Why do thinkpad users always cum on their thinkpads? It's disgusting.
Why do thinkpad users always cum on their thinkpads? It's disgusting
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I have owned 3 thinkpads and I have never once came on any of them.
Why do macbook users always participate in a gay relationship? It's disgusting.
There is a coat of film on thinkpad trackpads to reduce friction with your fingers. It is not semen.
Semen becomes brown after some time. I have doubts that that's semen. More likely frosting or something.
Love my thinkpads but IMO the trackpad is the worst part of em
Well, the Trackpoint is a sexy sexy design
Maybe it's because a lot of owners shitpost on imageboards, and imageboards have a lot of porn?
As for why it ends up on the laptop, I couldn't tell ya. I don't own a thinkpad
My semen always gets on the lid of my thinkpad when I fap laying down in my bed.
So that's why they're all so white
Are you actually retarded?
No, he's probably just used to having a decent trackpad
It's near garbage and the four mouse buttons WAY out of the way are a fucking waste of plastic
One of the great things about owning a MBP, the silver aluminium finish hides the cum really well.
>mfw when people at school don't even realize the white splotches on the back of the screen.
>take guitar pick to trackpad
>get smooth plastic trackpad after all the bumps and texture surface stuff cleanly peel away
It's now part of the coating. Apple knows their stuff used for sex too.
I'm not sure that I understand the question.
you have low sperm count are you like 50 or something?
Hmm, how do u know that my little gay user?
im a sperm tech
It's works much better after you remove the bumpy sticker on the trackpad.
that's where my thumbs rest when I'm using it
I've literally never used the touchpad on my thinkpad and it looks terrible
I knew this was the gayest board.
But I have designated fapping tablet
>Semen becomes brown after some time
how the fuck do you know this?
Chris-chan? Are you making jizz cocktails again?
Because Gentoo gives them boner
>be me
>buy ThinkPad of eBay "refurbished"
>Keyboard is completely worn out
>Buy replacement for 20 bucks
>Lift the old one out
>Nothing but dried cum and hair under it
Fucking disgusting.
> he's never forgotten about a cum shot and found it weeks later
What are you doing on Sup Forums?
You must be really proud of yourself :)
nice digits
How do you do this? Mine looks just like OP's and I use it in class and it's embarrassing when I have to show someone something. Looks like dried cum residue.
This We have sexy machines worth taking a wank over.
wow. I wish I could say the same :/
because white people
They think it is your mother, possibly due to its color
thinkpads aren't masculine
Well, that's your loss.
Computers don't really have gender.
I don't trust anyone that hasn't came on their laptop at least once.
Because it has a clit?
I don't know. Isn't that normal?
>not cumming on your trackpad,as soon as you get it, to mark your territory and superiority.
>cum crusts
>buy my second hand think pad
not even once
thats not cum it's wear
just lift the sticker off
in spanish "laptop" is a male noun.
Requesting that pic of thinkpad with a full fresh load on it that was posted by an user. I need it for uh reasons.
That's because they associate people with things
Its a baptism of sorts.
The lid is big and has good contrast. You just take to the basement sink and easy cleanings.
thats because theres no "it" in 3rd person in Spanish
There is "it" in Russian, but laptop is also male
My laptop is clean because I swallow.
good girl
I`m a boy
>it's real
>using ` instead of '
sure you are
ive done this before, it made me lol
>doesn't even make use of the spill safe keyboard
I did this on my T430. The trackpad underneath the sticker was absolutely disgusting, reflective and grippy. Ever since I've been looking for a genuine replacement.
But you should be fine if you have a xx20 model.
This cant be real, can it?
If it is, post a link for the lazy
The trackpad on my X230 was a jittery piece of shit that interfered with my typing (even with palm rejection) so I disconnected the ribbon cable to it. Much better.
If you don't like clit, get a Mac.
t. racist sissy
you can get those stickers on aliexpress you know. Replace that shit.
I don't know how you can accidentally shoot cum at your laptop. You would have to specifically aim completely intentionally for shits and giggles
Nobody goes around saying "El laptop".
If anything most spics call them "La laptop"
don't replace them ! just pull the fucker off for the ultimate track pad experience
only latin americans say "Laptop", mixing english with their spanish creating some ugly bastard language
european spaniards say "el portatil" (the portable)
what the fuck
state of (((Vice)))
On my SL510 I just sorta scratched the bumps off the trackpad, now it's really smooth and I like it, I wouldn't suggest using anything sharper than your fingernail though
What the absolute fuck
I can confirm this.