Don’t you wish cryptocurrencies would all be declared illegal in order to stop these internet money geeks from...

Don’t you wish cryptocurrencies would all be declared illegal in order to stop these internet money geeks from jacking up the price of graphics cards? These cunts need to be stopped.

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Uh yes, cunt. Don’t disagree with me buttcoin nigger

no, i wish nvidia would embrace their botnet and install firmware that bricks a GPU if it's detected mining

dumb animeposter

>making it illigal will surely stop these miners
Maybe you should get into crypto yourself so you can finance yourself a graphics card, or just get a fucking job.

China already banned Bitcoin, retard. It only increased in value.

Besides, it means if the bubble pops forcefully enough we can get super cheap RX580s.

I have a fucking job cunt. The issue is I shouldn’t have to pay as much as I have to because of mining faggots inflating the price from buying all the fucking cards.

Gaymers and their money should be parted as soon as possible

Cryptocurrency has greater global implications than you being able to afford an amd graphics card


Why? Mommy getting tired of paying for your gayming battlestation? Kill yourself niggerkid and let the big boys make their money and secure a network that might actually become a thing one day.

Because it sure stopped the Chinese. Why do you even need a new graphics card? There's nothing new worth playing.


From the surface it looks that way, if I recall correctly I think they only banned CFDs and some popular exchanges. Unless I'm getting mixed up, I wouldn't say it was outright banned.

Cryptocunts literally SEETHING

they make 15 dollars a month and act like they're hot shit or something.

it's autistic, crypto is not profitable.

I invested about $6000 in ethereum last year. at its peak this summer it was worth over $190,000

>graphics cards
if you were redpilled you'd stop using this proprietary shit.

>ban something valuable because people want it
>it makes it more valuable

Genuine inquiry: how much is it worth now?

Source on anime roastie?

It crashed


Long term it won't last forever, ethereum's core design has some major flaws that cannot be repaired and you can expect some major shit down the road. Sell while you are so far ahead.

>jacking up the price of graphics cards
1080Ti doesn't have this problem.

>playing video games is more important than toppling the archaic banking system

You know there is a board dedicated to video games right?

Just make GQDR5/GDDR5X standard. I can take a higher latency hit.

Sauce on the chick?

I wish they'd use algorithms tuned for CPUs rather than GPUs desu. Something whose implementation requires a lot of branching and memory should make them immune to GPU mining and ASICs.

I don't care anymore, I got mine

Trade in bottlecaps, candy wraps and hot air you faggot.

>tfw a whole generation of manchildren grows out of video games early thanks to crypto currencies

Actually yes.
Those parasites deserve to suffer.
A heavy legal blow to crypto will crash it's exchange rates and the motherfuckers will lose all their investments and becime hobos.

Holy shit I've seen faggots taking loans to buy large mining rigs on ethereum spike and trying to sell them two weeks after, i hope they are living in the streets.
All those fuckers should be living in the streets.

>A heavy legal blow to crypto will crash it's exchange rates and the motherfuckers will lose all their investments and becime hobos.
It will do the exact opposite.

Yes. This is fucking ridiculous, I even hold crypto and im so pissed off.

I've been waiting over a year for a nice 580 and can't even buy it without paying 100 dollars over the MSRP.

WTF!!. I JUST WANT TO DUMP MY RADEON 5000 already ffs!!!


>demand will rise as the opportunities to use it diminish
Behold /biz everyone

Don't you have upvotes to be earning?

>cryptoscum tries to make an ad hominem
>while being a literal cryptoscum
I cant wait until they legalize killing miners Duterte style.


cryptocurrency is for dumb fucking niggers who don’t realize it’s imaginary Monopoly money whose liquidity is close to zero, is full of scams and chink niggers stealing your buttcoin, and is damned near a cult, with how you fucking idiots jack each other off about how cool it was getting scammed and ripped off b-b-b-b-but it’s good for buttcoin!

face it retards, no matter how much of a “profit” you’ve made, you can’t even realize it in real funds because exchanging it for real money is almost impossible unless you’ve got criminal money laundering connections, and all your faggot idols literally look like they have downs and are all dumb as shit “Ron Paul 2012 end the fed free market now” libertarians, half of which are convicted felons and pedophiles.

I just got over it and bought a gtx1080 instead of an Rx vega 64.

