Looks like Firefox and Chrome got btfo by Edge

Looks like Firefox and Chrome got btfo by Edge

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Netscape is better by 50 speed though.

>literally 5% difference
appears legitimate

time to use edge in vm

Microsoft isn't able to produce anything of worth. Practically all of their software is pure shit.

>Our browser integrates directly into the operating system forgoing any stupid bottlenecks caused by our own shitty Application layer.

It's sad it took them this long to make something that should have been good from the start.

Reminds me of those Nvidia vs amd benchmarks

>visual shows like 30%

Does that even surprise you?
I mean, Windows 10 is the first Windows that does font rendering in the user space instead of kernel.

No way this is true

someone post the one with the amd vs nvidia chart

the scale starts at 25000

Chart is old. Difference is nothing now.

Isn't there something about these stock browsers having an advantage because they are integrated with the OS?

edge runs like trash on my pc and takes 5s extra to start compared to chrome and takes 5-10s to close i literally never use it if i can

It's mentioned there, among other things.

Fuck off, Rajesh

should i get edge on wine?

No because linux isn't a piece of shit and gimps userland programs.


>that 25,000 to 31,000 scale