>News Too lazy to write all this out, just check the old thread if you care. But I'd like to note that user was pissed at Goybest And that the Mantistek G2 sends info back to Alibaba
Okay, I'll try that I guess. I don't plan on using it a lot, just every once in a while with the girlfriend and whatnot. Is the ass cancer thing a meme or is it a real thing?
Daniel Jones
Bad materials can really fuck with your health so no, it won't give you literal cancer, just maybe have some toxic shit in your ass.
Brandon Carter
Metal is easier to disinfect than silicone. Disinfecting chink products you plan on sticking up your butt is a good idea, that's why metal and glass are always the best materials to buy.
Lincoln Rodriguez
glass is probably the best if it's well built because its also not permeable like plastic and silicone are, and to an extent metal is just don't cheap out because you don't want it to somehow break in your arse
Liam Allen
Sup Forums - buttplugs
Cameron Garcia
In doubt, you can always put a condom over it.
Chase Watson
Thanks. I won't cancel the order but I'll think twice about risking it, and see if I can deduce if it's real silicone or not. Had a friend, her glass plug broke in her. and it was an expensive one too. kinda scared of that idea. True. didnt think of that
Can you recommend a camera app for Redmi or is default good enough?
Ayden Martinez
my magnetic smartphone holder just arrived, looks pretty sturdy and i was surprised how strong the magnet is. They said it won't interfere with cell signal and looks like it doesn't. Installed it my car and so far it performs as it should. Would reccomend .10
Jordan Harris
Oliver Davis
Real thread here. Fuck this no news shit.
Luke Gutierrez
>Magnets >Near any electricals It still doesn't sit right with me and I haven't used a HDD outside of a server for years
Xavier Perez
there are magnets in your case fans, chump
Juan Lee
>Retroarch >Gud >No configs user lies.
Nathan Diaz
Gamepad autobinds work pretty well in retroarch. Box art "just working" for PSX games sounds like bullshit though.
Jordan Howard
>magnetic smartphone holder Look at this moron and laugh! Your gyro, compass and accelerometer will be FOREVER FUCKED and FOREVER out of calibration the first time you put your phone near that shit.
Daniel Parker
it'll wipe the internal storage too so say bye bye to your data
Xavier Reed
>solid state storage >wiped out by magnets
Jaxon Baker
Stop the autism, this is the thread now
Alexander Hall
Jeremiah Barnes
>Implying you put case fans directly on top of your components You can put a magnet on your case and it wont affect your HDD too, whats your point?
Brayden Thomas
What's the pair code for the kz bluetooth module?
Matthew Nelson
Phones don't use HDDs. It might fuck gyros but I doubt it will do anything to data.
Alright, I'll ask again for this thread: I am very interested in a fountain pen, despite having never used one. I have two questions, how good is the Jinhao X750 and how often do you need refills for them? I saw that 30 cartridges of black ink was only 2€, how long would that last me with little to moderate usage, or are those cartridges shit and should I just buy some ink in a jar instead?
Logan Ward
after several hours of being attached to it nothing happened, weird...
David Smith
i bought a e3 flasher from aliexpress and it didnt work
Jacob Walker
>nothing happened you're a moron. you don't know what calibration is.
Isaiah Perez
>doubt it will do anything to data Flash memory uses floating gate transistors to store data, rather than the magnetic method used by hard disks. The presence of a magnetic field is not necessarily a problem for an SSD, but the rate of change of magnetic flux could cause damage.
Wanna test it yourself? Turn the computer on and take a magnet and slide it few times above the RAM modules of your computer. There's a good chance you'll lock up the machines.
DON'T do it to your SSD because you might fuck it up permanently... RAM will be back to normal after the reboot though.
Anthony Sanchez
bump for better thread
William Wilson
Elijah Gutierrez
i doubt anything bad would happen if the phone has a metal backside (induction and shiet) it still seems like a dumb idea to me though, what about phones without a magnetic back? like aluminum or glass? where would the magnet lock? the sdcard cover? the soc shield? what about the scratches from the phone twisting and sliding? or is the magnet cover rubber (i cant tell from pic on )?
Carter Morris
>magnet >induction
Jose Reyes
never talk about electronics again. you're clueless. stay in school.
Luke Taylor
A quick pro tip for ya clumsy anons: you can successfully get a refund for a package that you accidentally marked as received but didn't end up actually getting.
I ordered 2 things, thing #1 arrived, I marked thing #2 as received, but thing #2 never arrived. I disputed thing #2, AliExpress made me wait out the purchase protection period (in 10 day increments, except for the last one which was shorter) and eventually the refund process started.
Benjamin Lopez
I have one, works perfectly, been using it for like a year or so now. Best shit I bought.
Gabriel Roberts
the phone is a HTC One M9. it has a metal back and the holder has a rubber-like material on it. so far no scratches
actually i didnt think about other 'plastic and shit' phones, you might be onto something
John Green
>R'EDDIT right... >electronics umm, the word you are looking for is physics
have yall never seen someone put a magnet inside a copper or aluminum tube and watch it slowly move? wonder why that is? this might shock you youtube.com/watch?v=J9b0J29OzAU or are you implying that a magnet field that never changes somehow affect electronics? how come the earths one doesn't JUST them? and i'm the redditor...
James Rogers
>physics see, you're a moron. just go back to plebbit and never come back. your IQ is below 90. that's borderline retarded. if I was you, I'd just jump off a tall building.
Nicholas Adams
Bought kte zs 3s or whatever and a bluetooth cable, theyre great with newbee memory foam ear tips and a charge lasts a whole day for me
Easton Wood
Hello RegularShill.
