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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
I still have no idea what this post is trying to convey. Is it supposed to be ironic?
Jeremiah Bennett
/fglt/ is missing the vowels.
Levi Mitchell
When compressing files, is there any way to prevent the file compression from using all available system resources?
Dominic Gray
Using Windows helps.
Ryan Myers
I know you're joking/being a ret*rded shit on purpose, but IIRC Windows did the same.
Camden Harris
What version?
Blake Smith
*What version of Windows do you have?
Michael Morales
date -r /lost+found/
Chase Kelly
Dominic Ramirez
You should never recommend Windows, not even as insult.
Dominic Ward
stop posting.
Aiden Rivera
How can i check how much was written on ssd on linux?
Joshua Nelson
What is the best non-cucked browser for Linux/GNU?
Elijah Wright
Bentley Stewart
Stupid botnet user
Xavier Ortiz
>that font-rendering >google chrome botnet DUDE
Mason Garcia
After some googling, I've found ulimit does what I want, restricting RAM usage (memory is the bottleneck here). Am I supposed to run the command on bash and then run engrampa on the same shell or what?
Chrome/ium is awful. Firefox is a resource hog, but it's still better.
Hudson Roberts
Cooper Rodriguez
What do you use? Don't say DDG because it even more datamine than Google.
Kevin Peterson
Are you guys having fun with the shitposting, or are you such huge dickshitters?
>Don't say DDG because it even more datamine than Google
I know you're anti-shilling, but a search engine literally -- LITERALLY -- cannot be more of a datamine than Google. It's just not possible.
Jose Bailey
nice meme!
use a search engine which respects your privacy.
Isaac Peterson
That is blatantly untrue and you know it.
Tyler Allen
>use a search engine which respects your privacy. Thank you very much for the unasked piece of advice. In retribution, here's another: stick your advice back where it belongs, your ass.
Matthew Mitchell
>To make Chrome safer,
Luis Perez
enjoy ur botnet
Tyler Johnson
Whatever, dick-shitting faggot. I didn't ask "what search engine should I use?", so there was no space for advice in this regard; thus, any uncalled piece of "advice" in this case boils down to trying to shove your preferences down the others' throats and disguise it as "I'm being helpful, lebbit!".
TL;DR: fuck off.
Thomas Moore
It'd tl;dr, not TL;DR.
Andrew Hernandez
What vidya does /fglt/ like to play on GNU/Linux?
Jack Williams
Currently I'm playing EU4 and Factorio, but there are other titles.
Jose Jones
We are here:
Wyatt Cooper
Is it alright to use pacman on gentoo?
Asher Morgan
Why would you want to mix pacman packages with gentoo?
Luis Barnes
Gentoo doesn't have a lot of packages I use in the main repo and using makepkg and pacman to build and install packages from the AUR is so much more convenient than doing it manually. And pacman will track those packages for me and make my life much easier.
Jose Morris
What is your reason for using Linux?
Ryder Edwards
I like it
Samuel Hughes
And is there going to be instability problem? Especially if you mix dependencies up
Nolan Cooper
Comfy kernel for the GNU operating system.
Bentley Perez
I'll install anything that can be found in the gentoo's repo through portage.
Isaac Taylor
How do i format partition into NTFS on GNU/Linux?
Anthony Nelson
>EU4 >EU2 from GOG works well in wine >freeciv with a 2d tile mod (i hated civ2s isometric shit) or just Civ in dosbox or something
For the most part I'm big on just emulating Wizardry or SMT for games. More of a tabletop gamer otherwise (wargames, some rping)
Adrian Carter
Ah, "great" - engrampa segfaults if I try to restrict its memory usage with ulimit. Any other idea on how to restrict RAM usage when compressing files?
Look for a program called "gparted". At least for Ubuntu MATE live USB it's in System > Administration.
Isaiah Diaz
mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdXXX
Charles Bennett
Same as If gparted doesn't want to format it to ntfs: then you need a driver called ntfs-3g.
Gabriel Jackson
>If gparted doesn't want to format it to ntfs: then you need a driver called ntfs-3g. Yeah it didn't have ntfs in the options so i was confused. Thanks anons, ill try to install ntfs driver. By the way should i use ext4 for general file storage or go with something else like zfs?
Brayden Martin
>Linux Even though small things may not work better here than on Windows, every single Linux install on my various computers has been faster than a 6+ month old Windows install, even when I've defragged/antivirused/"CCleaned" and then removed these various bloats.
More than that, especially since I've gotten more comfortable with Linux and have transitioned to more of a power user, I like that I can do more with the system and have more documentation available to me. So often with Windows' problems, you'll just be changing and installing really random shit from random places at the advice of random people -- and you won't be able to just say, "OK, what does this actually do?"
Another big reason is just that desktop Linux has massively improved over time. Linux in 2007 was nigh unusable as a daily driver. Linux nowadays (in terms of software support and stability, let alone look and feel) is lightyears ahead of that.
Cooper Butler
For most domestic purposes ext4 is fine. If you need to keep your data safe, back it up regularly.
