Lets hear those startup ideas, Sup Forums
Lets hear those startup ideas, Sup Forums
A bomb desguised as a lost wallet with a gsm uplink signal rssi and intertial sensor so it only hurts people.
Ponzi scheme botnet
tinder, but for finding fellow pajeets working in US to go poo on street together
solar-paneled cellphones
Holy shit, with GSM MEID identification that's a fucking scary concept.
Internet connected toiled which can start warming up your seat while on your way home in cold days
Some bullshit IoT consumer product, but after our inexplicably successful first round of fundraising we take the cash and move to Venezuela. I hear it's actually pretty nice if you pay off local officials.
An ai turret that fires hiv infected darts at people.
> not based Uruguay where weed is legal and economy is better
If I had one, why the fuck would I tell you what it was?
damn that's evil. lighten up, user.
A calculator that can dance circles around the monopoly ti has over schools at at least half the cost
t. poor student
A device that detects rare mushrooms
>Pick up trash and recyclables in and around the subway and dispose of it in specialized bins that reward you with money/points per set volume you've put in. Sign up and use the bin with an app.
>Transport trash to incinerators and recyclables to recycling plants.
>Produce energy and products.
>Sell energy and products on the market.
No real business plan just thought I could gamify the process cleaning the streets.
Nice try, Zuckerberg.
what about an autonomous swarm of drones that gather and classify litter
charging stations around the city
although they might accidentally steal a bunch of shit or get stolen by nigs
A dating app reserved for weeaboos. I am unironically considering it but I would need some code monkey since I can't program for shit
AI chatbot switchblade.
facebook, but for professionals
>swarm accidentally puts nigs in trash
Exploding battery in telephone to cause a new 9/11
That would be fucking cool. Maybe they could be upgraded to kill rats, cockroaches and other vermin as they come across them too.
I'd love to see the streets and subways of this city clean. You'd bet your ass it would be something I'd want to work on. I just know it's not something I can start on my own.
Generic shit app idea with fake machine learning to get investors pumped like usual.
Not really a start up
Just a Sup Forums clone with specialized capachas for specific boards
Like solving equations for sci
Music theory questions for mu
So on and so on
LinkedIn exists already
That actually sounds pretty cool. Only the people who care about the topic can post.
Maybe you don't have to create the whole website. Maybe just the framework for keeping off spammers like captcha is doing.
And you could probably find a way to monetize the data you gain from all those solved problems/questions.
Even if you couldn't monetize, just having a website using that framework would put you ahead of most developers looking for jobs on the market right now.
Use machine learning to determine whether or not OP is a faggot.
This would be the first sample I would feed it.
Result: you're AIDS.
Some generic IoT device that appeals to the masses, only for it to be a botnet.
A guy in my class did that last year, pretty cool
Shitting on your boss's desk as a service
Use a browser extension which mines bitcoin when computers are idle.
Don't even need any extensions to do that. Just use js.
>have to get sum of all primes under 1 million for Sup Forums
no thank you, I like to make money off those who try to make money :^}
A laptop with a glass lid so you can use natural light to light up the display. You know, for when you go outside.
Drones simultaneously dropping off molotov cocktails on big crowds
A charity taking advantage of the recent surge of cheap microcomputers to provide educational systems for low income children.
I think theres already a dating website for weeaboos. Forgot what it was called.
It's voluntary slave labor in exchange for a place to live and food to eat
A laptop which has the sole function of browsing and posting on Sup Forums. It would have a 256GB drive for storing reaction images and dedicated buttons for various Sup Forums controls. Running a Gentoo-based OS, of course.
dont forget that you can use the user's phone's GPS to tell if he is heading back home. no need even for timers.
you could also make it free as in free beer and sell the user's movement information to NSA/Corporations.
a buttplug that filters methane from farts and emits fresh-smelling air instead
Uber for escorts
Basically you push a button and 10 minutes later a slut arrives at your door.
Wouldn't you guys want to use it?
An App That Gives Me The Sex
I don't want to enable female behavior.
Prostitution is illegal.
A mobile phone with keyboards.
Not here it isn't
They just tend to get in trouble with the tax man
But being an escort is fine and dandy
Not everyone lives in Thailand.
that already exists, it's called tinder
I could see that beign a thing.
A sort of mix between LinkedIn and tinder to find an indentured servant.
tinder but for fight clubs
I've had an idea kicking around for a while. I don't think it would be successful, but I think it would be pretty neat.
Basically it would be to create a modular home server/personal cloud. It would have an app store so that you could deploy various services which would basically be containerized apps. The apps could be anything people come up with and publish, but the ideas I've had off the top of my head are backup appliances, media servers, personal web servers, game servers, and generic linux containers.
