AdNauseam, De-Googling, and Privacy on the Internet Thread


Have you installed AdNauseam yet? Are you helping us slay the big evil Google, Sup Forums?
This thread will be full of shills who will claim this is doing nothing to Google... but they're just doing damage control for the evil big brother.
In reality, fake traffic is killing Google and is destroying the trust between them and advertisers. Destroy the trust and you've destroyed Google's ability to make Billions and censor the web. When you send random fake clicks, you're destroying the value of their data and their ability to train their algos to target innocent people.

So if you haven't already, install AdNauseam and run it. Then visit some ad heavy sites and let it do its work. If you have been running it, tell us how many dollars have you cost this pure fucking evil.

>Google and Its Partners Will Issue Refunds to Advertisers Over Fake Traffic
>Company says several major online ad ‘exchanges’ have agreed to cooperate
>Alphabet Inc.’s Google confirmed Thursday it will issue refunds for ads bought through its systems that ran on websites with fake traffic, and said a handful of its partners have agreed to do the same.

WSJ article:


Adnauseam install:
Peer-reviewed paper:
Run this once a day to destroy AdSense:

Other urls found in this thread:

in b4 some fag defends the "little guy" advertiser.

kek... these shills always come up with shittest defenses.

I'm tempted to install this on the work computers so Google won't know I'm a bad goy.

will googel of the grand magnificent googl galactic empire gibe me moneys if i install this and give them shillbux via

Just do it. Set the click rate below 50% and you're good to go.

Evil Jewgle strikes again.

Op going at war against Google

>Yes goy, you shouldn't block our ads. Instead you should click on all of our ads. That's the best way to fight the system. There's a good goy


nice reverse psychology, pajeet.

Nice cryptominer faggot

nice try goolag shill. stay mad as we destroy your evil empire.

Me second from the left

thanks for your service, internet justice solider o7

Why would the extension be open source then? It doesn't make sense.

Not a Shill and I'm actually running adnauseam, but thinking this will destroy Google and drive them to bankruptcy is naive at best. Unless you can convince every normie you encounter in the world (I know you want to believe america=the world but that's not how it works) this is really doing nothing. They blocked it because obviously evil corporations love money (even if they have a ton) and even losing pennies enrage them. I will keep using it and spreading the word tho, I'm just being realistic about it.

I have some questions about this plugin, if you will listen.

1.) Is it safe to use? will it click malicious ads?
2.) Safe to use with chromium?
3.) Won't this just generate a ton of traffic from the ad clicking?
4.) Dos and donts?


It doesn't take much to pollute their ML algos, user. You'd be amazed how easy it is to do so. This is why Google went nuts over AdN.

this jeapardizes their entire system and trust
I don't think you grasp the size or scope of this attack.

inevitably it will end when google bribes the adnauseam devs and the software is killed.

>this jeapardizes their entire system and trust

Well said. I agree. Destroying the trust is the key. It will never come back (or it will take a very long time).

Below is the real red pill on AdNauseam.

The Marxist Jews are the masters of subversion. They know best how to infiltrate the discourse and twist it for their own good. One of their common techniques is called "false equivalence". The trick is to substitute a minor, mundane issue for a major one and eventually take the attention away from really important things. So called "ad surveillance" is one of the examples. Yeah, it's kinda nasty, but no more than dog poo in the street. It's basically cookie tracking which can be disabled with one click. Only tech-illiterate normies who buy shit online are affected by it. Can I easily disable government surveillance? The effects of mass migration, affirmative action, anti-hate speech regulations? The Marxist Jews don't want people to talk about it, they want everybody to focus on their ad poos. This is not even helping the cause. Instead of promoting alternatives to Google services and Youtube, damaging Google's reputation in the eyes of normies, they make people vent out in a safe outlet, which may actually benefit Google in the first place.

Big advertisers have been waging click wars on each other for YEARS. Reports of mass click fraud date back to 2015, 2013, 2011.. And they use much more sophisticated methods than just blatantly sending 100 clicks an hour from your home IP. Over 50% of web traffic is bot traffic at this point. Do you think Google's quantitative analysts are dumb? That they don't have early filters in place? If anything, it's Google's competitors that will suffer from click fraud first.

So, what's the REAL goal of these Jews?
- To give Google an edge over competitors because the latter can't handle click fraud effectively and lack good quants
- To sell data to Google for their new adblocker
- To suppress smaller scapegoat websites in favor of (((big))) ones
- To push the discourse sideways, in a safe direction
- To expose the IP addresses of people with questionable political views
We can only guess.

not my masters


Holy shit, look at this spam from a shill.

Blame google, blame google. It seems that everything's gone wrong since google came along.

1. It doesn't click ads per se - it uses a javascript web request, so whatever's on the other side of the ad doesn't actually get rendered by the browser. Even if the ad leads to malware, the result of the request is discarded, so you're safe.

