Fuck it, why not?
Fuck it, why not?
Because emulators exist? Hell even VLC now ships with a C64 emulator to play C64 music files.
The keyboard probably feels like shit
>The keyboard probably feels like shit
So, just like the original then.
>So, just like the original then.
why did you quote the entire post?
>no 1541 drive to smack around when floppies won't load
why even bother
>why did you quote the entire post?
to trigger you, of course.
ps: your mom's trying to poison you.
>no floppys
Does it have the ability to program and run basic? If not this should be in Sup Forums.
Why get a c64 when the 128 exists and is cheaper faggot.
doesn't matter because it's only for decoration
because I still have my Commodore SX-64 and a box of 5.25inch floppies
Is it legit C64 guts you can program/run demos on?
Why not? Because it's a toy.
Original C64's are plentiful and if you want modern hardware, get a C64 Reloaded.
Even the almost two decade old C64 DTV was miles better with a C64-on-a-Chip instead of an emulator.
can you program it in basic?
you know it's not.
you know you can't.
>Even the almost two decade old C64 DTV was miles better with a C64-on-a-Chip instead of an emulator.
This. Even though it was made by a grill and years ago, it's still better than the manchild shit like the "mini" series of consoles we get these days.
terry, pls. where are you going to connect it?
Frankly, the Atari 8 bit computers were better.
>a grill
a qt one?
It's apparently not real. You have to plug a USB keyboard in via one of two ports (the other port is for the joystick)
Because it's just an emulator
You can do the same with a raspberry pi
You don't know?
post more circuit girl
where did jezzy go anyway, kind of lost track after she got fired from valve
>she got fired from valve