Tech Trump should fund

We know Trump is the Sup Forums president (Twitter, using social media to BTFO fake news, etc). What type of technology would you like Trump to fund?

Other urls found in this thread:

Take this shit top Sup Forums you fucking asshole

It's about technology and Sup Forums is the technology board, snowflake.

Says the kekistani virgin


since this thread clearly isn't technology i'm gonna post cute nintendo grills



>using social media
"the Sup Forums president"

Fuck off. I wanted to talk futurology shit but you niggers got triggered when I said trump.

>Tech Trump should fund
wow clearly isn't about trump at all!!!!





>upset about trump posts
>continues to bump it
spotted the redditor

A raspberry pi for the sole purpose of compiling nodejs apps :) that would be pretty epic


I don't care. I can see every catalog is full of porno right now. It's obvious to me the jews are trying to seize control and get the goyim distracted.

You need to fuck off. I'll report you every time and make sure the goys know.

Please stop. See this wouldn't be happening if you guys would just buy a goddamn macbook pro for $2000 and sit in Starbucks looking edgy all day whilst doing freelance audio clips for five dollars a pop

>oh no teh goyim are gonna get me i better shill for the jew in order to scare away the other jews!!
ok lol



zero chance you've had sex before.

Nuclear Fusion
American flag on Mars
Quantum computing in homes + quantum internet
AI supersoldiers


Definitely think Trump will expand AI military shit. Nobody would be against a NK war if it was just robots going there.

>Quantum computing in homes + quantum internet
I was trying to think of something practical to answer OP. Obama funded meme shit like green energy. which I hate. So I don't usually pay attention to government funded projects.

But giving people liquid-helium cooled computers would be crazy.




I'd rather he de-fund the NSA and Homeland Security, as opposed to funding technologies to oppose them.


The average consumer would have no use for quantum computing over what they have now. It's only good for certain problems.

reporting every move you make


cooling any CPU to sub-zero temperatures will have monumental effects on processing power. I wasn't actually talking about quantum computing. Just making it way better.

global rule 7

I don't care. I'm going to teach everybody right now what the mods are complicit in doing. By reporting you for every rule you break.

I'm going to show them the political actors like you that ruin the boards. reported.

So many buttmadd globalists here.

Trump should invest in fiber optic OP. He should pass federal level deregulation that municipalities can't block so Google Fiber could be a reality.

>political actors
look who's talking, fuckhead

>newfag redditor keeps bumping the thread


you can squat here but you glow in the dark, nigger. this isn't reddit. you aren't anyone. just a nerd virgin loser who gets reported.

keep saying that and maybe it'll come true sooner or later ;)


everything that ARPA-E is working on. Especially non-ITER fusion power. But Trump doesn't like ARPA-E....
keep up the good work son

Trump should also be pouring money into AI to stay ahead of Chinese AI fighter pilots. America's military dominated the 20th century. Whoever has the best unmanned military is going to dominate the 21st century.

Cry harder? Go back to Tumbler. Adults are trying to discuss US technology policy.

>President Barack Obama allocated $400 million in funding to ARPA-E from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
>President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Dr. Arun Majumdar, as Director of ARPA-E.
>Arun Majumdar
sounds like an affirmative action scam to me.

thanks user :)
>Cry harder?
wow, clearly a responsible, healthy and smart adult with an active social life has won this argument folks.

>wanting the government to give corporations free money
Are you from reddit?


when is infrastructure not spearheaded by government?




damn it's sad when losers passive aggressively retreat to emoticons.
something is just cringeworthy about it. vicariously. like you REALLY wouldn't want to be that guy

it's sad when people can't even reply to the person they're replying to in the first place

>he's still bumping thread


you're a trainwreck, user. it's like you cracked when I called you a virgin.

(You) don't even deserve a (You) lmao


Everything should be privatised. No compromises.

>not quoting
you can't catch up I'm too smart, user. too many points ahead, user. I've already won, user.

id like him to fund some sort of technology to dismantle net neutrality and allow my isp to throttle my internet and hold it to ransom oh wait he did that already thanks drumpf

President Donald Trump is /ourguy/!

Drumpf is a pathological liar, misogynist, racist, nazi sympathizer, and probably a traitor. The only fake news is the shit he tweets.







>Roman roads
>build guerrilla style in countries that weren't theirs- with the protection of soldiers.
this can't be privatized. the most obvious reason being it's "illegal"

Republicans are notoriously wary of funding anything that doesn't benefit the military-industrial complex.

If Trump evolved from Nazis then why do Nazis still exist?! Checkmate motherfuckers.


Trump isn't even republican. unless you buy that "he changed"
and if that's true we're fucked. Because republicans were always massive retarded stooges like Bush and Mccain, and the people who vote republican are mouth breathers.






Rand Paul should have been the president.
>fiscal conservative
>pro privacy and civil liberties
>calls out bullshit other Republicans try to pull


>Dolan Tramp
>ostentatious, gaudy shit-loving poshboy who's word is worth nothing

Back to Plabbit.

thread should've ended there

nice thread op

>bumps a thread he hates



So others can join in the hate of autistic literal inbreds who want to worship a 'man' who wears fake tan.

Trump doesn't understand technology you fucking idiot. He says his 10 year old son is "a master of the cyber" and also said we need to ask Bill Gates to "close up the internet".

He's a technologically illiterate authoritarian moron, and so are most of his voters. He's also the master of fake news. Sage and report shitpost thread.

Only thing I hate more than a Republican is a Democrat. You retards still playing that game huh?

yeeesss BUT you could also post these pictures *while* saging the thread as well

That motherfuckin' diversity though!

>3 black people

Seth Rich was a democrat.