Post some interesting technological advances that can revolutionize the way we live.
Post some interesting technological advances that can revolutionize the way we live
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nuclear weapons
Call me a faggot but that thing looks funny and cute.
Fish needs to diet
some way to safely harvest nuclear energy on a small scale, like on a plane or in a car. you wouldn't need to refuel for years.
I don't think the stuff they use in space probes is safe for mass use yet.
suicide both
wtf is wrong with it
It's too fat. It needs a small cork strapped to it to make it more buoyant so it can actually float
probably swims upside down. The cork is to force it the right way up.
It has a swim bladder disease or something. It's wearing a "fish wheelchair".
lukewarm fusion
It's got gas. Cork on top or else it'll flip.
As for op, sliced bread is the baseline for all other technological advances. So obviously sliced bread.
this is gonna be banned in israel while they push it on TV/internet everywhere else.
>I don't think the stuff they use in space probes is safe for mass use yet.
diamonds were always safe.
Flying cars piloted by Google AI
Before smartphones I had to conduct social interactions in public places.
i forget, what's the opposite of cold fusion called again?
ability to turn energy into matter...
I was thinking radioisotope thermoelectric generator