Brandon Brown
I have Windows 10 and Ubuntu dual-booted on my laptop.
Everything works fine the only thing that worries me is that it's the factory install of Win10 so it's installed in AHCI. Right now if I want to switch between them I just switch the RAID configuration in the BIOS from AHCI to RAID off and back.
Somebody told me this could fuck up my filesystems or something over time and I was wondering if there was any truth in that. It's a refurb that I had to send in for repair once because of a bad hard drive and I don't know if that might have had something to do with it
Jack Martin
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of GNU/Linux are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have referred to the GNU/Linux system as "Linux", but Linux is just a part of the system! Whoops! Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. You should always remember to say or write "GNU/Linux", unless you are referring to the kernel "Linux" alone!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to your new operating system!
Nolan Garcia
Wyatt Turner
recently switched from bash to zsh, any gotchas to be aware of? is there are bash to zsh guide?
Charles Campbell
for some reason my IP can't be pinged. how can i allow people to ping it? is there any HTML script to show the ping to the server in a http site? also i live in one corner of spain, but all connections seem to be forced to go through madrid (center of spain) do i have any ground to complain about the added latency from this?
Ethan Bailey
What is the best distro for my zip disquette?
Jonathan James
I'm trying to run a hibernate after suspension script in antergos but I looked on the arch wiki and none of the ones listed there worked that I can tell, I tried the systemd configuration.
I'm using a thinkpad x220, I guess for now I have the screen time out and the computer suspend after a certain amount of time, but I still can't get it to hibernate automatically using the KDE interface at least.
Luke Lee
what is the best arch installer?
William Richardson
Is there any good image viewer?
Every viewer I try either fucks up the image and makes it a kind of background when I move to another image of smaller size, fucks up when I zoom in or doesn't have sane sorting options (eog).
Closest I got was feh but even that was bad.
Nathan Wright
I remember having issues when doing some remote X windows thing, but other than that, no problems here
Jackson Price
my distro has systemd installed should I be worried?
Jack Murphy
Jose Powell
how to disable/remove?
Asher Miller
install gentoo
Leo Cooper
I would say Antergos, because it remains true to arch unlike Manjaro. I also heard Artix is the new thing for if you don't want systemd, but I don't know if that's an 'installer'.
I try to use xfs when possible, because that's the default on RHEL and CentOS servers, so I imagine it's pretty fuckin stable
Liam Smith
There's actually quite a few options. Sup Forumsentoo is one of them, but there is also the aforementioned Arch fork, Devuan, which is Debian based, Void, which is made by a BSD guy, and GuixSD, which is made by GNU, but is very early in development
Evan Rivera
Manjaro OpenRC
Jayden Ward
Your only hope is to burn the PC and buy a new one. Don't install systemd next time silly
Dominic Harris
Alpine and Slackware too
Benjamin Thomas
That's going away soon.
Caleb Stewart
Nomacs. Does a lot of stuff, more than I need, but it has a nice frameless mode. Looks like this on your desktop.
Zachary Sanders
waterfox is nice
Carson Butler
Connor Watson
Aaron Wright
How do i kill all instances of a browser? It spawns like 100 child processes and recently its been locking up on me so i have to find and kill them all. pkill,killall dont work they dont find the process. Manually killing 100 processes is impractical
Easton Gray
Not really an amazing solution, but couldn't you kill xserver?
Gabriel Jones
use a different browser?
Bentley Butler
What the hell are you doing that a browser opens up 100 different instances of itself?
Mason Parker
I have alot of shit open that i bounce around between,its a pain restarting xsession Funi Its normal, its always been this way.Firefox,chormium, they both do it
Jason Martinez
Stop being a mouth-breather who uses more than 10 tabs. Learn to bookmark shit.
Christian Robinson
I have 4 tabs open, 2 of them are pinned /fglt/ and /sqt/ are pinned and i have a thread open in Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Juan Sanchez
If killall or pkill doesn't work, you're doing something wrong.
Thats what i did, it didnt kill anything Manually killing them via kill -9
Jonathan Diaz
use $ kill -9 1234
Jose Reyes
What's the easiest way to run a Windows XP virtual machine on Linux?
Chase Perry
# YOLO kill -9 "$(pgrep . | shuf -n 1)"
Ian Brown
Evan Flores
Alpine Linux!
Hunter Robinson
What the fuck though?
I only ever have 1 firefox process, even after I've had it open for years and have 10 million tabs open.
Leo Reyes
>Fuchsia is a capability-based, real-time operating system (RTOS) currently being developed by Google. It was first discovered as a mysterious code post on GitHub in August 2016, without any official announcement. In contrast to prior Google-developed operating systems such as Chrome OS and Android, which are based on Linux kernels, Fuchsia is based on a new microkernel called "Zircon", derived from "Little Kernel",[1][2] a small operating system intended for embedded systems. this will kill the Linux
Brandon Gutierrez
minus quote
Jaxon Jones
That's actually pretty hilarious. We should make this a traditional /fglt/ game or something. Every Friday, and post results
Samuel Murphy
>take one of those distro chooser quizzes >it gives me Void >I actually use Void impressive