/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
what is the best sub $200 smartphone with a replaceable battery which isn't larger than 5" as of today?
Which fonts does Libre Office install? I want to delete them all, as I only use Arial anyway.
How long can a usb cable be before running into latancy and powering issues? i need to run some extension cables fot my mouse and keyboard and theyll end up being 4m long with the proposed cables
why is this comic never funny and how has the author still not got good at drawing?
probably some xiaomi on zuc phone. look into it, best is subjective
The author doesn't draw.
by best I mean the one which has a proper processor and large enough ram
"creator" whatever. The point still stands. It would be comical to see them disable smooth brush
>Replacable battery
>Smaller than 5"
Definitely some no name chink phone out there. No good brand actually makes phones with those 2 in particular.
It can run into power issues at any length. The longer you go the worse it gets. If you want 12 feet, you want a different kind of connection.
Lenovo vibe
No I mean it's two different dudes. They guy who writes it and the guy who illustrates have no crossover.
New to the whole public key shit.
I just downloaded openvpn 2.4 from their website with the asc and the developers signing keys and imported that into GPA. Why I run a verify on the asc it says it was signed by an unknown key, i.e. not the developers. I can't find anything on their site about them switching keys. Is it safe?
got any links to its actual specs? google suggests its battery is non-removable
i want to reinstall the os on my laptop, but before i do that i want to resize the partition of my C drive, how can i do that?
Get a Linux boot disc or boot usb and then use parted magic.
Do you mind reinstalling your programs?
aside from rewiring my mouse and keyboard to take ethernet cable idk what else could be done. im amazed usb has such bad distance in its 4th revision still
amazing, youd think for such a terrible webcomic it would be just one guy
disk utility allows you to resize partitions, assuming youre starting fresh youll run into no issues. partition in this day and age is kinda pointless though.
overcomplicating things
How do you deal with OLED screen burn in? Do you leave flashing colors on the screen overnight like you do for LCDs or what?
>im amazed usb has such bad distance
Trying to cover both charging and data presents certain challenges. Most people who need to cover that distance use wireless. You might be able to find a hub with a long extension though.
i dont mind, there is barely anything installed. i got it recently and I feel like the C drive will be too small in the long run
I tried from the disk management but the extend volume option was greyed out
hide your bar and run it on flashing colors for a day at top brightness
chargin doesnt really matter for a keyboard and mouse though, its mainly my phone and tablet that need power and data transfer. ive looked into hubs but they seem unerschwinglich
I dont know if Sup Forums is the right place for this but my powerpoint keeps switching itself off. it happens like a few times a month on its own. its not an RCD switch, is it some /x/ gay shit or just a mangled spring in the switch
compared to xkcd pennyarcade is high art
fair point. by panel webcomic standards i suppose its average.
EaseUs Partition is much more flexible. But I wouldn't bother. Just back up your files and wipe the whole thing when you clean install the new copy. You can download any windows
The USB standard is really easy to fuck up. If you find a long ass cable by a good brand then by all means try it, but I would not bet money on its reliability. You're even getting close to the theoretical maximum.
easeus partition master free if windows
or gparted if linux (on any linux live disc)
does win7 allow me to size partitions and make new when installing?
What's the setting in about:config to only load youtube videos when you focus the tab?
I switched to firefox 57 and had to make a new profile for tampermonkey to work so lost all my about:config tweaks
It's super fast, btw
Yes. It sets up the minimum ones required for windows to run, depending on your type of bios, and then lets you do what you want from there.
vibe k5 plus it is then, thanks
I'm trying to do this Taylor Series for the sin(x)
function (pic related).
I dont have the code completed, but I can take any advices (the code is in java but I also understand C)
public double MiSine(long n, int t)
double s = 0, x;
int sig = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < t; i++)
x = Math.pow(n,i) / Factorial(i) * sig;
sig *= -1;
s += -x;
return s;
after one of my drives failed i'm thinking about getting some cloud storage, as an extra precaution, although i'm not too fond of using something like onedrive or google drive. what are some good cloud storage services?
