Do you guys actually use some linux distro like full time? Seems weird to cripple yourself during your job and all

Do you guys actually use some linux distro like full time? Seems weird to cripple yourself during your job and all.

Other urls found in this thread:

>linux user

I do. I'm sorry you're incapable of seeing that other people use different things. Also, if you know nothing of a subject you shouldn't just assume it's inferior. Please stop shitposting

that picture is not sexy
please stop posting non-sexy pictures

there's literally nothing I could do on Windows that I can't do on linux except play Killing Floor 2

I only use windows for muh games. Run Debian for almost everything else.

How so? I use Linux at work as well.

Very good choice!

Yeah, I do at work. I use Ubuntu. I also have Debian on my home server, works well too.

Fedora/RHEL/CentOS for work and pleasure...

My work PC is arch and my home PC is w10

I manage ~1200 servers, I have a lot of scripts and shit, it was easier than setting up cygwin to just run linux

Are you trying to buttblast the linux users, or something?..
3/10, really weak.

>Seems weird to cripple yourself during your job and all.
I don't understand. I write software for Linux for a living, why would I not develop on the same platform I'm developing for?

Yes. I switched from Windows 98 to GNU/Linux. I've been using it ever since.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "cripple yourself", but it really depends on the job. And yes, there are quite a few which requires software that's only available for Windows. I'd probably use that if it applied to me.

Windows 7 for cad and occasional games
Arch for everything else.

I use ZorinOS Lite as my only OS. It's fine. Gets everything done. I can't stand the blurry windows font rendering and the DRM/spyware/malware. I'd rather buy a MacOS device than use winshit.

I only boot into windows for games. There's nothing else I need that linux can't do

>he isn't using an actual OS
>he's probably using Windows

Yep, I'm actually incapable of doing IT shit on windows nowadays I been gone so long. Most of the software I use is libre enough to have windows builds though, doesn't fuck with me one bit.

Job requires me to use Linux

Ironically, most of the NEETs of the world use windows.

Linux users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

Have a you

That's because everybody uses Windows.

What are you doing besides shilling your hobbyist OS? This isn't your blog.

I'm not shilling, user. you're assuming people who use Linux don't actually do anything on their computers. Browsing Facebook and playing videogames isn't doing anything on your computer either, so why are you here shilling your OS for kids? This isn't your blog.

>not knowing what proportional means

How would you windows users get tech support if all the intelligent people left the board?

See, I knew you weren't doing anything. Know how I knew? You use Linux.

I browse the web and play vidya on Linux. The OS of choice isn't at all related to your job. I'm not saying the other guy is right either. In fact he's retarded.

See I knew you weren't doing anything. Know how I knew? You use Windows.

I'm a writer from /lit/. Microsoft shouldn't bother sending shills to convince me to use Windows until they have a tiling window manager. Everything is more efficient from working on my literature to procrastinating and shitposting. Windows feels like a toy in comparison. it's like going from an iPhone to a ThinkPad.

Oh I do too, I was just making a point. Yes, he is retarded

I actually built a Linux machine that has all the same functionality as my Windows work laptop (on an old spare). Now that I know I can do it, I'm debating on replicating it on my production work laptop. I don't know why I'm wary of doing it, I've been using Linux exclusively at home for the last 5 years.

Linux users really are wrong about everything, aren't they?

Windows users are really wrong about everything, aren't they?
Look, user. The fact of the matter is that you know nothing about Linux, or you know just enough to shitpost about it. That doesn't make you an expert, and you making baseless accusations and claims gets you BTFO within two posts. So instead of actually providing evidence for your claims you resort to even lower levels of shitposting in the hopes that you'll somehow save face. You're wrong about Linux not being used for anything productive, just admit it and either move on, or learn to use the OS. You might actually learn something

Linux users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.


Windows users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

Why are Windows users this insecure about themselves? are you just a bunch of betas or what?


Why are you here when you don't belong? You're just a Sup Forums crossboarder.

That's not a source. Where is your statistics, research, evidence that Linux users don't do anything with their machines? The user you linked me to just proves his point, because you don't actually do anything with your machine besides shitpost

I can understand why mentally challenged people are attracted to "desktops" and "windows" and dragging "folders" and clicking "buttons" but GUI is the ultimate form of crippling your productivity. How many tasks are optimally performed via a spatial analogy? Compare this to using wildcards on the command line to precisely perform a task.

top kek

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>Seems weird to cripple yourself during your job and all.
Tell that to my 10000 linux servers.

This isn't you safe space you insecure manlet.

I'm terribly sorry for interjecting another moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Most computer users who run the entire Linux operating system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.

There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.

fuck off stalman. Go back to justifying why you can use ATMs but other people are wrong if they make use of things with closed source.

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games.

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

>if your not actively supporting my argument of gamers being good and Windows being all you need, you're a Sup Forums poster

Freetardism is Sup Forums, This board is for the discussion technology. You're not here for that, so fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>oy vey

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

Nice shitpost user

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

>I think games are the only software in existence, so if I don't play games it justifies doing nothing with my Linux computer!
Jesus, fuck off to Sup Forums.

You are doing it wrong kid.



Good luck programming games on Linux, freetard.

>he doesn't write his own game engine

You were saying?

I don't believe that telling a fag that he's a fag will lead to fags who just realized that they're fag and decide to leave. How stupid are you guys ITT.

Sup Forums is normie land now, stop crying and deal with it.

>good luck programming on a system built for programming
Thanks, I guess?


>stickied post on Sup Forums for years in Stallman because Sup Forums supports free software
>Sup Forums gets popular due to political shit
>suddenly Sup Forums is full of moron posters trying to promote closed source shitware
Get out, leave, never come back.




Oh fuck off and take your freetard meme with you, newfag. Most people in the real world care more about tangible characteristics than political wanking.


Kill yourself for thread sliding, you fucking faggots


> >>>

What the fuck is wrong with you, nigger?

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:

Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:

> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

>Windows child gets blown the fuck out so hard he has to resort to telling people who disagree with him to go to a board that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Kill yourself


Linux users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

Windows users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

Source on your claim, shithead?

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to


Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

>Good luck programming games on Linux, freetard.
It's actually strikingly easy.

Shit like Xonotic exists and it's actually really fun to play the instagib
Gotta git gud.



Current state of windows:
- Release a piece of shit OS no one likes
- Hire shills and apologists in tech forums to correct the record

Shame on you, microsoft

The proof is in the pudding. Linux users don't do anything. Making your life more difficult is not "interest in technology." You're conflating effort for accomplishment. "I'm going to use a set of tweezers to individually remove grains of dirt from my floor. Don't you see this means I'm more interested in cleaning technology than those vacuum cleaner plebs?" No, you're less interested in the technology and simply interested in making yourself feel superior for using a more difficult method.

You really need to get educated about our Hebrew friends. I can see you still have some growing up to do. :( It's OK though, we were all there at one point.

What's even worse, they try to slide the thread insinuating that people who don't like Windows should go to a board unrelated to ones OS of choice.
You're a faggot and your analogy is shit.

>straw man argument

>Making your life more difficult is not "interest in technology."
By that a typical wincuckold means that "I don't want to bother with technology"
How typical. If they can't handle tech why are they still here? It seems that they are more interested in the product, not the procedure. They are more interested in games, not making them.

They should just leave and stay in Sup Forums if you ask me

Linux users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

>Release a piece of shit OS no one likes
Very true

Windows users should really be banned from Sup Forums. I mean, if you don't do anything with your computer you obviously don't belong here.

bait thread but I use centos 7 and macos every day at work.

Can you please kill yourself?