>he would rather use a shitty IRC client with less features
>he would rather use something that NO ONE uses nor gives a fuck about
>he would rather waste his time ricing his terminal to have at least one reason to use IRC
>he's afraid of a "botnet" even though he posts on Sup Forums and/or uses Google services/runs Windows/uses other type of proprietary software
>he's too much of a cuck to just use something that works
>he would rather make his life boring than actually LIVE
>He would rather waste his life stressing out about other people
>he shills discord for free
I prefer Slack with IRC/XMPP bindings.
i want to fug anzu
Back off, faggot
What the fuck features does discord have which I would even want which a modern IRC client doesn't have?
>tfw no eye shadow
Does discord support private servers yet? No?
Then fuck it.
>less features
you can't even host your own server on fucking venture capitalist bull
> >he's too much of a cuck to use something which respects his privacy
> he's OP
Who is this cute boi? OwO
This is wrong in every fucking way
>shitty IRC client with less features
Can Discord do DCC yet? Keep track of all received links? Not to mention Electron's resource usage.
>something that NO ONE uses
Your thread wouldn't exist if nobody used IRC, also argumentum ad publicum
>waste his time ricing a terminal to have a reason
There are graphical IRC clients, IRC has many reasons to be used: Being able to self-host, not getting your data sold, etc.
>afraid of a botnet despite other botnets
Giving your data to YET ANOTHER shitty company is not a good idea, no matter how many botnets you're already in. Plus, most of those things are assumptions which don't have to be true at all.
>too much of a cuck to use muh just werks
IRC works pretty well
>rather make his life boring than actually LIVE
Discord's censoring doesn't exactly increase the amount of topics to talk about, now does it?
> Electron's
Into the trash.
You might have gotten that backwards. Discord's client uses Electron.
>muh privacy xd
and this why IRC is superior
>this thread again
can you like go outside or fucking kill yourself
im tired of these shitty threads
nothing is gonna happen if you keep crying about it on a chinese website
>he posts a t*rkroach whore
She's growing old and wrinkly. Won't be long before betas start abandoning her.
those sweaty balls
laugh everytime when they call him 'her'
Still qt, which is vary rare for girls without eye shadow
do they tape their willy to their stomach?
I want to [spoiler]talk with[/spoiler] Anzu in [spoiler]Discord[/spoiler]
There was an attempt.
>he would rather use a life-invaidng botnet because he installed it at the insistence of his retarded friends and/or an ecelebrity.
>He thought it was "good" software because it has "just werks" superficial gibsmedats
>He cries and complains that Sup Forums hates Discord
>He will cry and complain in 2 years when Discord is an ad infested, Amazon-synced, shadow banning, pay2unlock spy fest
>He will cry to Sup Forums and ask what are some better, hipper, alternatives
it doesnt work on my windows partition
But I want to talk about how jews and feminists are to blame for my shitty life and how they need to be gassed
owo what's this
Friends who use it.
>he would rather use a shitty IRC client with less features
Did you mean fewer features?
I just want to see her boobies