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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Does anyone know how I can enable horizontal scrolling? I've been using synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1 but it seems like it turns off every time I shut down. I'm using DeepinOS.
It's fast, minimal, doesn't have systemd, and is fairly comfy
On the other hand, most of its shit is BSD cuck license
Ayden Brooks
How can I create a device which prints "lmao" when I cat it? $ cat /dev/ayy lmao
Matthew Ortiz
Which shell is the best one and why is it tcsh?
Kevin Reyes
bump tcsh vs bash please
Jose Jackson
Ian James
Is the comment at the end of the ssh key in authorized_keys optional?
so if I have ssh-rsa somefuckingkeysaokjdflkashfd comment ssh-rsa anotherfuckingkeyasdfjasfdkjh would the 2nd key be okay?
Easton Murphy
echo "lmao" > /dev/ayy
Joseph Price
How good is fedora 26?
I can't stand how Ubuntu looks and I just want something that works and is minimal.
Xavier Jenkins
You can try Ubuntu Gnome otherwise
I like Fedora
I like Debian more though
Blake Barnes
How many "bleeding edge" packages do you really need and what is apt pinning?
Ryan Anderson
fedora and ubuntu are both corporate cuck distros
arch, debian, gentoo
Joshua Howard
Grayson Harris
>apt pinning kek i when a was lurkin for 'mixing software vesions' i read that its bad (due to dependencies or other staff). kek if its pinning is good maybe i shoud not installing Gentoo and stay normie XDDD
But sudo apt update gives the error Err:9 loki Release 403 Forbidden Reading package lists... Done E: The repository ' loki Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
I looked that man page but it doesn't have a fix for it
Cameron Edwards
Millions of results online. Pick one.
Cameron Adams
>403 Forbidden
You can look as much at manpages as you want if you are forbidden to access the site.
Josiah Hughes
just use snapcraft
Cameron Foster
apt pinning is not bad or rather not WHAT is bad, especially with backports as you should only install the software you need the backport of, not fucking everything from the backports repo. Same with experimental in sid.
Logan Butler
How do I fix that?
Leo Moore
If there is a cat command, why isn't there a dog command? What if i am more of a dog person?
How do I prevent Ubuntu from installing a thousand country-specific dictionaries for Firefox? I'd rather keep one for each language, for example I don't want a South African English dictionary or a Dominican English dic.
I've tried System > Preferences > Personal > Languages; it lists the languages but not the varieties. Ditto for Synaptic; and localepurge didn't help at all.
Brandon Torres
You guys, I just wrote a python script that scrapes weather data and emails me the next couple days forecast each day.
I know it's a little thing, but I finally made something that works. Man, this is freaking cool!
Colton Mitchell
Try removing the firefox-l10n-* packages then manually install the program translation and dicts you need from
David Thompson
Thank you - I'll do that. BRB.
Thomas Ross
going to buy a full set of drives for my NAS (6x4TB), and use MDADM is MDADM any better than the old as fuck hardware raid in a dell rackserver from 2009?
Cameron Price
So. I tried your approach (remove the system installed files and install manually the ones I want). It looks like the culprit wasn't firefox-l10n-* (I couldn't even find those on apt), but hunspell.
Doing it fixed the issue (pic related), but it opened another - now libreoffice has no dictionary. I guess I'll need to install those manually too.
Thank you!
Xavier Ward
Can people with different environments post the output of ls -l /proc/your_window_managers_pid/fd?
This is for Openbox. Basically this means that all stdout from the graphical programs is being lost and not logged anywhere? That kinda sucks.
If there is a man command why isn't there a woman command?
Gavin Johnson
Try these steps (in a non-flake distro such as debian/arch/gentoo) if you have a uefi board, user. You may not agree but personally i think dualbooting is retarded. If you REALLY need W10, why not just apt install virt-manager? Performance is damn near native for any non-toaster PC. Good luck, user.
Austin Fisher
Thanks for the answer and fuck it, I think I'm going for full disk encryption. Do I have the same performances in games in a VM or should I just stop being a child?
Jeremiah Myers
Are there any free services that send SMS messages through a python API? I wouldn't mind paying, but I'd much rather do it for free if that's possible
Carson Cooper
there's a love command, but it's Sup Forums related so you're still fucked if you're looking to get 3dpd
Cooper Cook
Misread this. Thought you were trying to spam RMS with messages
William Stewart
Not the same performance without gpu passthrough wizardry + a second monitor. But games are still playable/enjoyable without all of that. Unless you HAVE to, don't virtualbox.
It's a slow, bloated piece of shit and hiccups randomly. Try virtualizing a cluster with vbox and see how long you can tolerate the BS. I So, if your hardware allows it go kvm/viet-manager... it's way faster.
Alexander Hernandez
>want to send a notification >find notify-send >read manpage >-t sets expire time >try it >doesn't work >think something broke >start hating myself for being too stupid for a simple task >search the web >bug is 8 years old >new, new, wountfix, new, new, ... t-thanks
Oh, you are talking about virtualbox specifically. What software should I use then?
William Evans
Pic unrelated? GNU/Linux gives you the freedom to choose between many notification systems. You can even switch to a custom notify-osd which supports whatever you want. Personally, I recommend dunst!
Carson Williams
Virt-manager. It works with kvm.
Evan Brooks
So I have an ultrabay drive here, that I barely use and want to have spun down most of the time. I have a udev rule to set it on start and a systemd service to re-set it on wake and all that shit. It still spins up when I connect a USB device, of all things. and it still spins up on startup. google's throwing me fuzz.
