Save money on ram upgrade to 1060. Just feels like your getting screwed spending close to 1700 and only getting a 1050ti. IF it wasn't for butt coins you could easily get a 1070
Jaxon Bailey
>poverty tier cpu and gpu >expensive (((gold))) psu >expensive case >wifi adapter - are you sure? >expensive mobo >expensive SSD >tge cheapest core components >that RAM is under 3000mhz which is bad for ryzen
For that price you could get a way more powerful system or you could cut a couple hundreds of bucks off this one of you are poor.
The only rationale for this build is that you plan to upgrade to high end next year but then get yourself a good ram too.
Christian Watson
>Wi-Fi Yuck. I would never spend $1700 on a build that I would have to run over wireless. > 2 2TB HDDs 1 4TB is cheaper. Unless you're doing RAID. >$19 fan Nigga what? >M2 SSD memeshit, SATA 3 has higher throughput
Worst of all > $1700 budget > skimps on the fucking CPU and GPU
I'd trash this build.
Christian Wilson
If you plan to launch this build into an upgrade you better off waiting and just buy a damn Xbox or ps4 and a really nice tv instead of throwing money away on shit pc parts
James Stewart
Carter Foster
>$279 for a 1050 Ti What the fuck? You can get a 1060 for that price
James Nguyen
Hold on user, I'm building you a $1700 pc for you that isn't actually shit.
Austin Cox
Evan Young
Yeah I saw it later. Pretty much this. I don't know how you can spend 1700 bucks and end up with a 1050ti and a quad core.
Adrian Gonzalez
These are Australian prices.
Tyler Green
Looking at his build I'm still confused desu
Jace Collins
How can you pay so much and get so low end pc? Wtf am I missing here?
Dominic Martin
Being Australian
Nicholas Hill
>buys a half baked budget gpu >buys the lowest end of an already cheap great cpu.
did you come here to just get laughed at?
Because i'm laughing at you.
Ian Gomez
1700 bucks is about 1300 American
That build seems a little less retarded now. Considering a monitor and meme.2 ssd
Brandon Perez
Benjamin Johnson
Whats wrong with tp-link? never had any issues with any OS, including OSX and BSD
Benjamin Flores
>230 bux for 16 gigs of 2666mhz ram
Isaiah Brown
plz no bully
Benjamin Jones
It's hard being an aussie buying a computer, especially these days. There's some things worth spending money on, and others decidedly not.
Here's a way better build for your money. Shop from a few suppliers if the prices are cheaper, save on shipping if they're comparable.
- You definitely don't need 16GB of RAM, it's dumb. - Extra fans are a giant have, you don't need em - You don't need a DVD drive, it's just USB today. - I try to keep away from Corsair power supplies, there's definitely lemons in there, some are good, some are housefires.