I'm doing a fresh install of Arch Linux soon, digits pick my hostname, as well as anything else they like(DE, applications of choice and so on).
I'm doing a fresh install of Arch Linux soon, digits pick my hostname, as well as anything else they like(DE...
install Windows 10
install gentoo
Hostname is ProgrammingSocks
Use Herbslutwm
install lxqt
me neger weiß welche fenstekümmererl am bessen is
hostname boybutt
dont use a DE, learn wmutils instead
literally program every package you need yourself.
de: unity
Hostname: computer
this is what jewgle translate gave me
herbstluft is german for "autumn air" or "autumn breeze"
wm is window manager, window is "Fenster", manager is something like "sich um etwas kümmern" or as I like to say it: "Kümmerer".
I wrote the sentence in a typical bavarian accent, in normal german it'd be:
"Mein Neger weiß welcher Fensterkümmerer am Besten ist" which roughly translates to "My nigga knows what window manager is best"
Hostname: coks4dinner
Desktop enviro: Xfce with a Win95 theme
Web browser: w3m because fuck you
btw Herbstluft is actually not the best twm. That would be bspwm
Mail client: kmail
DE: CDE (good luck)
Rolling for debian testing xfce
web browser: internet explorer in WINE
I'd roll that.
hostname is 'paperlane'
Quassel for IRC
Oh we already have a winrar
In case of dubs your wm will become dwm instead
install mint
did u know u can rice cinnamon too
looks like you got it
Do a manual install of bedrock linux with an arch stratum. Seriously. You'll thank me later
Pedophilia zone
Hostname hotbox
DE xfce4 with i3 gaps