Michael Bennett
that's why babby distros suck, people expect linux to just work, but its not designed to just work, then some shit happens they can't fix and instead of fixing it, people complain like usual
Aaron Morgan
Use a different notification program.
Parker Phillips
Nathaniel Ramirez
I use notify-osd with dunst like
Daniel Gray
Fucking Sourceforge had to go down when I needed to get the latest Filezilla
And why is the latest fucking Filezilla on and Ubuntu PPA totally broken? (3.25)
Jaxson Martinez
>notify-osd with dunst Why would you need two programs that accomplish the same? I doubt you can even get two of them to work at the same time.
Brody Baker
Does anyone here run Dropbox in a Xfce environment? On login it automatically starts but tray icon is nowhere to be found. Also, I cannot manually disable auto start. If I delete .desktop file from config it recreates the next login. Auto start in unchecked in Dropbox settings. It works normally in other DEs.
Connor Ross
Hey guys I'm trying to set up debian.
Do I just put down like my name for the hostname?
What the hell do I do for the domain name? Can I leave it blank?
Jackson Robinson
are you retarded?
Charles Peterson
Hostname is the name of your computer. You can name it something cool, something edgy, or name it after your waifu, etc
Domain is the name of the network it's a part of. If you don't know, you can probably just leave this blank
Jose Nguyen
Sebastian Richardson
Reminder that everyone in your network will see your hostname, so choose wisly.
James Hall
Are you? I know that xfce4-notifyd doesn't work with another notification daemon running in the background because it "steals" all its notification messages.
Dylan Wilson
Also something to keep in mind is that the default command prompt in the terminal will be:
So you'll see the name you chose when you're doing command line stuff
hostname is easy to change username is where you should choose wise
Wyatt King
Exactly. The risk associated with this is directly related to how normie the people in your network are
Nicholas Williams
>whole network With wifi enabled, your whole neighbourhood.
Adrian Martinez
If I have sshd set up on one device and I try to connect with sftp from another, should it just werk? I tried
sftp -p 8022 It's termux thats why the port is 8022. Don't hack me pls silly boys.
Colton Russell
i put it in xprofile look at your other startup application stuff
Christian Edwards
you'll need to supply a username if it's different than your own name@IP like that
Easton Smith
Next time you get a chance man dunst to see how wrong you are. FYI dunst handles notify-send directives just fine.
Jason Johnson
my laptop screen is broke, I tried to boot it up with a monitor connected and of course I need to install the drivers without seeing anything, fuck my life not gonna replace the screen just gonna save for a new laptop
Jonathan Hughes
No, I want to send texts to myself, from my server
Evan Lopez
cont... either way I have to save my files so what do I do lads? remove the HD and connect it to another computer?
David Allen
>drivers for an external monitor This stuff usually just werks. What drivers does your monitor need to work? You can use a live usb to download them. >remove and connect to another PC? Yes. Or boot from a live usb and transfer them to wherever.
Kevin Campbell
>I want to send texts to myself Aww are you that lonely?
Evan Morris
notify-send and notify-osd are different things you idiot.
Juan Kelly
nah, I just wrote a little program that scrapes weather data, and I wanted it to send a text to me each morning with the forecast. I can do it via email no problem, wanted to see if I could use text instead.
My carrier supports sending email to [email protected] but the format it delivers the messages in is ugly, including all sorts of wrapper text, instead of just the clean forecast output.
Jose King
I don't know, it's an old ACO LCD monitor model TFT17W80PS. Had to buy a VGA to HDMI converter.
Luke Cox
go read the manpages like you were told to, xfcetard.
Evan Thomas
actually, looks like textbelt will send texts for ~3 cents per message. Freaking gay that I have to pay for them. GVoice used to support sending messages via an api, but not any more. ah well, email it is
Dominic Fisher
>he thinks notify-send and notify-osd are the same
You've been exposed as stupid and now you stick to some ad-hominem attacks. Kill yourself and stop spreading wrong information on here you retard, but first look up the freedesktop notification specification, notify-send and then various notification daemons which implement that standard (dunst amongst them).
Ryan Ortiz
man tac
Nolan Carter
you're the one who said you cant run two demons at the same time, retard
Matthew Collins
>he can't get xfce to work with dunst idk who you think you're talking to but go read the manpages like that other user told you to, manchild.
Kevin Robinson can run tons of daemons at the same time lol, do you know what daemons actually do?
Ryder Martinez
stop trolling you twat
Nathaniel Roberts
Stop lowercase posting.
Lincoln Bennett
Nathaniel Sanchez
I said that they won't work, you retard. Then you insisted that the notify-send implementation to send notification messages is the same as notify-osd which is a notification program that prints received messages. They will run, but only one of them will get the messages sent over dbus. At least that's the case for xfce4-notifyd with other daemons.
No one mentioned dunst working in xfce you fucking idiot. The point was that having two programs which listen to the freedesktop notification specification messages on dbus don't work together well (or at all) because they accomplish the same task you didiot.
Samuel Nguyen
GTK user spotted.
Jacob Price
>he thinks the freedesktop notification specification has anything to do with GUI toolkits
Just kill yourself already to stop polluting this thread with your retardation.
Logan James
You're new is showing.
Dylan Cook
oh it's worse than that, I use mac os as my daily driver
Luis Johnson
Hello guys I just got Debian installed and I love the look of it but everything runs so fucking slow.
Like even opening my applications is like a 1.5 second lag before it stutters open.
Any help on reducing this. I found something on the forums telling me to check the results of hdparm /dev/hda
But even after installing hdparm it says command hdparm not found when I try to run this.
Any help I don't want to switch back to Ubuntu, but everything ran perfectly with no lag in it.