wife team. Professors at some big shot German university.
Bottom line i got in through a connection. Was given a peace of software adapted regionally and told to maintain it.
There was just one other programmer who did the adaptation.
A 30 something jewish woman. This was in fact my supervisor
I shit you now I had to call in every favor I had to get this job.
But the moment I saw the butchery that she called code I wanted to walk out and never work tech again.
Ended up re writing the entire thing from scratch in about a week. Took her 5 months to do the same thing before I came along. I'm struggling to find words to describe it. And the worst part about this is that she was so annoying and bossy.
Why am I re writing her code? Why am I removing her added support frameworks of made up butchered math? Why am I wasting space by adding print lines (this is what she called error checking)?
This retard was my boss for about 6 months before I got my own project. When she was left alone to maintain hers she says that I ruined her project and should be faired because she can't recognize her code anymore.
She quit and left shortly after. I got handed her project (and part of her salary) to maintain once again.
Bottom line is there are always retards and there will always be retards. Regardless of gender. Just try as hard as you can to leave them to their own devices and let them sort each other out.
around jews never relax
>Just try as hard as you can to leave them to their own devices and let them sort each other out.
Thats works when you work on things you mentioned, but when you work on critical software that could cost your company tens of millions of dollars when a bug is introduced, you have to stay on top of things even if its not your explicit responsibility. Its MUCH less pain to have things done the right way from the start than having to fix their issues after it caused a shitton of damage.
omfg i cant stop loling
>Sorry boys, technology is a girls only club now.
did you not watch the video or something because in the video it's almost the opposite? or are you saying the video is fake?
If you want to see lots of angry men mocking women for being in tech you should read this thread, that you are posting in.
That conclusion doesn't follow from your assumptions.
But your assumptions are wrong as well, I don't think there is any programming job which doesn't require lots of communication. Unless you're talking about toy projects nerds do at home in which case who care.
didn't even notice when i posted it
Can I get a job? I am very experienced :(
>half the women are butt ugly hideous trannie nightmares
when will this meme end
>Can I get a job? I am very experienced :(
why would you ever let someone tell you what education to pursue or waste your fucking money on things you're not good at or interested in
>Can I get a job
>I am very experienced
send your github repo
>Copy Of Grep 2
Fugg, this makes me feel disappointed.
How do I find a company where everyone is actually competent programmers? Do they even exist?
I kind of have a similar experience.
I'm in on a Dev team of 4 people, and we just build and maintain the site. By we, I mean me and the intern guy.
We have two chicks on the team who are "web authors," who are basically the help desk and work with our CMS. They definitely do work, but they don't know anything about web development, so it's just me and the intern trying to guide them and correct their mistakes.
You can SAY you're in tech, but when it comes to actually building something from scratch that's a little different than just working with a CMS. I've been seeing if we can get a sub account to udemy so they can take the web dev boot camp on there. I'd love to teach them.
I don't understand that whole gender gap problem.
1. Why force woman into tech if they don't want to in the first place
2. If you're good at it, you'll get the job
Everyone who's naturally interested in tech, will get a decent job in tech
>most of the girls blame the lack of female gender in the tech industry because of the stereotypical image of a male hacker wearing a hoodie in a basement.
What? I have never once seen anything of this sort.
Furthermore how does seeing some guy wearing a hoodie make you say "welp, guess i can't learn code now"
>can't even write pwd
all of this shit is just a fucking scam, i still wonder when the majority is going to wake up
is this american "humour"?
hooktube this shit, don't give (you)s to Google
>he thinks I'm gonna watch a fucking vice video
not in a million years you clownshoes advertisement nigger dumbfuck
>typing basic linux commands is coding
oh lul we've been doing it wrong all along
companies will have you do leaps and bounds in the interview process, only to see how shitty and normal most people are once you actually get the job. it's amazing how they seem so professional before you get the job and then it's like.. uh... why the fuck did i do all that garbage for the interview?
>watch video
>realize it's not a fake
What shitty fortune package is this?
linux is a kernel
>tek is now all about social justice and nothing about actual work
I'm cringing, crying, and chuckling all at the same time.
Yes it is on purpose. Gives them free advertising from pseudointellectuals who feel compelled to point out every mistake another person makes. Gets posted on Reddit and other normie shit and then sjws decide to take up the cause of defending women in tech because of le patriarchal bullies.
i thought he just got shot for being corrupt or something lmao
No such thing as a naturally higher proclivities for differing tasks normally distributed between the two genders according to todays mode of thought. It's basically an arrogant view that our rational and social selves can overcome our - not even natural limitations - but culturally imagined limitations, after which a neutral universal subject is achieved.
It's like some unconscious leftover heritage from the enlightenment age which the same people are prone to criticize. I don't even think that people who get caught up in this even contemplate the (conflicting?) assumptions they are operating under, they see the universal subject to be axiomatic and self-evident, disallowing any difference in interest or ability while celebrating superficial diversity.
>tfw my accreditations wouldn't even fucking matter if I were a woman, I could literally LITERALLY get my dream job without even completing the remainder of my degree just with what I know about programming and networking right now.
every woman and minority in tech might as well be an affirmative action hire who got the job not because they know anything, but because companies are desperate to lower wages by flooding the market
ironically if they really did want to lower wages and flood the market their best bet would be massive subsidies and scholarship programs for white guys and asians rather than pajeets and women, but let's hope they never figure that out
I don't understand this lawyer meme
In all my life I have not actually witnessed lawyers being a problem for regular joes. If anything, lawyers are problems for the big companies, banks, governments, and people in power who otherwise want to do what they feel like without abiding the law.
I think lawyers get an intentionally bad rap because they're always fucking the rich, not because they're doing anything to regular people.