>new video gaym
>get into the gayming spirit again
>gaym is wangblows only
>reboot my gentoo machine into the old wangblows partition
>updates "100%" for half an hour
>finally done
>taskbar takes 2 minutes to load all the icons
>start iridium, takes another 30 seconds
>go to the torrent page where i found the game earlier
>click magnet link
>transmission opens on second monitor that isn't connected (minimize/restore animation shows the window moving over there)
>windows settings says there's only one monitor used
>won't load the fucking add torrent dialog
>notice antivirus is doing lots of shit on the hdd
>uninstall it, adds its fucking icon to the desktop after uninstall finishes, but whatever
>now some windows service is doing shit on the hdd
>reckon it's superfetch, kill it through services
>same thing happens again with ms telemetry process
>now transmission loads the dialog, but it's still on the wrong monitor and win+arrow keys doesn't do shit
>fuck it
>get baretorrent
>torrent downloads at 10-30 kbps
>uncap upload since i know deluge likes to cap download like this too
>task manager: windows update using all my bandwidth
>kill that bitch
>not working
>say fuck it and run taskkill /f /im svchost.exe as administrator
>kinda expected
>pick up phone, navigate to hacked-together rutorrent web interface for rtorrent running on my gentoo-powered raspberry pi
>steadily downloads at near-full speed with no upload
How can winfags live like this?
New video gaym
Sorry to hear it, user. Generally speaking, I think it's best to handle Windows like any other dangerous program you might want to run for whatever reason: Just virtualize it.
buy an SSD holy shit
>buy an SSD for a de-facto compile server that gets to boot Windows once every few months just so Windows doesn't choke itself to death
>install linux
>start typing
>it doesn't type
srs question
why doesn't windows have a package manager?
Op is a fucken retard Linux does the same shit on oldass hdd
Get a ssd
OP retarded as usual
My ssd is coming soon. Can't wait to install gentoo.
>Run KDE Plasma, possibly the heaviest DE ever, on same computer
oh i thought you were using a windows partition on your main desktop computer
Its alright on a SSD
However, its a nightmare on a 5400rpm HDD
Yeah, sometimes windows is quite insane. Linux experience is the most chill and hassle free way to use a computer. **You just need to learn it.**
>waaah!! why is this game windows only? stupid windows!
>waaah!! why do I have to suffer the consequences of not disabling automatic updates on my gaming environment? stupid windows!
>waaah!! why do I have to wait for things to load even though I know it's because updates are being applied, the same ones that I failed to disable? stupid windows!
>waaah!! why do I have to get the backlash of not configuring my "old wangblows" that I know will be used for gaming in the future? stupid windows!
>waaah!! why is telemetry and botnet on if I didn't bother to disable it in the first place? stupid windows!
>waaah!! why is windows not linux? stupid windows!
Yeah, yeah we get it. We all get it. You're just lazy.
linux just werks!
but the windows store is a package manager, user
>there exists an OS which comes preconfigured to meet exactly my needs...
My, my, you don't say.
>...so that gives me the right to complain about every other one
Sure go ahead. You just look stupid.
it just werks!
Actually yes. I know you're trying to push the "it's all subjective" narrative, but it is objectively worse at torrenting.
Go ahead and put waah before a strawman.
Funny you bring that up in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with objectivity.
sudo pacman -S emacs
than how to add more repos into pkgmgr
>How can winfags live like this?
we don't
gaymur babby detected