Twitter allows 280 characters

Thoughts? Is Twitter over?

nvm figured it out



theyre doing it because trump has trouble fitting his trainwreck of thoughts in 140

Lots of people on Twitter sure agree with you.

So this means that languages like Chinese and Japanese now get even more characters and will be able to write full on novels in single tweets.

what's the point in twitter then? they ruined the whole meaning.

>When people don’t have to cram their thoughts into 140 characters and actually have some to spare
they use tumblr. twitter used to be a service where people had to think to keep their thoughts brief. now you don't have to think, you can just shit characters.

Why didn't they round it to 300?

I like how this guy fails to mention that 10x more automated bot accounts than actual people on twitter.
They're been around 15 years and they've never made a profit and they have never broken even on operating costs.
In any other industry, they would have gone bankrupt a decade ago, but not in tech!!

I wonder what will happen to Twitter fiction.

I am not a big brain nibba like ndt so I fail to see the problem. What is he on about?

That's fake NDT.

.com Bubble 2.0 will be a disaster of epic proportions. When the first bubble happened the IT industry wasn't so big, now there are entire cities whose economies are wholly based on this ponzy scheme. It's an activity that doesn't pollute, doesn't occupy much space and doesn't create much physical waste so all the retarded mayors around the world have jumped on the bandwagon and designed planned regulations around it. In London there's a massive part of the city where for the last 10 years they have built nothing but "hi-tech" office spaces that aren't suitable for anything other than a table for laptops and a coffee machine. No loading docks for logistics, no parking, no sound proof partitions, no large enough windows to lift heavy equipments into the units. There is absolutely no use for those new builds outside le tech meme.

And let's not even get started on what will happen to Ireland when the bubble bursts.

That's the same for every social network though.

But that's what creates the drama that makes people use Twitter...

140 chars for text + 20 for name
it was FINE

now it's not a microblog anymore

>raves on about careful selection of words
>but still uses 6+ tweets to say whathe wants

Not facebook or snapchat.

Literally deconstructed.


It shouldn't have any character limits at all, or at the very least, 10,000 characters.

People are pretty fed up going on instagram, doing their rant, then screenshotting it to upload to twitter. Now they just leave the shit on instagram.

But then it just becomes a blog and no one will read the tweets. If you follow a lot of people there you just won't be bothered to read a daily feed of massive texts.

>Trying to create Twitter account
>Site is one heap of trouble when using ad block/privacy plugins
>Account created
>Instantly get 7 followers
>Can only see 3 of them when checking out who they are, other 4 have already have been blocked/account closed
>The visible 3 are all selling followers
>Use the official Twitter app for Android
>Drains ~700MB per month even when not actively using it
>Can't set PNG avatar, all images compressed to hell

They should try to fix some stuff instead of adding features.

Definitely for Facebook and I have no idea about Snapchat.

holy shit

>ugly femanon detected

agreed, especially with image compression. I've posted scrots of my desktop and the colors don't even match.

probably unnecessary, but it's a bit exciting

Use gab instead for freedom of speech

Will they let me post loli?

Get the fuck out pedo scum

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.


People didn't really care about twiiter "philosophy" for awhile now. They either make multiple tweets or just post screenshot of long message that wouldn't fit in.

>In any other industry, they would have gone bankrupt a decade ago, but not in tech!!
it's because no other industry allows you to have reach over millions of people for (relatively) minimal costs and even if that were the case tech companies get away with it because being the industry leader means you snuff out all other competition no matter how bad you are, underdog competitors can't just outsource their youtube/twitter/etc clones to countries where the labour/material costs are cheaper like they would have done historically because that just doesn't work in tech

being a loss leader is ridiculously important in tech because if nothing else it means you can branch into areas where you can make money like what facebook/google/valve/whatever are doing successfully, and even if you do fail you'll be in a position to bleed your investors for everything they're worth

not even Sup Forums is 10k characters m8 I think you're underestimating just how little people care about reading walls of text


How empty does a life need to be to find this exciting?

that's why technologies shouldn't be public

1/15 what do you mean people don't care about twitter philosophy? just because people shorten words like they did with sms and split tweets

2/15 up does not mean that twitter philosophy is being ignored, we are sticking to short but sweet messages that get to the point after all

What do you expect from a nig?

>when the bubble bursts
Not a chance of this anymore, too big to fail just like banks.

Why support this anyway? People who did this don't care about 280 characters now, it's still won't be enough for them, they still are going to abuse twitter. But people who did care about philosophy are mad about update.

>more schizophrenic liberals can whine about Trump

is there any alternative to twitter

>le black science man

Banks have more political leverage and people who work in finance are total chads. I can't see some aspie idiot like zukerberg convincing the government to bail his industry out.

What do you think happens to the NSA if Facebook goes down you idiot?

For me it was over ages ago
Haven't used it for a year or two
It's shit

good post



imagine being this butthurt

>implying facebook has less leverage than banks
>the biggest social network
>less leverage than banks

So what's even the point of character limits, when people just do this shit instead. I never saw the point of Twitter anyway

Facebook has been around for 15 years. Banks have been around since the templars. Governments can survive without a social network because new forms of interaction will come up anyway. On the other hand, we don't even know what kind of economic and governance model we would implement if banks went bust.

It's been around for 15 years and has taken over the world, similiar to google which became synonym for internet. Banks don't control masses as well as these entities, since they don't control which information gets to the masses. Since we live in a democracy, controlling masses means controlling government. Thus they have more political leverage.

