Just learn programming bro

>just learn programming bro
>it's easy and fun
>you'll get a job eventually

put some effort into it and stop being a lazy faggot.

Stop being a little bitch

Worked on my machine

im a third worlder, i earn 800$ monthly (which is 50% more than the average in my country) thanks to being a young autist into C and linux. Computers have been a blessing for someone like me

truth is, nobody gets to do anything
medioctrities get to control
people like gates

Do the first set. Take as much time as you want. Read whatever you need to read to understand the problems. When you're confident you understand them all, move on to the next set.

Whatever language you want.

i can see programming being fun when you're making whatever the fuck you want but when you're a code monkey doing some program for someone else i can't see it being fun

protip: you're stupid, go to trade school and become a plumber who gets high on shrooms

i wait tables at a ritzy steakhouse and make $50k

just be yourself bro

Ive done this bullshit man.

I spent so much time on c++ until I gave up when I realized im too brainlet to make any legit programs with >100 LOC.

I'm an electrician making 40K a year living rent free because I rent a 300K home to 2 families.

>start cs in uni
>always the slowest at everything
>can't come up with good algorithms
>barely pass everything

what am i even going to do with my life all i care about is technology and i think programming is interesting and/or fun but i'm literally too stupid to keep up with everyone else

>but i'm literally too stupid to keep up with everyone else
You could of just posted the frog without the text. That alone lets us know you're stupid.

>could of

>scum of the earth
checks out

Yeah but I dont really want to be an electrician and I also live in Canada so there's no "tradeschool" rather you have to find a licensed tradesman to take you on and work with him for like 5000 hours total.

Ey mang, I never forced them to sign their month-to-month leases, don't charge for bills, give you until the 10th of the month to pay rent, and pay for all critical repairs. I'm one of the least shittiest landlords you can find.

not easy but is fun

but the getting a job part... how the fuck

Good luck finding anyone to take you on because thats not really in their best interests unless they are about to retire or something.

Healthcare man. Anything healthcare related = garaunteed employment.

There's certainly incentives the government gives them thousands of dollars in signing bonus, tax kickbacks etc. Plus they'll be giving you the shitty, "dirty work" and making 3x as much as you just for having a license.

But yeah my point was based on what I read and heard it can be truly hard to find an apprenticeship unless they're a relative or something. Apparently Elevator Mechanics in Canada make bank right now though due to a huge shortage.

Im too dumb to fuck with electricity. Id get zapped for sure. Id rather be a plumber. Its dirty work but i doubt a toilet could kill me.

Plumbing is good too they're in huge demand at least here. Had to call a plumber a couple times for some work and some of them literally just tell you it's not worth the 30 minute drive to them even for a 5-6 hour job.

Although it definitely seems much less interesting than electrical work. Ideally doing condo maintenance is the jackpot I think.

>hurr durr all landlords are evil

Sorry, but being poor doesn't make you a saint.

I'm self taught. On my second job now making 80k, which is pretty good for my region (Midwest)

Just keep at it frog

If too brainlet to implement algorithms, become UI designer/implementor

Are you implying that programmers can design good shit?

Do you have such programming challenges for medium & hard questions? I'm barely doing ultra easy, but I'm still learning.

Some time ago I came across this

Bumping this guy because I'm curious as well

protip: things youre good at are more fun so dont drop programming because youre just starting out and dont know shit yet, if you spend time with it its impossible to not learn and memorize shit. your brain probably just goes into depression mode really quickly since its used to getting lots of easily available instant gratification from games and other media.

>Do you have such programming challenges for medium & hard questions?
the easy on that infographic follows after (somewhat) the easy category you quoted, just follow the infographic after you're finished

> posting actual protips on Sup Forums
