Your mind is the ultimate graphics card

Your mind is the ultimate graphics card.


yeah, but network interpolation is hardly consistent in those type of games, sadly

>not Pathfinder

>tfw even Sup Forums calls you a nerd

>not Warhammer


>still want to play Warhammer after Age of Sigmar
Whatever you say, fag


I used to play advanced d&d way back in the day. Stopped playing for like 10 years and picked up 5e about a year ago. It's really streamlined and flexible compared to the older versions.

>not dark heresy
it's like you enjoy getting fucked by GW

>not 2e

I can't picture stuff mentally so I'll stick with my gpu for now, at least I'll be safe when the botnet memory imaging implants are mandatory

Guys programing and computers are cool but don't be a this guy(op).

>this guy

everyone play videogame and read capeshit now only tabletop is for nerds
>tfw when 12 year old sis call me autistic child playing game with my imagination

this is what /tg/ actually believes

I seriously couldnt picture anything in my mind at all untill started smoking on regular basis.

still playing wfrp 2 ed like it's fucking 2005

Your mind is actually pretty shit at rendering / storing pictures desu.
Turn off your screen and recreate the picture you used for the OP pixel for pixel with exact RGB values.

>that'll be $2000 + tip + paint

the rpg is pretty nice senpai

Board game is cancer because of Jew workshop

no it isn't you infant

>want to play d&d
>read rules and watch some games
>Realize no friends


Or worse, when you can only ever get 2 other people together. Its usually alright because I'm chill as a DM even though none of us know the proper rules but one time a friend found it boring as fuck (she didn't really play along or try to move the story on) and I haven't played since

But everyone does play tabletop games.

>Playing anything but 5e

i have a couple
but none of us want to be DM

i can be your dm

i live in yurop tho

You are right. But you need to insert 6 - 10 g Psilocybe semilanceata first.

The worlds first graphics card with native 5D acceleration

i want her to give me a gay blowjob

you can play with people online using it.

anyone here play dbz themed rpgs? that's all im interested in. you just can't beat the storyline of the legendary super saiyan


my what

You can theme D&D any way you want. That's kind of the beauty of it. A DM could make a dbz adventure with some time and effort.

>not Advanced D&D
01-10 Slovenly trull

Playing anything but AD&D with skills and powers

Have you fucked your sister yet?

Muh nigga

yeah, shame though that i don't have any friends.

>Fantasy TTRPG
>not Cyberpunk 2020
get out of my Sup Forums

That's a good dog.