I don't use twitter but always thought it was a little retarded that it was 140 characters which is smaller than a sms, I understand the reasoning behind it but it just leads to people that do want to post short messages that are just slightly over the limit having to shorten their words to near incomprehensibility while the people that want to post long rants will just resort to screenshots of text or 1/x messages or using twitlonger or just tweeting *all day* like they've always done, it's a neat change I think and 280 characters is still fairly short (maybe not so much on mobile) but maybe 200-250 ish is more reasonable

the bigger issue is that people don't want to use multiple social media websites and even if they do they don't integrate well, there's a huge crossover for people that want a shorter messaging service like twitter but also want the freedom to post huge rants and it comes at a huge detriment to those who just want a short messaging service

Banks are too big to fail because US corporate welfare keeps them afloat every time they fuck up.

Twitter was always over for anyone who didn't want to suck the dick of some celebrity. It launched 11 years ago, and I didn't see the point then. I don't see the point today, and there was never a time in between launch and now when I saw the point. It is, and always was, a ghetto facebook.

But what's the point of Facebook?

To communicate with others, as well as receive updates from companies that you want to hear from. All without a character limit.

So it's email.

It's email if you could broadcast it to the world, instead of just people who you elect to broadcast it to, yes.

Fucking nigger

Probably won't change much at all.

Biggest userbase is in Japan and they don't benefit from having more characters available since their written language is already very compact.

I'm actually amazed that Twitter is still around. I have no idea how they manage to keep their service going. They must have a shit ton of idiot investors, or be up to their eyeballs in debt.

>talking about humanity and shit
>talking like they've just released a cure to everything

What retarded shit is this? Its fucking Twitter, its a website where anyone can post some text. Why are they acting like they've just done something world-changing?

Because it's the only thing remotely interesting that they've ever done since launch that hasn't harmed the end user.

Because Twitter changes the world every time trump shits


>having to shorten their words to near incomprehensibility
I don't see a problem with that. That's what internet slang had always been. We tend to shorten words to type fast. That's where unique words like imho, tfw, gtho, etc. come from. Again, you had to use your brain to make your thoughts short yet comprehensible.

>it's a neat change
I see it's like they add a feature on Sup Forums to login through reddit. It's not a big change and actually an improvement in general terms, but it would be completely retarded and considered as degradation in terms of Sup Forums's concept.

>bigger issue is that people don't want to use multiple social media websites
Can't argue with that

I've always hated those acronyms in any online discussion. Only place it is alright to use them are online games where you can't be standing around to type out a novel for your team to read.

>That's what internet slang had always been. We tend to shorten words to type fast.
it's not just internet slang though it's borderline sms tier of corruption of words and sentences for single tweets that I've seen and even then people would rather just chain their thoughts to multiple tweets, I get that the whole point is supposed to be brevity and condensing your thoughts into clear and concise snippets but when you have to start making multiple tweets or using a cypher book because what you're trying to say ends up around 200 characters after much condensation the platform is failing at allowing you to express yourself clearly

outside of the original intention of twitter (pic related) 140 characters just isn't that much, 200-250 would be preferable and while 280 is pushing it if it stops people making 2 tweets for one message I don't see the problem, people that want brevity will still be able to make short tweets much like the people that don't mind posting really short tweets don't need 140 chars and the people that just want to glance at thoughts will continue on their way skipping larger tweets much like I imagine they skip massive comment chains

>I see it's like they add a feature on Sup Forums to login through reddit.
are you kidding? a better analogy would be Sup Forums adding country flags or poster ids, which are actually quite an improvement for some boards like Sup Forums

>not cc-ing the entire world in your emails


1000000000 Likes 50000000 Retweets.

I hate twitter.

goddamn I hate black science man

>@DrNeilTyson instead of @neiltyson

Twitter is for faggots.

so it's diaspora

Can I actually do this

then just stop following shitters?
twitter, much like tumblr and facebook, are 100% a reflection of the types of content you look for
seems like all you do is care about race shit, so enjoy whining about wypipo

is this even real, how can he be so oblivious to his own stupidity and buttblastedness about clearly, Trump

who tf uses twatter? kys faggot

RIP social media marketing interns that had the task of trying to translate PR and corporate responses to 140 characters


Fuck Twitter.

They did use a round number, to double the character limit from 140 to 280

>open sores

I think she's beautiful and I love her

The one time I tried to create a twitter account, it was immediately disabled from commenting unless I provided a phone number. Like what the everlucking fuck? Normies actually do that shit?


You should respond with that. I don't understand what he's ranting about.
His problem seems to be with users not with their ability to express themselves.

I always found the character limit to only be useful for in-groups who can isolate themselves better by saying things that become clear under the assumption of their political leanings/public experiences.

And even then Twitter is entirely useless as a communication platform for anything but emotional contacts. But I have to say that a lot of intelligent people I respect prefer it. Just like Tyson here they don't constrain themselves to single 140 character posts though. And when they do post like that they are very shallow comments.

I suspect the 140 character limit is a nice contrast for these people. Nobody can expect you to make a fully fledged argument covering as much as you'd be required to in 140 characters. I find the 2k character limit here to be very restricting sometimes. Admittedly that's rare though.

I'd assume it's the opposite. The less he says the more convincing he is. Not even a slight it's just that when he elaborates on his thoughts it's at best repetition and at worst him poking holes in his previous sentence. In text that becomes far more obvious. Most people don't re-watch when they hear something they think is inconsistent.

OP pic, sms text message limit, they were trying to incorp that shit and it went sideways.

Well to be fair if they're moderately well structured changing the character limit is really just changing an integer.

literally what in the fuck is he going on about, I can't make heads or tails of whatever the fuck point he is trying to make or why he's mad. Someone please explain.

It's a fucking parody you reprobate.

Hopefully, unless pajeet programmed it.