2. Safe with anything. It's literally a fork of uBlock Origin.

3. If you turn the clicking on, it will necessarily generate more traffic.

4. DO turn it on. DO turn it off if you're on a site you care about.

Reminder... Google employees come to these threads and threaten to kill Adnauseam users.

>faulty logic
t. goolag/adtech shill

>mfw I turned my 4chanX filter off and forgot I trashed these gay threads weeks ago
>see OP still making his advertisement and replying to himself
>27 posts, "shill" appears 6 times, 7 times since I've began writing this post
>Still believes unironically that Google is replying to his posts personally
fucking jej

I was trying to make a reference to the south park movie la resistance song, the other user reminded me of it and the goal of this extension.

>makes the same thread every day
>accuses other people of being shills

no one cares

its funny i dont see you in other generals

read the rules, goolag goy.

>open source

Choose one and only one.

You certainly cared enough to reply

only if you think my reply as worth anything



jewgle strikes again

Guy has posted it enough times even google knows it's from Sup Forums

how sad you have to be to shill your company on chinese porn forum. thats something ill never understand, its probably because im a neet

>2. no humans

... and especially when the company in question is pure fucking communist evil.

yeah, google is on suicide watch right now,

Okay, I refuse to believe that jess is not a satire

certain kinds of mental insanity are now considered normal... in the US at least. it's all due to a decade of LGBTQBBQ lobbying and infiltration of the media.

Can't wait for this to be forgotten about in a year when this ultimately does nothing and just wastes the time from some dumb anons from Sup Forums

>inb4 "google shill"

No seriously keep at it, after all my response clearly means it's working right?

seems legit to me :^)

you dont need to wait a year, google will release their reporn at the end of october, shit will be hilarious

how do you waste time by doing nothing? i just install it and leave alone

>Run the codefag script and leave the computer
No time of mine was wasted

Even if I cost them $100, it was worth it to me. I've done something to stop the pure fucking evil. I did my part. I'll sleep well.
As for you, pic related jewgle shill.

your post looks legit :^)


no, set click rate to 50%

say something nice about me

Just installed it. Thanks for letting me know. Can I still keep uBlock Origin?

No need for uBO. Adnauseam is a fork of uBO and if you run uBO beside it, it won't work.
Make sure to adjust settings to pic related.

I see the symbol "u" and when I click it it activates the same uBlock Origin feature. Wow, this is great.

I've set the features to resemble your screenshot.

>evil corporations love money

You're fucking retarded. All corporations love money. That's how it fucking works.

what could happen if you use adnauseam
>kill google
whjat if iyou wont be able to kill google
>nothing happens
theres literally no reason to not install it

Nice! Now go on Google, YT, Buzzfeed, NYTimes, Washington Post and the rest of the shit sites and just open the page once so it sends them clicks.

Fuck them all.

i click fucking ads by accident all the time
does this have support for opera browser?

Should is set the feature to always click ads or just sometimes? I will!

Most of googles software is open source. Open source doesn't mean shit if you haven't read the code yourself, or it hasn't been audited by a trusted third party.

99% of sites are infected with google analitics so it doesnt mater. ill keep clicking ads with adnau

Do you have the setting set to always click ads or just sometimes?


Does it matter 50 vs 100?

100 makes it easier for them to filter your activity, if they should ever catch on.


>just sometimes
if you click on all of them, you'll be easy to spot. make it random, under 50%, so they can't detect it. See pic:

Got it. Thanks.

I hate google as much as the next guy, but OP writes like a reddit-tier faggot combined with an used cars salesman. Something that only makes me distrust AdNauseam

>if people shitpost about it, I don't trust it
This leaves you with very, very few things you can use.

I am not speaking about shitposting, there is something in the way op writes that feels very false


Hit 158 on one site.

p o l y a m o r u s
q u e e r
a u t i s t i c
t r a n s
l e s b i a n


now its even better

>I hate google as much as the next guy
LOL... good opening!

> but OP writes like a reddit-tier faggot combined with an used cars salesman. Something that only makes me distrust AdNauseam
Hahhaha... so what do you find objectionable about OP? Isn't he doing exactly what someone who hates Google should approve of? Or did you lie about that first sentence and now you're just butthurt about it?

Stay fucking mad shill! Every day, we're racking up Goolag's fake clicks and decreasing the profitability of their clients so that Goolag will lose its power.

See pic... we're at step 3. One more step, motherfucker!