Bought this in 2011.
(Motorola SB6120 SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 eXtreme Broadband Cable Modem)
Is it time for a new modem?
OLED does burn out, nothing you can do will bring the pixels back, maybe you can burn out the remaining pixel to equalize but it will be total shit instead of a part of shit.
Buy a Toshiba HDD, put a cloud sticker on it. Toshiba Cloud ™
I just use a dark theme now. The burn in disappears completely but comes back whenever a completely white or grey image appears.
Not unless your speed is greater than 100mbps or you live in a 3.1 area (you probably don't)
So I just set up OpenVPN on my server and my desktop, laptop, and phone.
Now what do? Is all traffic being tunneled? Do I need to set it up as a proxy?
Don't fall for the Jew's tricks goy. Use it till it breaks.
If you're using it, it should be used as a proxy, that's what it is. Test it out by doing some IP test to see if the IP is your server's IP, or your device's IP, assuming they're not on the same network obviously.
so my monitors buttons dont seem to work, besides the power button and source button.
i notice my colors and contrast are off. is there a workaround to correcting color and brightness issues without using monitor controls?
>Not unless your speed is greater than 100mbps
Wait, don't upgrade UNLESS my speed is > 100Mbps? I'm confused.
Yeah. If your plan isn't close to maxing out your current modem, there's no need to buy a faster one.
What's the best way to do a direct P2P file transfer to someone over the internet?
You sure are a retard.
Well it does forward everything. Can't believe I didn't think to do that.
But now I have a problem. I set up the server on my AWS instance. The chins range bans AWS addresses. Guess I can't use it. What a waste of time.
Oh okay, I get it now. But what about using a modem with more channels? Wouldn't that possibly alleviate congestion? I'm supposed to be getting 75Mbps but often only get 50Mbps or so.
Both point to point and peer to peer can be abbreviated as P2P.
Maybe you can get that specific IP exempt by using a Sup Forums pass? It allows you to bypass some range bans at least. Assuming you want to pay for that obviously.
I missed that, thanks.
Probably not. Although networks can be set up in pretty weird ways sometimes, so it's not impossible. More likely that's just your normal speed. The advertised speed is a maximum, and often includes things like brief turbo boosts.
Is there a Firefox extension (webextension or not, using waterfox) that allows me to export all current tabs to a text file?
Which free Antivirus is good?
My dad uses Avast, is it legit?
I have Windows 10 with defender right now.
>plug headphones into mobo
>plug monitor speakers into mobo
>plug headphones into monitors headphone jack
>ambient buzz (buzz, not crackling)
how do i fix this or does the monitor just have a low quality jack
Defender isn't awful.
Bitdefender is better.
Well I emailed hiroshim00t. I guess I'll see.
Also interested in an ad-hoc P2P file transfer program. Something I can put in a friend's IP and share files with.
I did put together a small Go program to run a simple HTTP server that would serve files in the directory it was run from. I can't find it anymore, but I'd like something more polished anyways.
Monitor just has a low quality jack. Because you most likely connected the monitor via only HDMI or DP, it means the sound is digital until it reaches the monitor, and the monitor needs to decode it to analogue. The monitor's DAC is probably just not as good and shielded as the one on your motherboard.
i specifically set it to use my motherboards audio, not display port
In that case the sound shouldn't come out of your monitor though, right? Or did you connect your monitor to your motherboard via 3.5mm jack as well?
you monitor has a low quality jack. You just probably don't hear the interference on its own speakers.
1. buy audio output selector
2. plug pc in input
3. plug monitor in output 1 and your headphones to output 2.
4. switch between them on demand.
Not that this is the best way, but it might work.
Guy I have a small problem.
I was using my computer one evening while my mother was borrowing the printer, which sits right beside my rig. After putting some paper in it, she slapped the printer tray shut with enough strength to push the printer a little bit, and it ended up hitting my rig. Everything on the screen froze instantly and the music I had playing turned into a continuous buzzing sound.
