So this is the power of VR:
So this is the power of VR:
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no virtual reality loli gf
why oh why did you have to remind me of this painful feel
What an age we live in!
God bless technological progress
Is this gay? I don't know.
im the only wondering that this might help pedophiles to release their urges?
gay as fuck
How does facial animations work?
Does anyone have the webm where he's about to kiss the anime girl?
>you will never fire a blunt with a baby while looking like a anime girl
I heard it isn't exactly facial recognition but rather just activated by a button. You hit a button, you close your eyes and blush. Qt as fuk
>anime girl looks back at the end like, "You see that shit?"
I would punch her lifeless and destroy her asshole for that shit, she clearly wants exactly that.
Thanks user
>tfw too poor to afford a rift or a vive
I need VR now
It's probably some fat fucking guy, but it still warms my heart.
>tfw no fat man using little anime girl vr avatar to ruffle hair and headpat with
I feel like a pedo after watching this.
God damn you, OP.
Post the molesting Elsa from Plastic Memory video.
Does her shirt say "NTR Chat" ?
I want to be a loli and hug everyone
when can I put on a vr headset and then use a computer in vr as a loli
cute lolis in VR!
kill everyone in this thread satan
>Mfw no satanic oppai loli gf
Is that some online game or? I need some sauce
It's called VRchat, it's like a VR version of second life but everyone has a custom skin and do what they want.
Thanks desu
>I am getting annoyed
Very cute.
I know this board got a hard on for traps and feminine dick.
But that doesn't meant liking a girl makes you gay you autistic fuck.
>you go to pat her head but all you feel is air
>ywn be a little girl
I want to play this
jeez that cracked me up for some reason xD
That's weird, the girl with the fox ears or whatever they are, the one who puts her hand between them, That's the default model in the game "SizeBox", a unity engine macro/micro fetish game.
This shit is open source anybody can add characters.
>you will never be a qt anime girl
that's unity chan and she's a free resource
Just use a freetrack clip and a good Google Cardboard headset.
>Screenshot taken
"The dancing is actually real life dancing, it's tracked using HTC Vive trackers on hip and feet"
holy shit the dream is real guys
a reason to not kill myself
oh my kek
i needed this future
You should have seen the porn VR some dude on /vg/ was doing. Bouncing and touchable titties with physics and shit.
I spend a lot of time in VRChat actually. Pic related. It's me and my friends (top left is me).
Can confirm. I have trackers for VRChat and they work great. This game is literally the VR dream. Wanna be an anime girl? Sure. Video game dude? Go for it. Custom model of RDS complete with patchy neck beard? Top tier shit.
Image is me with some of my dudes. I'm the Cirno. Hi Compat, I know you're lurkin
Put me in your pictures next time you fuckass. I posted one of us together.
You were afk doing some kinda gay shit ok, I couldn't find a good picture.
We need more mirror selfies.
Doubt it. It would probably need to feel real.
Vr is the life
>it's tracked using HTC Vive trackers on hip and feet
So you can use it to simulate anonymous anime sex. Hilarious.
I mean, it's cute I guess in a platonic way, but if it's a pedo dating sim then I demand it log users info and report it to some kind of govt deathsquad branch.
Don't worry, in the near future only women will be allowed to play these games because women cannot possible be pedo about little anime girls... It's the guys we should worry about.
We can genocide women after we get acceptable sex bots and artificial wombs + DNA editing.
Doesn't sound like a bad idea user
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
All male voices. God damn it, user. I was fine with the silent version.
Holy shit I can feel the groove. I can feel the chill. I could watch this video for all my life.
Because it can track your thrusting movements through your hips.
You know those things you do sex with.
Are you drunk? You could set up a huge milking factory prison. Thats thousands of gallons of optimal areola fresh primo milk per day.
And you would instead just turn all that potential into ash/compost?
Very sad.
I'm so glad I didn't commit suicide and lasted to live through this upcoming glorious age.
bless Kek, Amida, and God
>ywn hold an innocent child for the rest of your life; No mother would trust her baby with a creep
>ywn comfort a child after their first day of school >ywn tell them years of pain, without end, await them
continue? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
People will eventually just use voice changers for the optimal anime girl experience.
This is going to be like in 15 years
We are going to make it Sup Forumsuys
Relatively few people use voice changers in VRChat. Nobody really gives a shit if you're a guy, a girl, or somewhere in between. People just wanna be cute anime girls.
Based striped thigh-highs.
>people are getting turned on by a fat 40 year old man playing as a little girl
I thought I was desperate
>I thought I was desperate
>living the dream tier
40 year old virgin neckbeard VR roleplaying as a loli
>sad tier
using your autismbux for hookers
>suicide by 28 tier
estrogen-fueled attention whores
>biohazard tier
people who frequent /gif/
If you browse Sup Forums, you are at least one of the above. Scientific fact.
Cirno isn't exactly a loli, but sure, I'd say I'm definitely living someone's dream.
VRChat legitimately has one of the best communities I've ever been in online. I have a ton of friends with similar interests from VRC. Plus I'm learning how to use Blender, Unity, and a bunch of other weird 3D modeling shit. Joining VRChat was win/win/win for me
its an AI
it's second life all over again
i love it
wow that's slutty
i cant read
You're a fucking moron if you think this will help contain pedophiles. If anything, this will desensitize normal men, and turn them into raging pedophiles.
jokes on you I'm already far gone
>sees little girl model in a game
>immediately assumes this will turn anyone into a raging pedo
>projecting in 2017
Top fucking cute hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
what is this blasphemy
The fucking CIA Guy holding the door open killed me
there's a general now
t. roastie whore
Does this game have voice chat?
And gay parades are making our children homosexual. Noooooooooooooooooooo
>dishonourably reducing humans to a mere pile of flesh only to be used for profit
I'm sorry but aren't we supposed to be better than that?
>people who frequent /gif/
It's not all bad. Besides, what about people who frequent /s/?
They give them the wrong idea that homosexuality isn't illogical and abominable.
Nobody cares about your conspiracy theories about the Jews and white genocide and how the gays are trying to destroy the white race. Please don't ruin the thread.
Yes. All communication is done via voice.