What the fuck is freeBSD?

What the fuck is freeBSD?

Who the fuck are you?

The OS that MSFT used to serve Hotmail because Linux and Windows was too crappy.

Who the fuck are user?

Operating system.

It's the OS that microsoft stole source from. See: TCP/IP stack

The user fuck?

Nice graphic. I can tell you put a lot of effort into it.

I fuck minors

>What the fuck is freeBSD?

The kernel you use to run your KDE Plasma OS on, duh.

Fuck, standards are getting low around here.

well, its free.
And its BSD.
It also goes balls deep

nice bob

show vagena

minors fuck freeBSD

With open source projects it's legal to use source code from other projects as long as you agree with its license. It's not theft nor illegal.

it has even less support than linux, what is the point of using this?
literally nothing supports it, can you even install most browsers on it?

I envy you

>can you even install most browsers on it?
You can install any POSIX application just the same as on GNU.

but y use it

I can't answer a subjective question like that, I could tell you why I use it but that's my reason, it's not going to apply to everyone.

It handles some workloads better than Linux.
Bhyve is in the base system, so it's really easy to spawn virtual machines.
The ZFS support is more advanced than Linux

It's a cleaner OS. It's personal preference at this point really, unless you are a very large or research organization, in which case FreeBSD's filesystem and network stack are considered superior at very large scales.

Not really a noticeable difference at desktop levels though.

post cute daemons



Maybe you prefer the computing tradition of proper UNIX rather than GNU/Linux. It could be subjective.

Maybe you heavily utilize ZFS and/or jails. FreeBSD has some cool shit.

Maybe you just want to use FreeBSD because you like the development philosophy.

Don't ask dumb ass questions.

dont give stupid answers

Nice bait, dickhead. gb2/b/

If you assume they are baiting for attention then why did you respond to them? That's not smart.

I'm not enough smart for faggets like you?, i have 360 of IQ

ask dumb questions, get dumb answers

A meme, also a shit BSD distro with poor security and cancerous community.

You mad BSD?

what distro is better than freebsd


just goes to show how little you faggots know, BSD's are their own complete OS's, not distros of a mishmash of software.

NetBSD. Still cuck license but the community seems nicer. OpenBSD is meme security, LibertyBSD is more respectable.

Call it want you want nigger, you are hateful as you can be.

o no

NetBSD isn't and never was GPL.

hi riley, fuck off

i wouldn't even be shocked if you were the one that shitposts every BSD (and especially openbsd) related threads just because they laughed you out of the mailing list

an OS that used to be used for firewalls

Open sores != libre
Example: a lot of Windows is open sores, but you don't have the freedom to copy and redistribute it.

That doesn't change what I said or have any real relevance.

Well, basically any project is better than FreeBSD, because FreeBSD development is infested with Macbook-toting hipsters that don't give two shits about free software and don't eat their own dog food. Even if I don't agree with OpenBSD's interpretation of free software, I respect them a helluva lot more than the 50% of FreeBSD development that doesn't even use free software.

Yes it does. It has everything to do with your post. You said it was legal to use source code from other projects under open source. This is mostly but not entirely true. There's no tie between the freedom to redistribute software and said software's source model.

Try reading the whole statement instead of half of it. It's literally one sentence, you dunce.

I wasn't addressing your whole point. You're still wrong.

By that reasoning, all software, regardless of being open sourced or not, so long as you agree with its terms, allows you to redistribute it. If that's the case, there's no real meaning to your post.

the relevant bsds are osx/freebsd and derivatives, netbsd/openbsd only exist to maintain ssh/zfs to be ported to real projects

>netbsd/openbsd only exist to maintain ssh/zfs
isn't that what Illumos is for? Further more, I think you're completely dismissing the embedded market.



>I wasn't addressing your whole point.
You don't even know what the point is, you misconstrued it by cutting it in half.

>You're still wrong.
Explain how.

>all software
Why take it out of context when the context is clearly linked?

>so long as you agree with its terms, allows you to redistribute it
As long as the license allows for redistribution, which in this case, it does. It should be obvious that if a license does not allow for redistribution then you cannot redistribute it. I'm legitimately surprised you can't just intuit that.

>work for CISCO
>receive no contribution
Nice license you got there FreeBSD


fuck off

If your boss doesn't pay you then you should contact a lawyer.

but not all open sourced software is licensed in such a way that it permits for redistribution.

Nobody said otherwise, what is the relevance?

Nice word play, you shit don't make sense when is the license. Of course, BSDcucks don't care.

>With open source projects it's legal to use source code from other projects as long as you agree with its license
>It should be obvious that if a license does not allow for redistribution then you cannot redistribute it.
>but not all open sourced software is licensed in such a way that it permits for redistribution.

I wouldnt have such a problem with *bsd if they just gave docker credit and abandoned this "jails" ripoff meme.

Why would you lop all the BSD projects together like they were the same project?


What specifically are you confused about? Please try to word it into a question rather than just quotes, I don't know which part of which statement your focusing on.

>shit support
>cuck license
>no games
>toxic community
>known to scam people into becoming betatesters

How can all open source projects permit the redistribution if not all open source projects have a license that permit redistribution?

Only the ones that permit it do, BSD does allow this so it's not "stolen" code.

If they are not cucks, why you don't see a GPL'ed BSD version?

Then you're saying that it's not legal to use source code from all open source projects even if yo agree with its license if the license is such that it does not permit redistribution? In which case, why would you explicitly say "open source" fully knowing that open source was not a variable that determined if a software project had a license that allowed for its redistribution?

BSD is not the only open source license, it's just the one we're talking about. You should consult the license of the project you intend to use and see if they allow for redistribution or not. The point of truth is the license itself, always be sure to read it.

BSD is a free license, and a side affect of that is that it's open source.

We aren't responsible for your illiteracy, stop asking questions and learn how licenses work

>learn how licenses work
Did you?

More or less, it depends on who you ask, GPL advocates will gladly assault you for using the word "free" as they have a different definition of the word. The project itself is currently open source and licensed under some version of the BSD license and may contain projects that have other licenses as well.

It's 3 fucking clauses you rube

Real question, why don't people fork freebsd or any other and make it GPL?

why isn't this thing as popular as linux?

What benefit would it have?

Hey look, is FreeBSD!

Attracting more people? Convincing BSDs are not bad? More devs joining because of the GPL? Having a place in /fglt/?

What if I make a BSD with the tools from CISCO routers, and make everything GPL?


You're welcome to try it if you think it's a good idea but I personally doubt it would get any traction. Even if it was relicensed that would not make it GNU or Linux so it shouldn't go in those threads, why they ever branched off from the more general Unix threads to begin with is a mystery to me.

>implying Linux thread didn't came before
>implying bsdcucks weren't retards on unix threads against linux users
>implying bsdcucks didn't shitpost with "gnu's not unix" every time

If you're after my attention just leave a form of contact instead.

Lets keep that idea of forking in mind. What would be to GPL:

A monument by the cuck license.

Berkely Systems Unix

As always freetards butthurt about the BSD licensing, geezes did you ever try to make money?

>geezes did you ever try to make money

t. BSD kek who willingly works for apple, sony, google etc FOR FREE


condensed garbage
install gentoo instead, unless you want to larp as a 1337 unix admin

no, I'm releasing open source software to be freely used by anyone as he likes under the terms of the BSD license

BSD = at the end more freedom for the end user, for me I don't care if someone makes money off of it open or closed source