Runs everything great. Who cares if you have to pay extra? Maybe you should try investing in cryptocurrency and make some extra money, that way you can stop being a NEET and have a nice gpu too

Ok :)
I haven't had to work a single day since 2015 :)

I want them banned for the ecological burden and spreading of retardation

>I need the government to ban things because I can't buy consumer electronics at the price I want

>There's nothing new worth playing
nobody believes this since 2015
games have never been better

No, because I'm an adult

Go ahead and list some so I can laugh at your shit taste.

>playing video games is more important than toppling the archaic banking system
what exactly is archaic?

Gamers pose a significant burden on the health care system, with their tendency to be morbidly obese and develop Diabetes

stop living over your standards then

an AMD RX 480 or GeForce 980 is perfectly sufficient to have fun
Games that run perfectly on them:
- Stellaris
- Civilization

from top of my head

Deux Ex MD
Watch Dogs 2
Dishonored 2
Civilization 6
Pony Island
Rainbow Six Siege
Nier Automata
Titanfall 2
Project Cars 2

>Watch Dogs 2

DRM GPUs and ask $100 (per card) to enable coin mining

Nah, stop being a salty retard.

b) Release dedicated mining cards without video output
Coincidentally, this is what AMD and nVidia are both planning.

also the connector should be a cable or something, those dumb moners have it hard to manage all those pci-e

>dumb moners
You sound pooper-peeved :)
Do you still have to work a job by any chance?

Its only used to transfer drug money anyway. However, banning alternative currency is not the solution

i meant miners, and I'm actually a neet who lives from a hefty inheritance

Lets be honest here.

miners need their own gpu card specifically aimed for miners. because you dumb niggers are just wasting what those cards are meant for along the resources used to make those cards work for the specific purpose of gaming and production.

>what those cards are meant for
The cards are meant for making Nvidia and AMD hefty profits

don't be a deliberate idiot, dear.

>splitting manufactoring capability will help to provide the supply
What we really need is a chink ASICs to fuck them over, but the patest developments hwve been specifically ASIC proof for some fucking reason.

No, I just wish the banks started following their own AML guidelines and stopped doing business with cryptocurrency exchanges. It would crash the entire cryptocurrency market. There's no need to make it illegal.

>mommy won't give me $100 extra for muh toy

Gotta love when faggs have to pay extra to get their newest gaymin cards not even a miner myself.

Inflation would mean your money is worth less fag, the GPU price due to market forces with a high demand lower supply.

No. I wait for anonym bitcoin cash cards that I can purchase at the shop and load it up with real money or bit coins, so there is finally a libtard currency available for real life.

The ideal case would be to just make mining cards.
Make the cards into a form factor that makes easier to connect the powers and PCI-Es and to screw em to each other, remove everything its not needed for mining, sell em for cheaper and that's it.

>anonym bitcoin cash cards
>purchase at the shop
what did he mean by this?

If you slit the supply you still only have only as many cards as you could manufacture.

The ideal solution is to make much more gpus

many buyer can push the price up again and then you have the same problem
it all supply and demand now let hope people shit out more GPU to lower the price

We definitively need more factories.

>cant exchange for real money

Its 2017 grandpa we have btc ATM

Life on the benefit is tough, user. Your quality of life would be better flipping burgers.

I can give you Doom.

Nope. If you don't like it, just pick up a PS4. You can get one for 200 bucks if you're willing to look.

I hope crypto will continue to rise so fags like OP can cry more


it is great fun if you don't use firearms and go full hacker

he's a brainlet
>hurr cash is anonymous
you're on a million cameras walking into that shop, and it is likely illegal to hide or obscure your face. anonymous my ass

checked and nice find


lol nvm I just noticed it says Amazon.

just buy monero

Is this ino from naruto

it is some dress up phone game
gaymur btfo

Paid $430 AUD for mine, I thought it was a decent midrange card. Did I overspend?


t. British citizens

t. ((( )))

eventually everything will be dominated by ASICs, and miners will be sad, but you will be happy

Just beat the "internet money geeks" at their own game and participate in price pumps. It's really easy and can net you some pretty good profits.

it will happen sooner or later, don't worry.

nah they'll just be on low fps

>buying a graphics card

yes I love shady business opportunities. I made so much money with offering real services and not by taking money new users enter into the system.

$184,000 right from the hand of stupid cryptoscum. Making so much money can't be wrong.

i am not a miner nor i have any form of crypto

but blockchain tech is best tech in years