/bst/ battlestation thread

/bst/ battlestation thread
lefty edition

not gonna clean up and make it look like some photo shoot bullshit, this is how I live

i like mine comfy

>if I pull out my import snacks and leave the japanese zeny I collect laying around maybe anons will think I live in japan


pls no h8


I was told that you should physically clean your desktop of dust and shit every 2 months.

I've not even opened it in nearly 4 years. Is this a problem?

How are your operating temperatures?

Its fine. I had a graphics card malfunction once and I smelt burning electronics but I'm pretty sure that was just because it malfunctioned, nothing else was damaged.

If you have any kind of pets you need to clean often because pet hair will clog everything quickly. If you don't you can let it go for a long time.

Think I'll get some of my lights up and running this weekend.


Got the Switch, cleaned up and took a couple new pics.



windy out here my dudes

where do you sit? also i like your speakers. I think we have the same case as well. This is nice! A little vacant for my taste but the plants really add to the decor. 9/10

I think I finally found a good arrangement for my room. Corner battlestation allows for more chair room and less intrusion into the room by the desk. Hard to get a good picture of the battlestation with this orientation though.


>your room
How can you work lying I tried after 1 hour it was uncomfy as fuck.

only suspicious boys orient their desks this way

The chair is just offcamera.

Define S?

I need to decorate and light the place up better.

Yeah I can't relax if I'm sitting facing away from an entryway, and there's no wall I can put my desk against in my room that wouldn't have me facing away from the door, so I'm forced into this situation, but I'm really not hating it.

>puts laptop on soft surface
>how to start a fire

it seems well lit during the day though which is nice. maybe if you put one of those tall lamps behind the subwoofer you'd get some good evening light.

Thanks, but it's really just what I could find here, since it's just not viable to ship these heavy fragile units from a faraway land. I live on a tiny island nation that was pretty poor until the 00s, I bought that from an old engineer, and I was super surprised to find it. It's completely impossible to find CRT televisions for example that aren't crappy Vestel ones.

It's nice to see someone else using a monitor that isn't in a designated shitting ratio.


I saw a similar if not identical Iiyama in a Goodwill probably 9 years ago when I first started hunting for a decent CRT, but passed it up because I really wanted something larger, and aperture grille.

I regret not picking it up because I'd really like to have something like that nowadays for some classic gaming or media. Also passed up some Dell P780s, holding out for something bigger, which I regret because I never found one. Actually I did buy a larger Viewsonic CRT at one point, but returned it because it had an issue with the black level that I couldn't find a solution to.

4:3 for life

Sucks for HotS but I prefer it for everything else.

where's your piss bottles?

It seems like my Iiyama doesn't handle 1600x1200 even though things like Cnet states it does. It's either because only later revisions support it, or because of the adapter cable I use (since no modern graphics cards seem to have VGA) that doesn't handle it, even though the manufacturer claimed that it should handle resolutions higher than that. This doesn't really matter that much though since it's mainly used to watch old 4:3 anime, but it would be cool to be able to set it to 1440x1080 and watch some Blurays.

nice. I really like the simple design and placement.

really fuckin poor
dont like the desk. monitor is too big. otherwise nice
get a decent desk. flimsy af
tiny keyboard
>mac os
end urself

tiny keyboard

I would think most adapter setups would still allow for at least 2048x1536, but I'm not sure what kind of adapter you're talking about.

CRTs are generally limited by resolution and refresh rate combos, rather than resolution by itself. If you can do 1280x960 at 75Hz, for example, you should always be able to do 1600x1200 at 60Hz, because the horizontal scanning frequency is the same.

>>mac os
>end urself
It's nice not having botnets without having to deal with the headaches of GNU+Linux.

it's binary
could be filled with botnets and you would be none the wiser

Tfw poor

Well, the screen configuration in XFCE doesn't go further than 1024x768. I'm using Ugreen's adapter cable, Ugreen is a pretty well-renowned brand on /csg/.

Did your wallpaper come like that, or did you cut those squares in it yourself?

same, I don't clean my room as much as I should

some of my favorite desk setups.

I need to clean my floor. Just clothes in one pile and boxes on the other side.

thats not so bad man. i only have a t440p in a hotel room with shit unsecured wifi. it could be worse.


People are wise to all the Windows botnets despite that also being closed-source binary. Maybe Apple just does a better job hiding it, but until there is some evidence, I'm just going to try to enjoy it. I occasionally miss my old ThinkPads, but I never miss dealing with GNU+Linux, even though I had some good experiences with some older Ubuntus.

Drop the pape for me, user

um no sweetie
doesn't laying around all day get uncomfortable
I pity the laptop gaemer
gibs cutie dollies pls
that looks like hell. that tiny screen would kill my eyes
more leds user and put something on that shelft
wallpaper pls

That desk gave me some nostalgia
Monitor infront of window? but why?
Love it senpai
Nice led and paintings

feelio no spacesaver. lefties have it good

Hopefully going to order monitor mounts this weekend, and a wireless phone charger. Tried one at IKEA and fell in love.

homie u best not be a pure math major
>canada dry
Confirmed for taste
user... I like your setup though. Although i'd not sold on the vertical ps2.

you able to move that stand on the left? Or is it fixed to the desk?
Comfy. I like it
Thats a lot of wood. I love it.
At least your netbook still works

Do some cable management and cleanup and this would be pretty nice.

