>tfw i have 10x better workflow and comfort on my tiny thinkpad running i3, than my desktop running windows and two 21 inch monitors
Tfw i have 10x better workflow and comfort on my tiny thinkpad running i3...
you're isolated from all distractions, big wow
what thinkpad are you using?
full specs?
Haven't riced it yet.
Would you show us a screenshot of a typical work session?
user you think I should switch to Debian Testing from Ubuntu? are the packages old as I have heard?
I went with debian because I wanted a middle ground between arch and ubuntu, little bloat and also very stable. Haven't had any issies with dated packages, I'm quite happy with debian and probably settled on it.
Im on Ubuntu so Im considering a switch from Canonical
> tab layout
Nigga I hope that's not how you use i3 all of the time. Tabs can be useful sometimes but defeat the purpose of tiling.
Same here on my 12" Macbook. It forces you to focus, so it's kinda given.
No, I usually switch between workspaces, I can't have too much on the same screen due to limited space.
Macbook with Linux or MacOs?
You mean GNU? Linux is a kernel.
MacOS, I need muh Word. Besides the gesture to switch between workplaces instantly emulates having multiple screens quiet well.
You ever regret buying a MacBook coz I am regretting it. Besides the good battery life fir shitposting isee no point buying it..
>tfw not a baby ducked brainlet and can work on any platform/system without giving a fuck about "comfort"
>many monitors
I know exactly how you feel.
you're not gonna fit 2 windows in there easily
Well, if you wanted to use Linux on it, I can see why. Did you buy it for anything beyond shitposting?
I am pretty happy with mine and would instantly buy it again. It got everything I need in a small format and the lack of fan alone is glorious. The only cons I got, is SOMETIMES the screen size, which is a bit too small when using it on the table, and sometimes the performance could be better, although I used the MBP 2017 from my gf and it's surprisingly close, at least for text work. I take lack of fan over bit more performance any time.
I didnt buy it though my dad gifted me this average laptop because he thought Apple is cool. Couldnt blame him though with all that marketing.
>think that installing i3 would be like installing a DE
>fucking command line install
Ah, then I see why you'd dislike it it. It's one of the few Applel products that got a clear target group, for anyone else it's kinda suboptimal. Even tons of my friends who like Apple stuff and loved the design were sceptical over noports and the likes.
What are your biggest issues with it?
Obvious the resolution on this thing is horrific(Its an Air) then there is the OS which I personally dislike. Its not that bad though but the true reason I hate it because I wanted to have a PC instead of a laptop and now that I have this laptop I have to wait almost a year to get a new PC
that's your problem pleb
Oh, thought you were talking about the 12" MacBook. The Air is fucking outdated since 2014 or so. My condolences. (Though I feel the resolution is kinda, somehow made up by the aspect ratio, not enough to balance it out of course but at least it didn't feel as limiting as it could)
damn, bretty gud
you built it/switched it up yourself or got a buy link senpai?
>not understanding that comfort essentially means fastest way of getting from point A to B in an environment
>somehow thinks that by being able to make your own most comfortable environment means that you can't work in any other
>settling for suboptimal performance
I found some guy wanting to get rid of his thinkpads that he had bought from some company, got pretty lucky since it was in excellent condition and didn't have anything locked down.
That's not true at all.