The dark age of AI is upon us

The dark age of AI is upon us.

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entirely possible to get wrongly accused

Could've just looked at the t-shirts.

Those sure are some dots. I'm convinced.

>ai can identify faces hiding behind hats or scarves
>ai cannot identify an idiot with a random pattern drawed on his face

Dark ages indeed.

OP here, forgot to cite source:

Call be when AI can tell two black people apart.

>the algorithm was able to correctly identify the person 56% of the time. If the face was also wearing glasses, that number dropped to 43%.
Just toss a coin.

Unless they get it with 100% reliability which is impossible, this won't hold up in court. Cancel the panic.

They weren't asking yes/no questions.

>all these anti white cucks defending antifa

The dark age of lower crime?

Sup Forums, much like its mascot, is a commie board. no need for your falseflag ops, polack.

Who thought throwing human waste a good thing? Its backward thinking.

>doesnt even line up
>even remotely usable in a court of law

>wear an infrared LED hat
>chances drop to 0%

>this is what anti white sjws actually believe

>Clear picture
>Same position
>Same angle
>Same lighting
>Same clothes
It's going to happen at some point, but this seems like a very easy example.

Leftypol thinks it's okay

Worked for the Bike lock dude.
Although applied natural neural network rather than artificial one the principle is the same.

guess you have to wear one of those fake nose/chin prosthetics that Spider Man wears in the movies

These are hilariously easy to make as well.

LED wearables are cheap as fuck and you can easily just buy some IR LEDs and just replace them most of the time.

Noone made that claim, stormtard. Learn to greentext before shitposting next time. Now, back to your containment board.

>this won't hold up in court
just like indefinite detention without trial right

Do /poltards/ advocate for censorship ?

Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?

Fuck off back to leftypol

>using unsupervised ML algorithms for classification


Yes, they can't tolerate a second opinion.


Of course. Sup Forums is the biggest hugbox and safe space for right wingers on the internet.

Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?

Why do you hate the white race?

oh no commies need to go, too. Alt-centrist or bust.

Then why are there communism generals, stuff like syria general and all the other forms of leftist shtiposting that go unpunished and happen repeatedly?

Leftypol is a joke, they're all unemployed neets.

>bashar general is leftist shitposting
Low entropy bait

>what are the origins of Ba'ath party?


DNA is unpredictable as shit but everybody still wanks over it. OP will become reality in a few years-decade. Then you can set people up by wearing a mask and prosthetics but nobody will care.

Shit's gonna get really fucked up in the next 20 years. It won't be much unlike an episode of black mirror.

>faggot protesters btfo
>dark age

>>>/sg/ is leftist
oh booi

You mean cybersec wasn't memeing me? This shit actually works?

how about don't break the law?

Sign me the fuck up desu senpai

Are you dense? Of course it fucking works.
How would it not work?
I can't think of a more stupid statement someone has made this month.

seems that he triggered your autism so hard.

Hello newfriend! :)

user the best way to defend yourself when you're mentally deficient is to just shut the fuck up.
Explain to me how this wouldn't work. What were your reasons to think it wouldn't work? You need a fucking reason.

>How would it not work?

Same way it doesn't work for our eyes? If a camera doesn't pick up IR light, or has a setting not to, or saves the image by recording which wavelengths hit which sensors when in which case you could simply delete all the wavelengths above X and see the person's face clear as day, or...

>I can't think of a more stupid statement someone has made this month

You must be new here.

fuck there is a new season of Halt and catch fire isn't there?

How about don't look like somebody else and walk near an area where a crime happens?

You can't "delete all the wavelengths above X" because the camera can't differentiate between visible and IR.

That being said, they do make cameras with IR filters that drastically reduce the amount picked up, but as it turns out it's actually kind of difficult to make cameras that can't see IR, and virtually all night vision cameras explicitly do want to see IR because it's easy to make good illumination at night.

It is ok to be triggered user. Sup Forums is your safe space where you can get enraged at random people without consequences. Your mother still loves you. *big hugs* daisuke

>You can't "delete all the wavelengths above X" because the camera can't differentiate between visible and IR

No idea if you're the same guy, but this just seems like technical knowledge, not something so stupid not knowing it deserves a Stupid Statement Of The Month award. I mean, ultimately there's no magical difference between IR and visible, and by definition every colour camera can distinguish between those wavelengths.

