New Firefox

Wtf is this waste space left on the taskbar?

The ui equivalent of taking the knee

Buggy spacer, just delete it

The aesthetic is the new definition of 'lightweight'.

It's called love, understanding, social justice and inclusiveness.

>Few Firefox
Still 55 and says no update, and I don't have this problem

No issues on Nightly.

What version? I'm on 54 on loonix

its was a searchbar already fixed

I have 56 on lonnix

kek forgot my root password. can't install jack

Check for a local privilege escalation exploit, there's plenty on Linux. Get root illegitimatley then change your password.

>want to access your bookmarks?
>you have to click it now to open it instead of just hovering over it

you don't even need that, just boot into single user mode and passwd the shit out of it

Why does Firefox think it's usage numbers decrease issue is that's not enough alike to chrome?

Fixed it, no exploit

Nice sentence you made there dimwit.

rebooting is for plebs

Using brave since Firefox abandoned all my favorite add-ons. Never looked back.

A wild Vivaldi appears.

how? don't be a nigger

you are on windows
these are all on linux, and firefox on linux doesn't have titlebar integration

Mind if I ask how did you got a properly centered design for the page instead of the shitty "Center Threads" option, Sir?

I enjoy the tightness that is Pale Moon.

Nothing on Linux has title bar integration