>dat immense butthurt of a shill

>google blacklists adn on every platform they can
>palemoon blacklists it and calls it immoral (which can only be true if it is effective)
>adn itself is open source and anyone can read the source and point out any quesetionable code
>threads are filled with people shilling against adn

The reason I can tell ad nauseum is working is because of all the shills. There'd be radio silence if ad nauseum wasn't negatively impacting google.

im not a shill lel I just think the thing is fucking stupid and possibly malicious. I tried it for a few days. All it did was ensure that ads were clicked on every site I was on, ads already relevant to the site, and basically just tracked me more than I already was. I'm sorry but I really don't see how in the fuck this helps anyone who actually has reason to care for their privacy. You see, if some normie uses it, itll click a bunch of facebook ads and whatever shitty gosip/'''journalism''' sites they go on and I guess sorta the idea works there.

But for someone like me who's looking up specific technical things, what the FUCK? I already can fucking disable javascript, disable connections to certain ads networks etc myself. why in the fuck do I need something clicking everything in the background, ensuring that I'm well tracked? Fucking explain that faggot.

Honestly just looking at this line
>See pic... we're at step 3. One more step, motherfucker!
fuck man
just go back to ledit
I'm sure theres shills involved in these threads but I don't think you are one, you seem more just like a naive faggot who thinks hes doing the right thing. Really fucking try to explain how any of it makes sense given what I've put forth.

why the fuck would there be anything in the code you idiot

its just the whole idea
its pantsu on head retarded.

>explain how ad nauseum is ruining trust in google's ad platform
>explain how de-valuing ads will deal significant financial damage to google
>'hurr durr go back to ledit, it doesn't work'


"Why the fuck would there be botnet code in the thing I'm claiming is a botnet"


I'm sorry but I care most about MY FUCKING SELF
and your fucking shit app only helps track me, so with that said, I really don't give a fuck what else it might do thats supposedly good. Fucking hell, you just don't get how stupid it is for anyone technical to use this. For normies I get it, except your ads are autistic as fuck and no normie cares about this shit.

I'm not claiming its a botnet, you're putting words in my mouth, what kind of person fucking does that hmmm

Why do mods allow this open shilling of malware here? Are mods in on this?

I'm not sadistic but I love to see all you shills squirm and get so upset over this.
I have a laptop with LTE/4G and every time I connect, I get a new IP. Every time I connect, my script opens a new browser window and the browser opens a bunch of tabs and AdNauseam goes to work. Other script clicks on random Adwords. Basically, every time I use my laptop I'm costing you fuckers >$1000 in fake clicks.
It's fucking glorious. I love it. I feel better about myself and just smile knowing an evil company that exploits people and censors free expression is paying for it and I'm doing my part in slaying the evil beast.
Keep on getting butthurt... it only makes my penis harder.

ok well I'm really not a shill which makes you sound really silly to me I hope you know that. Like you can't seriously believe that only shills would think this is dumb. Totally makes sense if this costs advertisers that shills might show up but I'm not one of them so fuck off faggot

I did some Twatter sleuthing and look what I came across? Hah! People who want Adnauseam banned on Sup Forums are literally fags and Hillary shills.

I bet this buttmad retard works for Goolag or some adtech company.

Wow... this has to be the most pathetic person alive and he's now here on Sup Forums

30 ips

my new install adnausemum is not detecting ads



50% is still way too much, normal users click less than 1% of all ads.

why is it not detecting ads

>Google employees
Sounds more like a LARPing AdNauseam shill to me.

Below is the real red pill on AdNauseam.

The Marxist Jews are the masters of subversion. They know best how to infiltrate the discourse and twist it for their own good. One of their common techniques is called "false equivalence". The trick is to substitute a minor, mundane issue for a major one and eventually take the attention away from really important things. So called "ad surveillance" is one of the examples. Yeah, it's kinda nasty, but no more than dog poo in the street. It's basically cookie tracking which can be disabled with one click. Only tech-illiterate normies who buy shit online are affected by it. Can I easily disable government surveillance? The effects of mass migration, affirmative action, anti-hate speech regulations? The Marxist Jews don't want people to talk about it, they want everybody to focus on their ad poos. This is not even helping the cause. Instead of promoting alternatives to Google services and Youtube, damaging Google's reputation in the eyes of normies, they make people vent out in a safe outlet, which may actually benefit Google in the first place.

Big advertisers have been waging click wars on each other for YEARS. Reports of mass click fraud date back to 2015, 2013, 2011.. And they use much more sophisticated methods than just blatantly sending 100 clicks an hour from your home IP. Over 50% of web traffic is bot traffic at this point. Do you think Google's quantitative analysts are dumb? That they don't have early filters in place? If anything, it's Google's competitors that will suffer from click fraud first.

So, what's the REAL goal of these Jews?
- To give Google an edge over competitors because the latter can't handle click fraud effectively and lack good quants
- To sell data to Google for their new adblocker
- To suppress smaller scapegoat websites in favor of (((big))) ones
- To push the discourse sideways, in a safe direction
- To expose the IP addresses of people with questionable political views
We can only guess.