Is Arch worth it?
I like the rolling release aspect but I use a full DE. What's the benefit if I'm not using a lightweight window manager?
Is Arch worth it?
I like the rolling release aspect but I use a full DE. What's the benefit if I'm not using a lightweight window manager?
post moar
Nice tech related thread, morons
>What's the benefit
rolling releases
what can I do to make you post moar
Post something with one of your guns
post femdick please
I'm not even gay but cute legwear and shaved legs drives me nuts, regardless of gender.
Same. I'm not gay either but seeing a nice little pink penis drives me nuts, I just can't help myself
Well done user, well done.
Post your dick faggot
Just enter the Void instead
op your a faggot
>regardless of gender
You're gay.
If that makes me "gay" then so be it
I want to kidnap OP and do naughty things to him/her
he looks fat as hell
i guarantee the only feminine thing about him is the legs
If by "fat" you mean "thicc", then yes.
>mentally ill tranny/cd
yes, arch is a perfect fit for people like you
men can't be "thicc", they're not soft and they don't build up fat in the right places, they just get fat
Traps can be thicc.
I think it has something to do with HRT
traps can't be on HRT
those are trannies, and trannies are NOT cute!!!
>trannies are NOT cute
*in your opinion
fuck off
more pls
There isn't really a benefit to arch. At all. Ever. There are other rolling releases with actual installers and most of those have a server/netinstall version if you want a simple wm. If you want actual cusomization you go for Gentoo (or similar distros like funtoo and source mage) otherwise choose the binary distro that matches your skill level and comes with tools you like.
Ayo qutie, show me some more leg
fuck off
there's nothing wrong with playing dress up but as soon as you destroy your body chemistry, you're an abomination
Lots of people have mentioned the rolling release, so I won't. There are three much more important reasons:
Arch Wiki
Integration of Arch wiki and packages available including the Aur
Its really the last one that makes Arch so good. The Arch wiki is arguably the best general reference for your average Linux user, and while much of the information is applicable to other distros, the Arch wiki is built around the packages available. So whenever a piece of software is mentioned, or other component packages are required, you know where to look and what to look for. It saves you an extra step and can make your life easier, especially if the documentation for whatever software you are using (cough cough xen) is not the greatest.
Show your face, faggot.
This. You can't even see a dick so it's not gay. I save every picture of cute trap legwear I see on Sup Forums and it is DEFINITELY not gay. Not in the slightest, honestly.
>sjws are ruining tech industry
>omg op pls post moar!!!
Kill yourselves
this, traps can be cute but not trannies
glad we settled that
>destroy your body chemistry,
You can always just stop taking HRT and everything goes back to normal (for the most part)
Now if you cut off your dick... that's another story