Just got a job offer in Shenzhen. What is Sup Forums's opinion on the internet in China? Is it sustainable? Is it how most nations will control the internet in the future? Appreciate any insight
Just got a job offer in Shenzhen. What is Sup Forums's opinion on the internet in China? Is it sustainable...
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>Is it how most nations will control the internet in the future?
The US and much of Europe are trying to, but those pesky human rights keep getting in the way.
>major life change moving to a foreign country
>how is the internet there?
Really have your priorities straight user
It's very much sustainable. VPN is banned but the ban is not enforced, meaning those who want to peak beyond the wall will do it. More information is flowing in than flowing out, simply due to the language barrier (more Chinese speak English than more foreigners speak Chinese). Major internet services have their copies in China. Chinese mobile payment system if 50x larger than that of US.
Shenzhen has decent air quality (out of Chinese cities) and good public transit but is humid as fuck, though
Full VPN ban isn't enforced yet, but I think it'll come eventually. Maybe even next year.
This is a technology board, not a paralyzed by change board, sweetheart.
There's no way to enforce a blanket VPN ban because they can't stop people from visiting foreign websites altogether. What they do now is gradually degrade (drop packets) your connection when you're connected to a single foreign IP for too long and all your packets are encrypted, to discourage the use of VPN. If they do "ban" VPN, it will be at most a blanket ban on major VPN services like NordVPN or ExpressVPN (PIA is already banned years ago), and require companies that do need VPN to function to register so the use can be regulated.
Completely terrible.
chinks are like fucking insects, get away while you can
Be prepared for brown outs frequently. Least that's how it was in Shanghai when I lived there in 2013
Sup Forums is bot the advice board
>spend time learning about Chinese internet
>don't learn anything about Chinese culture and look like a retard
I guess you can take the sperg out of the basement but...
Shenzhen is a high tech city like NY or Tokyo and you can avoid talking to people at all if you want to.
I recommend everyone going to China for a whilr to set up an OpenVPN server on a Raspberry Pi or Odroid (GbE). Set up port forwarding so that several ports point to the vpn, and choose uncommon ports.
I noticed the speed degrading, especially when I was watching Youtube, but changing the VPN connection to a different port ever so often definitely helped.
Just because he's doing one doesn't mean he can't do the other. Do you even think your posts through?
Wouldn't go there if a goddess herself lets me suckle on her boobs and pays me for it in solid gold bars
As long as you have a you are good, and don't use a free one
Also China is cool as shit, especially if you are white. Don't listen to these faggots who've never actually been.
OP here. I have been to China before for work. I'm white and I speak Chinese. I know what I'm getting into, I was just curious if Sup Forums thinks China's internet is the internet of the future. It sucks but it's doing wonders for their economy by eliminating foreign competition and stealing ideas. China isn't bad if you have a generous salary
>eliminating foreign competition and stealing ideas
Which is exactly why you should avoid it, fucking chinaboo, you'e a foreigner too.
It's not Chinas internet that really eliminates foreign competition, no.
i mean, china blocks facebook, so there's a plus for you. but they probably require you to join chinkbook.