Who here is literally immune to carpal tunnel, even when using keyboards and mouses for hours every day?

Who here is literally immune to carpal tunnel, even when using keyboards and mouses for hours every day?

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I thought I was, until I turned 40.

Enjoy your youth while it lasts.

I used to have severe problems with it but I fixed it with proper posture and regular grip exercises.

More info? I got carpal tunnel from wacking it too much

Happens mostly to fat white people.


White people have jobs

I've been typing and using a mouse for 15 years, and for some reason I don't have any signs of carpal tunnel.
>wpm: 90>
>accuracy: 90%^

Pic related is ruining me.

I'm 27 and just starting to feel it on top of my hand when I play video games. clicking and overall control of the mouse just seems lighter and is like a .125 on the painscale, you just lightly feel it but its there

I'm def past my prime

>get a real strange and weird pains in carpal region and finger tingling
>massage and excersize my hands
>its gone
>doesnt go back.

I have a suspicion its mostly related to myself sleeping in positiobs that cut off circulation so i started paying it attention and stopped sleeping at my desk with my head on my hands

25y, playing osu! for 5 years, smashing my wrist rly hard, never had carpal tunnel

Same. If I play games like I used to, my wrists and hands might ache for a full day

Excersize your hand before it got worse.

I spend 10-13 hours in front of the computer mostly on the weekends. I'm 28 and all I really ever got was a ganglion cyst in my left hand, probably from the gym. It comes an goes away on it's own.

Were you doing this at work or home?

I got a habbit of sleeping on lunchbreaks, never had balls enough to actually bring a pillow to my workplace so I was sleeping on my arms.
And then I wake up and see my hands are cold, don't feel shit and can't move a finger.
That cant be healthy.

Carpal tunnel doesn't hit you until you're out of your 20s. Like arthritis.

>play osu! and program for 8 hours straight
>no wrist issue once
pretty sure it's genetics desu. similar to loose joints being desirable in ballet. (n-not that i was a ballet boy)

get gud, lift the pain away

>not killing yourself after 30

You're just asking for problems.

>Not retiring before 40
Fucking pleb