Clear shit?

Why do you make that claim? Are you retarded or just over compensating something that happened to you when you where young? Did a negro beat you up? Did a pajeet stole your job?

Why only fucking retarded fat losers, when I say losers, I mean real life losers, who can't get a job or girl or friends, complain about that shit

only on alt right is ok.

Thank you. But I'd rather they just leave.
What's the point in coming and posting on a technology board if you know nothing.
He even considers 'technical knowledge' as something you're not expected to know. It's ridiculous.

Antifa and AFA have revolutionary communist aspirations and did show that back in the 90s with the Bosnian crisis.
They'll be flinging poo wildly soon enough.

mad photoshop skills

Not the same guy, and yes it's pretty much just technical knowledge. I'm just pointing out it isn't as easy as you say, and it's fairly easy to demonstrate that.

And standard color cameras can only distinguish between red, green, and blue, and combinations thereof, like the human eye. There do exist cameras which can distinguish other wavelengths but these are specially designed for that and some random camera can't tell the difference. If you point an IR light at, say, your phone's camera, it cannot tell that it's any different than visible light and usually shows up as kind of a purple-ish white color. No amount of image processing after the image has been taken can detect a difference either.

1. Wear a mask that blocks IR/face
2. ???
3. Profit

suddenly all the weird clothes in deus ex make sense

tfw cyberpunk aesthetic is truly the future

Man that virtual reality episode hit a note

Black mirror was a great tech thriller show, lots of distopian technology themes

I went to Sup Forums to find an example of them advocating cenorship but instead I found a Mass Effect thread.
I am happy with this outcome.

>The invention of AI ‘gaydar’ could be the start of something much worse

Ahahahahaha! Is AI /ourguy/?


It's a mix of stunted growth, paranoia and lack of social interaction. Only this can explain the belief that white women won't fuck you because of a conspiracy to end the white race when one looks like this

>dat pic
I feel so sorry for his parents and everyone that relates to him.

This only works against night-vision cameras that use IR to illuminate the scene. Regular cameras, like the one used to produce OP, just block/ignore IR.

Wait perhaps this was what that other user was thinking. That they'd work against day cameras?
That'd be one additional step of retardation. Let's pray he's ok.

I remember when Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to make jokes about nu-males and SJW for their weird ass clothes and hair.

Really makes you think.

Fuck off back to mlp



Why do you leftists hate the white race?
Why are all Leftists subhuman?

>You're a loser of your not a white guilt faggot like me

It's water, bait pic.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually does that.

It wasn't water you anti white shill

Those arejust dots that could have been made by an observant human. Still have to prove it was them in court.

>putting rioting niggers in prison is a bad thing

>implying those people will be targeted and not political dissidents

>trying to convince a closet fascist that free speech is a good thing

Nice try Shlomo, I know your tricks.

What's the difference


Antifa deserves to be imprisoned and kill

You leftist subhumans advocate attacking white people,

>this guy accusing everyone of being a poltard.

I just don't like communism and think antifa is a dumb bully.


I'm left af and I don't advocate attacking anyone, but I do think that people who go out in the streets larping as nazis and klansmen deserve what's coming their way.

>reeee lefties...capitalism is our natural state
Sick and tired of these bootlicking stormtards escaping from their containment pods.

Is that even a real thing? I've seen plenty of hardcore jihadist muslims IRL and not a single nazi. I'm starting to think they might be a meme.

Democracy isn't our natural state either. Guess we gotta scrap it.

Capitalism is natural order + money. It's the closest thing to a natural order, certainly much closer than ideologies like communism that are based entirely on fantasy and wishful thinking.

>caveman want meat
>another caveman have meat
>me have shiny rock
>me trade shiny rock for meat
this is capitalism

>real-life nazis are a meme because I've never seen one
>I only see hardcore jihadist muslims IRL
Maybe stop living in Raqqa

More class-based understanding of economics and less poetry, my National Socialist friend.

There's nothing natural about capitalism. It requires a State to protect markets, that's why capitalism only started after political revolutions.

>It requires a State to protect markets

Except it's not capitalism. It's trade.