The hardware would be designed to be modular and upgradable, and the storage would have to be on RAID. To help get income from them, and provide a better service to the user, there would be a $5 or $10 a month subscription where if the device detected a failing drive, we would overnight a replacement drive to the user and the drives would be in hotswap bays so it would be easy to replace. There would also be a way to do a one-click order drives on the store for people who don't have the subscription or if they need to expand the storage. I've also thought about having expandable compute modules which would be like raspberry pi on a slot-able card, although that makes the overall hardware much more complicated. Expandable memory modules wouldn't be that difficult though.
The base hypervisor would be hardened, firewall all the containers, and running a WAF on all traffic by default.
I think the selling point would be maintaining control of your data and making home servers easy to use. Again I don't think there is enough of a market. It would have to be really polished to make it accessible to everyone. People having crappy internet connections is a problem too.
methane isn't the stinky part of farts.
Would they still come to my house if I live with my parents?
yeah, but your dad gets the first go
Prostitution is legal in a lot of countries.
Prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand though but no one gives a fuck. Same in Japan.
Venezuela is literally worse than Africa rn.
already exists user, it's called casio
the only reason why we still use ti is because a million textbooks require it, and textbook makers are too dense to accept that this isn't 1990 and ti calculators are hot garbage compared to today's casio calcs
Yes. They'll even cook dinner for your family and pretend to be your girlfriend.
Yeah but good luck getting your money in. The government will force you to convert at the official rate which is like 1000x less than the real rate
its uber but for cumming
>The government will force you to convert at the official rate which is like 1000x less than the real rate
hahahahahaha nigga pls
bitcoin but 10 years ago
A pizza place where you cook your own pie
so.... your kitchen?
Or do you mean pizza places that sell uncooked pizzas for you to bake at home? Cuz that's already a thing
A company that designs large rubber bladders, eliminating maritime oil spills once and for all
Sorry. I was being sarcastic. It's only 150x
Tinder is dangerous:
An Oxford graduate who stabbed her Tinder date – but avoided jail – caused outrage again when campaigners compared the sentences handed down to working class men in similar cases.
Lavinia Woodward walked from court on Monday after the medical student received a suspended sentence for an attack on a man she met on Tinder.
Woodward, 24, stabbed Thomas Fairclough in his lower leg at Christ Church College.
During the assault in December 2016, Fairclough, 25, sustained cuts to his hands and had numerous items thrown at him.
However, Woodward was deemed “too clever” for prison and was given months to deal with her drinking and drug problems before sentencing.
Her treatment under the British justice system has left onlookers livid.
“If she wasn't Oxford-educated, if she came from a deprived area, I don’t think she would have got the same sentence and been allowed to walk free,” John Azah, chief executive of the Kingston Race and Inequalities Council, told the Daily Telegraph.
Others claimed her case highlighted the dangerous difference between the treatment of men and women.
“The judge seems to think that domestic abuse, when it is committed by a woman against a man, is not as serious as it rightly is when it is the other way round,” said Mark Brooks, chairman of the ManKind Initiative.
Woodward admitted unlawful wounding at Oxford Crown Court, but Judge Ian Pringle QC said it would not be right to damage her chances of becoming a surgeon – a “long held” dream.
However, with a criminal record, her future in the medical profession may be damaged anyway, according to experts in the field.
Woodward attacked her boyfriend, who she had met on the Tinder dating app, after drinking.
Fairclough had attempted to contact Woodward’s parents, and had to call police to stop her assault.
The Milan-based Woodward has voluntarily stopped studies at Oxford because of her notoriety, but the world-famous university will decide how she is to be punished if she decides to go back.
During an audio recording of the police call, Fairclough can be heard screaming he had been stabbed by his girlfriend.
“I think my girlfriend has taken a lot of drugs and is throwing a lot of stuff around the house,” he said.
“Please come down here.”
Police took Woodward to a cell where she allegedly attempted suicide.
An iPhone case that doubles as a bomb but it only goes off if a Tyrone touches it.
They have that, its called working at Dell
Its like github, but for hardware
Service, as a service
I have the perfect product to go along with your idea user: Internet connected toilet paper. You buy a fancy mechanical (which comes with half a roll's worth of tp already) and then a couple packets of toilet paper which you roll around the tube, But since it has a DRM scanner you can't user other brands otherwise the tube part will automatically fold into a tiny plate, making the toilet paper fall off. It also sends you notifications telling you how much tp is left so you can know when to buy more.
>fancy mechanical tube*
haha... clever
I need this :(
I have a rare mushroom right here, it has never been seen or touched by anyone else.
Gtfo Rick and morty fangay
Uber for Uber-like startups.
My startup will allow people to make their own Uber clone.
A cup with a gyroscope in it to prevent spilling in a car ride
>go outside
whats that
sensible jej.
an app that generates startup ideas
that game suscks
I don't think anyone is ready to give his hatdware for free
Just mount the cup holder on a two-axis swivel
Escorts already use Uber.
A browser extension or other content blocker which uses an AI/NN to block pictures of spiders after a certain hour.
How about an app where you can sell or give away your left overs from the night before. No more food is wasted that way.
But if they're from the night before, aren't you excited about eating them since you're hungry again?
Not in first world countries.