Luke Davis
1 stop closer to getting the general banned
Zachary Ross
Just remember to blame RegularShill as he was clearly the one to make that one. Can't have bad laowais and gweilos who don't praise Goybest 10 times a day and link referrals (to then get warned for reporting them)
Adam Wilson
Where is this anger and frustration coming from, user?
Weekly Update: pastebin.com/tHX3iZ3G Holy shit a lot has changed in 2 weeks, we've gone from an inch to a week to a previously 4 inch plant being 13 inches tall! Of course that's not exactly a good thing, that means that certain plant was indeed hemp and grew up a lot faster than a marijuana plant would. In fact, most of the grown plants so far are easily identified as hemp plants with a few exceptions, some are actually showing early signs of potential flowering! But of course it's too early to tell you for sure so don't get too excited just yet. I feel like in 3 weeks or so the plants will have grown enough to come to a conclusion on whether or not the seeds I bought contain legit seeds. Also despite being sick I managed to reseat the pants in bigger pots without killing them. Also also the seeds that are the most blatant of all STILL HAVEN'T ARRIVED YET.
Justin Cox
Thanks user, I've seen it before but never tried it.
Caleb Brown
is it brushed aluminum? and if so, to what is the magnet attaching to? >you're a moron >back to plebbit >your IQ is below 90 >retarded [citation needed] did your wife leave you or something? ...
Cooper Howard
>to what is the magnet attaching to? nevermind, a disassembly video shows the main pcb is placed on top of the battery (weird), so the magnet must be grabbing onto the steel shielding on that
Carson Nelson
>[citation needed] your mother's retarded. retardation is genetic. --------------------------- you are retarded QED
Landon Sanchez
Leo Cruz
user, borderline retarded is 60-70 90 is less than a standard deviation out
Jackson Ramirez
What mechanical keyboard should i get for 50€? No amazon
I have been thinking about these: >JamesDonkey 619 >Ajazz AK33 RGB >3LUE k751 JamesDonkey has Gateron switches Ajazz has Zorros, K751 has Outemu
Austin Sullivan
>No telefag or discfag I, for one, welcomes this OP.
Henry Hill
nobody loves you
Anthony Gomez
You're welcome. Be the change you want to see and make threads before RegularShill, omitting Goybest and any chats aside from good old IRC.
Brayden Thomas
i love you
Joshua Bell
Don't bother with refills, use the converter that comes with it and bottled ink instead. Bottled ink will last you longer and is cheaper in the long run, not to mention that the cartridges you are looking at might not even be compatible with your pen for multiple stupid reasons. As for your other question, I don't have that pen but if it's anything like other Jinhaos it should be good, but will write a bit "wet".
Jonathan Thompson
Don't get caught user
Isaac Roberts
where to cop this
Charles Howard
Looks like a custom print
Ryan Foster
>News • user got a chinky Mother 3 Gameboy cart (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a "anti-mosquito" lamp (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user doesn't like gearbest. His ZS5 and Benjie are fukt (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user receives his degeneracy mousepad (Cross-thread) • Mantistek software is a botnet. Be careful when using (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a pepe frog meme hat (Cross-thread) • user got a nice MMCX cable from taobao (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user punishes his ZS5 with waterboarding and somehow manages to stab his ear (Cross-thread) • user's package is long gone (Cross-thread) • Chinkanon got a network cable and a mousepad (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a chink multitool (Cross-thread) • user likes his H96 Android TV box's emulation capability (Cross-thread) • user is a retarded hipster (Cross-thread) • user got a chink action cam and accessories (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
Dominic Ward
your extension is shit
Sebastian Myers
The ones I was eyeing were made for Jinhao pens by Jinhao. I'll buy glass bottle ink regardless now that you said that, thanks for the reply.
Christian Ward
• user got a chinky Mother 3 Gameboy cart (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a "anti-mosquito" lamp (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user doesn't like gearbest. His ZS5 and Benjie are fukt (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user receives his degeneracy mousepad (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • Mantistek software is a botnet. Be careful when using (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a pepe frog meme hat (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a nice MMCX cable from taobao (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user punishes his ZS5 with waterboarding and somehow manages to stab his ear (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user's package is long gone (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • Chinkanon got a network cable and a mousepad (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a chink multitool (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user likes his H96 Android TV box's emulation capability (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user is a retarded hipster (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) • user got a chink action cam and accessories (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
Jayden Robinson
Brayden Lopez
Any cheap network 42u network cabinets available for sale here?
Nathaniel Rivera
Any suggestion for buying a micro USB cable? Something that won't blow up my house please.
David Perez
I've bought a few of those fancy braided ones but either the cable or the plug always wears out super fast. They're not built to a high standard
the braided ones are the worst, they might look nice but the innards are terrible (most are even worse than the cheapest-thin-fake-copper-strands ones)
Levi Miller
other thread deleted LMAOOO
Logan Williams
All the reviews say it's great, but I haven't found one with fine nib yet to buy one, all the ones I've seen come with medium nib
Hunter Peterson
128GB microSD card for $11.49 with the code MMCS4241.
About time, guess one janny wasn't on RegularShills Goybest bankroll.
It's like 6 bucks with free shipping for it and some ink, so I'll just go for it.
Jordan Jackson
totally legit
Henry Murphy
nice scam
Juan Ramirez
Give me the most ridiculous and retarded looking beer glasses you can find my fellow chinkshitters
Ian Butler
htc one m9
Colton Rivera
There's also a lamy safari homage that has excellent reviews and it's even cheaper.
Cameron Bell
well this one was made first, i really dont see a need for another one just so you can include a couple of linkbacks and shit (one link to previous thread is enough imho). besides, links to safe spaces are a shit
>cafago kek
Joshua Lopez
Parker Hughes
You guys fed me horror stories about gearbest but the order I paid for yesterday morning already shipped out.