I have an old gamecube since 2004. The laser or something died on it about 5 years ago

I have an old gamecube since 2004. The laser or something died on it about 5 years ago.

What are some Sup Forums related /diy/ stuff or amything i can do with it? I was thinking about breaking it open and cleaning it and making it into an actual lunchbox or something. Idk

Doesnt have to be vidya related..i rarely play games anyway

Give me ideas Sup Forums :333

Other urls found in this thread:


dolphin emulator

Get part on aliexpress for
20$ and fix

Turn it into a finger box, I made one and my wife's son loves it!

>wife's son


This is more /diy/ but rip out the internals, install a raspberry pi and set it up with retropi. Buy a usb to gcube adapter and mount it to align with the controller ports.

It'd still be way bigger than it needs to be but it'd look cool as fuck and be great to show friends (if you have any).

>browse Sup Forums
>have friends

Choose one

modchip and install linux

I do ʕ•ٹ•ʔ


How the fuck do you not have any friends? I work full time and go to school but still make enough time to have a small group of friends that I play vidya \ drink with... I think you just don't try.

go to bitbuilt forums and make something cool.

Put a Wasp fusion and play games

Reminder that these were usually embedded with child pornography.

That sounds scary. Im literally retarded ill just fuck it up

shit bait

lmao fuckin numales
look a green squid

>probably one component is dead
>lel is broken :DDDD

Buy an old wii and use the sd bomb method and diso mios to play GCN games.
Or dolphin emulator. Dolphin is one of the better emulators for fairly recent consoles.

>amything i can do with it?

Find a Wii with Gamecube controller ports on the top. That means it can be used as a Gamecube. You can find cheap Wiis that'll fit the bill on eBay.

get a gc memory card to sd adapter and...

You could take out the electronics, put in some padded insulating liner, and use it as a lunchbox.

Post video of people's reactions when you set it down and take out a sandwich.

Find a way to install HDD instead of CD drive.

You can actually adjust the pot on the laser if you open the console up.

I remember I had to do that to adjust the laser so that it could read pirated disks.