thanks for hijacking my http traffic and injecting javascript (man in the middle) to let me know that I'm running out of bandwidth.
Thanks Comcast
What happens when you run out?
>actual data caps
Wow didn't know burgers were this cucked.
Silly americans, data caps are for cell phones.
$50 charge, then $50 more per additional 100gb. This should be illegal.
>he doesnt like being bent over and findommed by old jews
wow it's like your a commyunist who hates success
So this is what freedom looks like
I'm pretty sure that eastern Europe doesn't have muslims or data caps.
Europoor here, can confirm almost no muslims in eastern europe.
Mainly because eastern europe don't welcome them with open arms and free money like western and northern europe.
They do however have to deal with gypsies which honestly isn't much better.
The internet is pretty god tier tho. 100mbit and gigabit internet for less than what your average american mcdonalds meal costs.
And they really don't give two fucks about piracy or copyright infringement, unless the literal CIA bribes them enough for extradition.
>muh freedom
Eastern Europe here, muslim are well behaved and no data caps.
They pass my country freely and we help them arrive to Western Europe, meantime they like us very much for this so everyone is happy.
How's housing costs and do you know how the job market generally looks for electrical engineers over there. Sounds like a nice place to move to.
this. romania fag here. internet is great and gypsies aren’t that much of a problem unless you go directly into their populated spaces, where all they do is just steal your phone unlike rapefugees.
man I hate gypsies
when you say gypsies you mean the scum stinking thieves animals subhuman species that needs to die or the Fanfare Ciocărlia type that make awesome brass music
Don't use Comcast dns then you dumb asshole
So that's why Sup Forums hates Europe so much
We just have better internet :3
Wtf gypsies are light years ahead, I don't worry about my daughter being raped by a gypsy
>Eastern Europe here, muslim are well behaved
No they're not, stop spouting shit
Eastern European here. Just to let you know, I get unlimited 60/60 wired internet + IPTV + some IPTV box for 15 EUR per month.
Electrical engineers are well paid.
Most paid are programmers here.
I can see that you smell of Sup Forums so I am going to tell you real life situation here.
Muslims here don't dare do anything wrong here and when we have "Slava"(feast) they usually drink alcohol and eat bacon with Christian Serbs.
Everyone in balkan drink, eat and listen to same shit and have same mentality.Only Croats are litle bit different because they are westboo.
Aren't those the same?
nope by light years
Gypsy detected.
$70 should be symmetrical unlimited gbit fiber. Even this shitty capitalism here can do that, and it definitely would have been better to just lay down fiber with the government.
Via fiber?
found your problem user
>i want commie bullshit like the government telling ISPs what they cant and can do
I pay 14€/mo for 700kb/s down 10kb/s up(no caps). It might be slow but it is more than enough for me.(location: rural greece)
> Via fiber?
I honestly don't know what kind of infrastructure they have going to their local switch. There's a regular CAT5 cable coming from their switch to my place. It carries both the IPTV data stream as well as the internet stream. (Apologies if I got the terminology wrong here)
Oh, and I just did a random speedtest. Got 90/60 this time.
Someone should construe a scenario where their MITM causes actual harm to the website,
then sue Comcast.
Another eastern european here, no they are fucking not last week i went to my city's park and there i saw shirtless adult muslims sitting on the grass and dirt. Seen old fuck muslims with really young girls , the headscarf has become way too much of a trend even for the christians , and a while ago they started destroying the gifts we sent them at a immigrant camp. I wish i could go back to the past and tell myself not to accept them in my country.
Well OP. You have one more complimentary month of overages. Make it count.
Why the fuck is this even legal in USA.
I've never seen data caps in the past 10 years in my country.
You are full of shit.
>I don't want the government to pry the corperate cock out of my ass because I've developed stockholm syndrome
>Why the fuck is this even legal in USA.
muh freedom
muh small government
For 36 euros a month you get unlimited 4g, calls and sms(like anyone cares) here in the netherlands.
Nice try Mohammed.
They even broke the certificate for that.
Why did your browser accept that traffic? Wasn't it complaining?
>They even broke the certificate for that.
It's a http:// site
>Live in city 20 miles from Google Fiber city.
>Have shit AT&T unlimited for $60 or Mediacom 1Gbps/25Mbps
>Mediacom has unlimited overages.
