Why is noone talking about newpipe. New version 0.10.0 has added the long awaited client side subscription feature

Why is noone talking about newpipe. New version 0.10.0 has added the long awaited client side subscription feature.


>What is NewPipe?
A free (libre) and open source YouTube client for YouTube.
>Why should I use it over the standard YouTube app?
Background playback without mods and hacks
No ads
Windowed playback
>Where can I download NewPipe
NewPipe can be downloaded off the alternative android app store F-droid


Other urls found in this thread:


>This app has the NonFreeNet Antifeature


fucking mental retardation FOSS hipsters holy shit

>Inability to read

nice. I use this to listen to podcasts (level1tech and more) while walking to and from work. Been wishing for a subscription feature for a long time.

>why is none talkng abouy newpipe
We had a thread for 0.10.0 when it was released on github. The problem is fdroid that is slow to update repos.

>new videos aren't sorted by date

Is it possible to sort videos after views? It automatically sorts by date but I don't see an option to change that. Would seem useful.

what are you yammering about? you sound like a drunken homeless man I once passed in the streets.


Fuck off already with your buggy trash, I'd rather keep stcking to the MODDED YouTube that I came across and I still use it


Hello Rajeev

Hello panjesh

0.2 rupees were deposited in your account

you're the hipster, sorry lad

0.10.0 i usw this version almost daily.
And i have to report that it's unstable af

>client side subscription feature.
How to do this on desktop?

Why are Indians always this stupid?

How do Playlists even work on this app?

>the long awaited client side subscription feature

That was a single user who didn't want to use skytube.
The rest of us wanted to keep a minimal viewer because that's why we used newpipe in the first place.

Now what's the point?
I'd rather use mpv + youtubedl/wget

It doesn't

Where's this background playback feature


i expected nothing more from an idiot

Can you resize the pop up?

Use rss

put this in a file called .youtube-rss-dl.rb in the folder you want your downloads to go. comment out the specified line for the first run (otherwise it will download the fifteen latest videos from each channel)

install ruby of course. and install the simple-rss and youtube-dl.rb gems then simply run the program with ruby .youtube-rss-dl.rb.
You'll probably want to set it on a cron job too, which isnt too hard to figure out with some searching...

Youll also need atomicparsley and ffmpeg for encoding



double tap and drag around and shit. I wouldn't even bother its difficult and annoying

OGYoutube is so much better than this piece of shit.

Huh, for some reason I thought youtube had no RSS feeds.

Google kicked it in the dick and killed it off, pal
Switch to the MODDED YouTube, unfortunately you can't sign in to it but works just as great OGYouTube


Can it do livestreams?

is there some kind of newpipe for desktop PCs?

Fuck off Pajeet, seriously.


Why are you so upset over a recommendation? Plus I didn't recommend it towards you. Are you really that assblasted to continue falsely assuming I'm a Pajeet? Get a grip you narrow minded dick

Nobody but a Pajeet would think downloading "modded" proprietary software from a web forum would be a reasonable solution to any software problem.

If it talks like a Pajeet, and walks like a Pajeet, it's a Pajeet.

not even close, my man
>Search videos
>Display general information about a video
>Watch YouTube videos
>Listen to YouTube videos
>Popup mode (floating player)
>Select the streaming player to watch the video with
>Download videos [youtube-dl]
>Download audio only [youtube-dl]
>Open a video in Kodi [who gives a fuck]
>Show Next/Related videos
>Search YouTube in a specific language
>Watch/Block age restricted material
>Display general information about channels
>Search channels
>Watch videos from a channel
>Orbot/Tor support (not yet directly)
>1080p/2k/4k support
>View history , only on .bash_history, or similar
>Subscribe to channels
>Search history
>Search/Watch Playlists

mpv is not a youtube GUI client.

shit, I added U+2713 everywhere, didn't know Sup Forums didn't support them
no, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, no, dunno, yes, no, no, no

Not like you have much control over NewPipe either, Hell, you don't even contribute to it, even if it's open source, so if I were you I'd shut it already

Very good app.

Nobody but Pajeets thinks web forums are appropriate ways to distribute software at all, be it proprietary or FOSS.

I love this app. I especially like background playing, downloading of video and audio separately, and 4k support.

>Do you wanna contribute to this project ?
Are you a developer ? Do you know one or two about reverse engineering ? Do you know about theming android apps ?

NOTHING is stopping anyone from contributing to it, choice for distribution of software through shouldn't matter at all

Nobody but Pajeets thinks web forums are appropriate ways to distribute software at all, be it proprietary or FOSS.

And.... dropped!

Did you try and view downloads in progress?

I use that modded YouTube and I can sign in, you just have to download microG

Root required for that or nah? I've installed MicroG non-rooted before but figured I'd ask anyway I just don't want Jewgle eventually hammering my Jewgle account because of the MOD

By the way, where do I download MicroG from nowadays?

I enabled access settings for popup view and went back to app to see this. But yeah it worked afterwards.

Quit samefagging pajeet.

>Why is noone talking about newpipe

Because the official YouTube app is better.