Not bad for a poorstation. Would definitely help to cleanup though.

What do you have the ps2 connected to? Also clean your shit

Nice keyboard/memepad.

Would probably look better if you put your tower on the floor.

lol the html book is just a riser for my monitor.

That's a nice keyboard you have. I like your setup as well.

Nice setup. I think the curtains look out of place though.

Yeah I'll clean my room eventually. Maybe tomorrow. I need to get some stands for my speakers as well.

I have the PS2 connected to an Elgato HD60 Pro.



After much research into that image I found that the Ti was added to that picture. I searched through models to confirm this. Can you please delete this version of the photo and never use it again. It really triggers my autism

Why are you doing this?

not math, dropped out of civil engineeringen to work and get a apartment. don't want loan debts even if uni is free here. Worked a year now and only one year left until I can buy my dreamplace. Still love your smol keyboard, very cute
afraid I'll spill or kick it it some retarded way. Nice party setup man. Would be mega comfy for some small gathering

here you go

oh look, another /jp/ guy cosplaying as a nip.
ps: mug on the laptop? kys

>dat dump
>floor full of piss
what eastern euro shithole are you from?

I live in Malta.

> neet since 7 days
> needtofindflat.jpeg
> about to start a literally perfect job
> job should start at 15.10
> still no contract
> they already booked a professional training for me
> don't find a flat because no contract and neet
> no clue how I should get to work if no flat
> I am forced to move out of breddy nice current flat
> only place I can go is dad's
> too far away to get to perfect job
> feelsbadman.jpeg

I would live in my car and shower at a gym for a month if that's what it took to get le perfect job user

>All the weird richfags are gone
>It's now a sea of meme keyboards, questionable hygiene and bad speaker placement

>>All the weird richfags are gone
You mean sysadmin? He still shows up now and then.

I just signed a contract that will double my current salary, user. If you can wait until my lease is up next summer I'll post a marginally better battlestation in a private office instead of my living room


I like that Ikea lamp in yellow user. All mine are silver and black


Got a Majestouch 2 with browns for 50 euros used. Gonna use it at work just to piss off my coworkers.

Gonna pick up a TJ08 for my server saturday for 40euros.

>piss off coworkers
How? They're not even loud.

louder than rubber domes. :)

I've heard rubber domes louder than browns. Depends on how mushy they are and how softly they bottom out.

you can tell it's japan from the flooring alone

What's the projector user?

>game grumps space quest.
Mah nigga it's too cozy for tv


>I would live in my car and shower at a gym for a month if that's what it took to get le perfect job user
I don't own a car :(

>piss off coworkers

I didn't see the kind of thread this was posted in when reading that and I assumed you were talking about pajeets.

My coworkers aren't bothered by my blues.

This looks Clockboy Achmed tier.
>let me have a bunch of electronics and shit on my desk that I have no idea what to do with but feel like a leet electrical engineer

Wow this is mega comfy. Literally my ideal set-up. I hope one day to make something similar to this with an SO.

Also nice Yume Nikki stuff!

>this fucking cunt still posts
no. stop.

Your ideal setup is a desk in a bedroom?

Eh, yeah. I think it's comfy to have a sorta bed hybrid thing, so you can collapse into blankets and stuffies.

9/10 would play vidya with
I like your keyboard
I actually like this one it seems comfy for some reason.
keep positive user
I still need to buy a thinkpad

>dat subtle buttplug placement
I'll be doing the same with mine. thanks user!

just got the note 8 myself, phone is fucking insane.
what case/stand is that for it?

Love the coaster you have got there might make one my self as you read this! Might be time to get a new desk though.
Not sure about having the monitor off to the side like that it would be better moving them in the middle of the speakers, but thats just me
Everything here looks good just would get another desk to replace the one you have looks abit cramped
Your pc case looks like a transformer that you see out side of your home. would hang out with you user looks comfy-ish. The cables are the breaker for this one
Lets hang out have a few beers and share some good ole tales around the experiences of our noble lives user

Its an Epson 740HD. Pretty far out from the most glamorous of projectors (it's 720p) but I was lucky enough to nab it extremely cheap and it's really just for 25 year old video games and anime anyways

This is so aesthetic

Buy a fucking car you tard, that or just hit up homeless shelters until you can afford a place to live. Perfect job opportunities don't fucking happen often, you'll regret giving it a pass because of inconvenience. Network and find someone who will let you sleep in their fucking closet for a week or so until you can afford your own box on the side of the highway

thank you!

Posted my new station here last night, but I was taking photos of my new apartment to show my old boss so I took one again.

>wage cuck


>Not having a job
>Not living in the Souf

>Perfect job opportunities don't fucking happen often, you'll regret giving it a pass because of inconvenience
I won't give it a pass, I'll find a way for sure


>tfw you move all your shit off your desk for /bst/

damn that's comfy and clean as fuck my nigger. cept that shitty candle, nobody wants to see that estrogen shit my dog. 100% cool shit otherwise, go get some pussy my nigger.


Why did your boss want to see the sad state of your life? Self satisfaction?

That chair makes me wanna jerk off in it. I bet it's great. What is it? How much did it cost? Does it come in black on black?