>mfw you will pay $56,600+ PER MONTH for using 940Mbps for 30.41 days.
FCC save us, remove pajeet
I see. That struck out lock looked like "broken https" to me.
Still, even on unencrypted connections, how does this not count as a man in the middle attack? How can it be legal to change a message?
Beuracracy and corruption is why. Powers that be have made it a mountain to climb for a new ISP to start up or existing ones to expand into different areas. They legally assfuck and put up resistance at every opportunity because they can, even Google with their bottomless moneybags has trouble with them. The red tape is what keeps the oligopolies from being overthrown.
We truly have very little freedom left.
That's what I get in burger land
Why wouldn't they just upgrade your plan or something instead of charging you per 100GB? Seems retarded.
You can, $50 more a month upfront gets you unlimited.
Or if you live in the North east US Comcast doesn't have data caps at all.
Man I need to rewatch this anime. Is the only anime I've ever truly enjoyed.
yea whatever you can fuck off to and circlejerk about evil musliiimzz and black peopleee kmeeeee
It's always funny how Americans always go
but gets rammed by corporate cock at the same time.
Or like most places in the world, geographic location will change what is and isn't cheap for you.
If you live in a major US city, odds are you have decent internet.
Reminder that javascript can now mine cryptocoins.
I'm paying for 75Mbps but only getting 50, sometimes as high as 90.
What do?
>just move to wherever the corporations want you to live so that they can make maximum profits due to available workforce and less resources required to bring you stuff, bro
>what? you don't want to pay 2000$ a month for a small 30m^2 studio apartment? what are you fucking POOR?
Like I said, enjoy being rammed by your overlords.
I'd rather move to Africa than one of your shithole concrete jungles.
Nothing since you're probably getting your internet from cable thus share it with neighbours. Your contract also says "up to 75Mbps" so they'll just laugh in your face.
But it's the same for every fucking country besides the tiniest ones.
Go to the german countryside. MOST places still have 3-10mbps DSL for 30 euro+
Go to german cities, bam suddenly you've got 100-500mbps for the same cost.
Population density is the only reason europe has better average internet than the US.
We're larger than you with half as many people.
Depends on what technology is being used to deliver your internet last mile.
If it's HFC/DOCSIS you could potentially be seeing slow downs on your end due to shitty coaxial wiring or a shitty old modem or a combination.
Or it could just be your ISP is garbage and sharing bandwidth between too many customers.
Thanks, m8e.
>Population density is the only reason europe has better average internet than the US.
That's a meme though.
Europe has shit internet.
Only some of their major cities have fast internet, but that internet is shit compared to major cities in the US that have 1/1gig.
In Yurop, 1 gig internet is usually like 500/200 or some BS. WTF
>We're larger than you with half as many people.
Not for long with african american and mexican breeding rates.
As compared to similar size/density US states.
Wew we become less white, oh no.
US birthrates are still on a decline overall in the country.
Good, keep it up.
I will, enjoy your shitty internet
I have 1gb/1gb so I will, goyim.
Good proof you've provided.
Would be a shame if your gigabit weren't actually able to reach the speeds you pay for
Are you personally offended or something?
Jesus christ, dude.
Why would you agree to such a thing, you did read the contract right?
Considering I live in the US and provided evidence of cheap 1gbps internet. Yeah i'm gonna take it personally when someone else claims to have gigabit but then provides no proof.
You're probably LARPing and couldn't post a legit speedtest result if you wanted to.
Mobile providers do the same to save data, compressing images etc, it's all agreed to in the T&C
In many states they added this mid-contract.
They gave like 2 months warning, and then provided 2-3 months of free overages, but then you had to either pay $50 upfront to upgrade to an unlimited plan, or every time you go over 1TB/month you pay $50 per 100GB extra.
Not sure why that dude said it was $50 then $50 per 100GB, it's JUST $50 per 100GB. OR you can pay $50 upfront and just have your plan be unlimited to begin with.
Sister lives 10 miles from a Google fiber city.
She has TWC
pays $70/month for 75/20
>Considering I live in the US and provided evidence of cheap 1gbps internet. Yeah i'm gonna take it personally when someone else claims to have gigabit but then provides no proof.
You're seriously fucking pathetic getting offended by something so fucking stupid.