I had to reset, but when I did, the monitor wasn't picking up and video signal from HDMI, and I had to switch to onboard graphics to use my PC. The GPU is still detected by the computer and it seems to be functioning, fans are spinning, etc. but it doesn't output any video anymore.
I tried removing the card, cleaning it, switching RAM slots, starting the computer with the GPU unplugged, and plugging it back on, but it didn't work. Can you guys just tell me if my GPU broke for good or not? I can figure out the rest later.
my monitor has is set up like this.
I run a USB connection through Cat5 ethernet cable from my computer to my living room. It's more than 10 meters long. It works, but I use a powered USB hub on the end, otherwise things would not work right, probably because of not enough power.
It's still not the most stable thing in the world, but it's enough.
also the black one isnt a mic jack. it does work just with an ambient buzz
Guess it's just a shitty jack then. Personally I notice noise also increases if I connect something via two ways to my PC, but it's not like there's a way to really fix that without just not using it.
i decided to compromise and just move my pc onto my desk. I mean it fits with a lot of space but its not the nicest looking thing. Worked out well for my dac too
I just bought a new thinkpad T400...i want to replace the windows pro it came with to get debian linux.
How would I go about this? I dont want to ruin my computer? Just get a flashdrive with linux with the booter program than run it?
It's probably just knocked loose. Reseat that shit and try again.
Download Rufus (on windows) and use it to install Debian on a flash drive. Restart, boot from flash drive. Format.
Im so scared... thank you user
I remember once using an extension for firefox (and probably chrome too) that shows you what frameworks and shit the website you are on is using. Does anyone know the name?
My windows 10 install with only steam running uses 2gb of ram completely and i have issues with some games. If i move back to windows 7 or 8 are they likely to use less ram
Keep the result of the previous factorial to optimize.
Here you're just recalculating everything at every iteration of your loop.
Same goes for x^i.
So guys I'm having a bit of a problem installing Windows 10 on a new Ryzen 5 rig.
I keep getting the error "cannot install required files" during the setup.
I tried multiple ways of burning the iso on the usb stick, none of them work.
Did any of you encounter the same problem ? I'm at a complete loss.
>inb4 install gentoo
Does the usb drive need to match the usb type?
Like will usb 2 work only with usb 2 or can it go into 3 also?
What are some programs that need Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015? Does any Windows 10 feature need it?
You generally want to have at least 4gb ram on modern windows. You can step it back a bit with 32 bit, but I would just add more if you can.
Literally nothing requires visual studio. Are you saying to program shit in C++? Visual Studio is just an IDE
money is tight at the moment but i do want to get more i'm just wondering if i different version of windows would be less resource intensive since there are a lot of random windows processes which i cant stop without them starting up again
did you use windows media creation tool
backwards compatible except usb type because its a different connector
hacks usually use it as a compiler i believe.
No, 10 is actually the most ram efficient. You can look up blackvipers guide for slimming windows shit down, and disable shit like defender.
Where do GBA virtual console games on 3DS stores its data? I'M trying to extract it to edit some save data
Okay thankyou senpai
Can you not extract it with jksv
They're cross compatible. You'll only get 2.0 speeds if the cable, port, or drive is 2.0
Thx but I don't think it applies to my case. I'm not trying to unblock windows 7 in order for it to run on a ryzen platform. I'm installing Windows 10.
>did you use windows media creation tool
I did. I also tried to burn the iso created by the windows media creation tool "manually onto the stick". None work. Mobo is flashed to the latest drivers obviously.
>backwards compatible except usb type because its a different connector
What are you talking about? You can use old cables, it's just not as fast.
Thinks it's around 10 meters, there's spec in usb standard how long cable can be before latency issues.
Sorry, I'm retarded meant Microsoft Visual C++ 2015.
I did it but it says 'cannot extract save data' or something
Did some games stores data differently?
I'm not really sure i found this on gba temp try it maybe github.com
try installing a different os for now like 8 or some version of linux. if you go 8 you could just do the upgrade from ages ago. still works
good luck trying
its just a library then. most likely for a game or poorly written program