/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

The Usual Suspects Edition.

Previous >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to fuck the cabal.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

anime will rules the world

press S to spit on anime

not your blog, loser


I really don't get this obsession with people from trackers. You guys seriously sit around photoshopping their heads on stuff?

get a job.

Isn't the OP image part of a dox? Isn't this against Sup Forums global rules?

Looking for an HD tracker to upload to that isn't HDB or AHD.

I micro manage my trackers while at work from my phone

yep. you can get him banned.

Everything is fine.

I assume you don't want HDB because of how hard it is to get in, but why not AHD?

>Looking for an HD tracker to upload to that isn't HDB or AHD.

Pointless to look for this. HDB is the only good HD tracker.

No one snatches.

Look, I just want to dump this stuff where people who want it can get it. I've already got HDB, but the more places I can use to unload it the better.

Oh I see
Fair enough

The Pirate Bay

>6 people have donated $50 tehc

my fucking sides

>bandaid on a bullet hole

>I just want to dump this stuff where people who want it can get it.

PTP or BTN, clearly.

AHD superpower 2020

If you kneel during the national anthem, you are a degenerate.

what dox?

Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire at the end of the day.

Don't they expire tomorrow as per their own post on front page?

Do not tell me what to do.

Can someone post the pyramid picture?

>20 left to use

So glad I remembered.


in the feminine world of private tracker staff, a dox can be repeating a name they've shared publicly in the past, or reposting a picture they've shared publicly in the past

Yes in about 33 and a half hours.

32 and a half.

Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me [2017] [Album]
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me [2017] [Album]
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me [2017] [Album]
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me [2017] [Album]
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me [2017] [Album]


I love you


Getting so much fucking buffer on this thanks to the slow ass seeder!

downloaded it and now all my torrents have turned red

What the fuck people. People having problems with PTP and one guy saying "you have to build buffer everywhere before snatching unless it's shit tier like pooloo".
You guys are either so retarted that you can't survive on trackers like PTP without advice or so autistic that you need 2TB of buffer before snatching something you are actually going to watch. I dont know which one is better.
If you have any content on your PC, cross seed that and shit is easy. If you are some laptop fag snatch couple of new freeleech torrents and enjoy your buffer and BP. I had absolutely no problems with PTP/HDB even though I'm using my home connection and only seed ~2TB at total between ALL trackers. I have never downloaded anything I'm not going to watch soon just to build buffer.


I want an Oppaitime account. How do I get an Oppaitime account?

cool story but i'm still going to snatch freeleech on PTP and build my buffer so I can not have to worry later

>tfw i would let demi lovato piss all over me and spit in my mouth and i don't even get turned on by that kind of shit normally

Why would anyone let plex transcode media?

Convenience and data limitations.

I dont even know who she is but Sup Forums says her name a lot so I know she's popular so she was worth a download and yep, most buffer on any torrent today on RED.

Google her. I could spunk just from looking at her without even touching my dick.

how much?

Over 2GB so far.



Better question, why is Plex so slow to buffer even if you use no transcoding? My Internet is good, I can DL an average BDMV in less than an hour.

She's uglier than an average JAV actress. Acquire taste.

teh dying wouldn't be that bad if myr SENT ANY FUCKING INVITES

I wouldn't have problems with ptp if they had mentally capable staff

Easier for the relatives to use whatever fucking device they want instead of explaining why they can't play on their ishit


is teh down?

I used to be obsessed with Asian girls too. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it. Pretty much every race is hotter than East Asians.

Not for long if you donate for a speedy recovery user!

fuck off with these shit OPs, retard, and seek help.

I'm working on TEH replacement, what should I call it?

hello darkness my old friend

Pass the Connection

>70 freeleech tokens left
>no idea what to spend them on
>downloading anything /ptg/ suggests would get me >MARKED

2017 FLAC you idiot. Hurry up.

Have fun not getting recruited to HDB from PTP ever with pump and dumping.

>posts in /ptg/
You're already /marked/.

AHD recruiting on X264.

>i'm still going to snatch freeleech on PTP and build my buffer so I can not have to worry later

biggest mistake PTP members make. your stats will be ruined.

Same shit happened to me


Why? Fucks up average seed time if you pump and dump?

Blutopia will surpass HDB in 2020.

the pajeet dear sirs

>Fucks up average seed time if you pump and dump?

yep and you will never recover. download files strategically and use bonus points instead. don't download anything you don't actually want to see unless it gets you massive BP gains.

Tbh that's not a problem really. I did this on other tracker, got couple of TB of buffer but currently my average seed time is over a year. Though most people would just delete the files after H&R rules.

Did anyone respond to that post? I'd love to see some staff try and navigate their way out of this one

It's a problem no matter what. Using bonus points is always better for your stats and doesn't rely on you to fill your hard drive with shit you don't even like.

Remember to use your tokens. They will expire on September 29 at 23:59 site time
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire on September 29 at 23:59 site time
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire on September 29 at 23:59 site time
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire on September 29 at 23:59 site time
Remember to use your tokens. They will expire on September 29 at 23:59 site time

'Never recover' is drama-queen levels of theatrics.
As long as they have a seeding base that they aren't deleting people will be absolutely fine and their averages won't look too bad. If they want to play it doubly safe they can limit their FL snatching to scene web-dl, which will be trumped by scene BR encode after a week or so, which means it will be deleted from site and won't affect their averages.

>As long as they have a seeding base that they aren't deleting

Except they always do that. They need to do it because they usually don't have enough space.


2017 FLAC

Just a bit under 30 hours.

Except they don't always do that. i'm one of the people who used that exact method over a year ago when I first joined, my stats are absolutely fine and I'm on HDB (albeit via BIB. but yaknow).

just under 29 hours


I have 2TB king buffer from the initial FL so I don't need food stamps


gibs me buffa

ackshually you are right, sorry.

>got early food stamps so doesn't need current food stamps
>somehow proud of that

true nigger mentality

>only 2TB
Truly the king of bufferlets.

Someone told him to “take his bullshit somewhere else” and another mod just straight up said he was lying. He told them all to go fuck themselves and ban his account

Even if it was made up the thought that anyone would defend that joke of a tracker is shocking in itself

Get on MaM never used it probably got disabled or banned. What is a good public tracker i can find epubs on?


if you want files of the same low quality as mam just use mobilism

where do you find files of complex quality?

what's the latest news on tehc? will it ever come back?

>gots muh food stamps already
>fuck yall niggas

Sure, as soon as the sysop comes back from the gulag we're good to go.