In scandinavia and even our small towns with 1000 people have gigabit speeds from fiber connections.
It's not a huge stretch to imagine that he has gigabit speeds, you fucking loser.
>implying that wasn't you by saying "he"
Enjoy the LARP
>In scandinavia
>not a huge stretch to imagine that he has gigabit speeds, you fucking loser
"He" never said anything about Scandinavia. Same fagging retard.
>Scandinavia no longer counts as a part of western europe
oh, ok.
He never specified ANY part of Europe. The only European mention was when i brought up Germany.
You're the only one talking about Scandinavia you samefagging moron.
Just because other people in your country have fast internet doesn't mean you get to LARP and pretend you have it too.
you sound like a fucking kid who got mad someone got the same toy as you on a sale.
Kek, you sure are butthurt for someone who apparently also has 1gbps.
Switch to an alternative.
details here:
using httpseverywhere stops this from happening in the browser because it only is port 80, although, amusingly, you'll still see it in steam (which uses http by default).
mercifully, the ietf has farily tight guidelines about what injections can take place (no ads, for example), but it is still a bad practice. beyond being irksome, it trains users to see '00s-style popups as legitimate elements again, and even to enter their credentials into them (at some point, that comcast popup will ask you for your account information).
You are the 1%! Very American!
No, I just think it's amazing how much you care that someone else has 1gbps as well without living in a tiny shitty apartment in the middle of new york. Does it make you feel less special, is that it?
Hardly, this is available to most wealthy suburbs in the North east US from Boston down to Washington DC. Over 3 million Americans have access to this. With another 2-3 million on the same fiber network but not in an area with gigabit speeds yet.
i can't believe someone would get THIS upset over the fact they don't have gigabit.
It's okay to be a megabit-let, it happens to the best of us.
im on spectrum (charter) they dont have data caps yet but im sure they will soon since comcast is doing it.
well this looks like the beginning of the end boys. the internet was fun while it lasted. i knew the capitalists would ruin it eventually just like the ruined file sharing.
if you technically competent you should get to work on an off grid mesh system ASAP. Contribute to any projects you can find. Looks like we are going to need it soon.
>mom and dad (technical incompetent) live in small town up north with approx 2000 people have 1gbps
>I work in the IT field + live near all the big technology companies yet only get 60/20
kill me.
>still faster than 75% of NO
Hmmm, I guess maybe gigabit isn't common afterall in europoor.
>im on THE spectrum
fixed it for you, my friend
Internet's gone to shit here. Had 1 Gbps fiber.
Most people are jews, they usually have 100-500mbps available but opt for 20-40mbps cos it's cheap or free.
1gbps is pretty rare though. I think it's more common up north due to Russians being up there and America wants to spy on their traffic and set up bases there if something ever happens.
Comcast really is some garbage unless you pay up for their new FTTH 2gbps service.
I'm happy HTTPS exists.
If effective encryption ever gets outlawed and fucking normies don't care, I'll go out with a bang.
2gbps aint cheap though.
The future is pirateboxes.
I hate them too, but this is a bold face lie. Its 10 bucks per 50GB, and you can always buy unlimited for 50 extra bucks a month.
Data caps are cancer, though. Make no mistake.
look at this 80 Tbps router.
you need 2-4 of those per city for "modern" internet demand here. this is at capacity. that's 160-320 Tbps per city. dividing by 2 million people, that's around 120 Mbps per person, at minimum. each 2020 uses 15 kW. that's around five fridges in the space of one. it's very expensive. the equipment to cool and power it is more expensive. a room full of giant car batteries (which, guess what: need cooling too) that yield 8 to 9 minutes of power and diesel generators that must spin up in 3. the power bill for an average facility runs into multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.
the network infrastructure for these things is dense wave division multiplexed fiber. different optical carriers per fiber. 40 channels 200 Gbps on a pair of glass, 8 Tbps per pair. lasers able to switch states 50 billion times per second (and only 50 due to encoding) on tunable optics over 80 to 200 km before needing regeneration. all the size of a small pack of chewing gum costing tens of thousands of dollars. 24 of these optics running into a card 1.5 inches high by 19 inches wide.
given the extreme geographic differences between europe and the united states (which is far larger and more sparsely populated), it becomes clear why it's easier to deploy high speed Internet like fiber in some places more than others: it's all about