>chads as CS students
>muscles, good physique
>social life, even if non-chad
>lol I never got pointer arithmetic
What is happening, Sup Forums?
>chads as CS students
>muscles, good physique
>social life, even if non-chad
>lol I never got pointer arithmetic
What is happening, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't look like shit isn't socially retarded
>lol he must be dumb
An autist tries to justify being an ugly antisocial fuck on the internet is what's happening.
in my personal experience programmers tend to be very healthy because you need to be smart to be good at it and if you are smart you recognize the importance of good nutrition & exercise
there is a reason why blue collar tradesmen are always fatasses with heart conditions & voted for trump
Work on your social skills, you can autistically cast them to how you learn.
Lmao get fucked sad little virgin.
No grills?
I don't give a shit how autistic you are, just make sure to shower fairly often instead of making the computer lab smell like your goddamn armpits.
Ended up doing a lot of my work through SSH because the linux labs were filled with degenerate filth.
>female programmer coworker
>talks alaud how she cant understand my code
>offer my help
>"n-no thanks"
wtf stop complaining then roastie toastie
Weightlifting is actually a perfect hobby for autists
also this
Couldn't have said it better myself
>Autistically cast them
What do you mean by this?
quints don't lie.
>go to CS class
>everybody in sweatpants or gym shorts
>nobody dresses nicely
>one Asian kid who always wears skinny jeans and odd color shoes
> He doesn't lift between two Gentoo installations
Checked and confirmed, been on /fit/, seen the 'tism.
It's quite the reverse. Fit men are much more likely to have voted for Trump than their slobby and skinny counterparts.
Good physical health can help your mental health as well
James woods voted for trump too.
>mfw every trump supporter has an IQ over 140.
Drumpfniggers are mostly balding skeletons and overweight blobs.
Not in mine. OP IS fairly socially competent (although I don't particularly enjoy socializing IRL unless I have to, and I have no time for a social life and cannot understand how others do) and is fairly fit and has a vegan beta nu-male cucklet Whole Foods diet, but most programmers, people who do it as a hobby and a passion, not just as something corollary with their major, are fat autists. My closest friends are such people, and I'm an outlier.
The smartest people I know have never experienced an endorphin high and don't know jack shit about nutrition nor care to. As anecdotes, Carmack subsists solely on pizza. Look at Bill Gates or Woz. Jobs is the only fit tech "genius" I can think of, but his intellectual rigor compared to the first three is debatable.
The preponderance of fat autists is higher in CS than in any other major, it seems, but the number of normies on Macbooks is frightening. W-what are you doing learning Bash? This is for people whose best friends exist exclusively in silicon, and the amount of time spent in front of those silicon platforms lends some natural aptitude. Normies have real friends. G-go have relationships and see sports games or something.
terk er jebs...
Note: I am also dumber than my fat autist friends in programming, both inherently and maybe because my brain isn't in a high glycemic soup 24/7 and spent more time learning about nutrition and exercising than code golfing puzzles.
>Jobs is the only fit tech "genius" I can think of
you picked the guy that literally died from eating nothing but fruits
I just went back to school to get a degree so I can actually get a promotion.
I was not expected for /fit/ to be there.
Dudes wearing gym shorts and a tight white tee drinking protein shakes, talking about their "gains" and how much they lifted at the gym this morning.
The other overly representative demographic there was the skater dudes. Tight jeans, Vans tee, skate board.
>you picked the guy that literally died from eating nothing but fruits
The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
It's not like genius and crazy are mutually exclusive.
>t's not like genius and crazy are mutually exclusive.
I'm the exact opposite. I'm decent looking with a former social life.
All my programming assignments/projects take me on average 20-30 hours each cause I think I may be retarded. I code by brute Force btw. It seems to work over the years.
Yet the CS nerds only spend 30minutes max on them. I asked them. They even wait till the very last minute to turn in programs. Very frustrating.
>there are more attractive conservative politicians
>less narcissistic people are more liberal
Says nothing about Drumpfkins, friendo. Also:
>le based pede linking washington post
This is partly the reason why I don't even consider applying for a programming job. I don't think I could ever fit in with shared offices and common rooms and casual chats. It would be just like in high school.
Oh wow..
>Manly face
>have a gf
>lifting for over 8 years
Just started my CS at Uni but I gotta say that my social life is just going out with my gf and smoking weed with my gf
why do you have a gf
Programmers are liberal because Silicon Valley. Programmers are attractive and healthy. ATTRACTIVE AND HEALTHY LIBERALS EXIST
>personal experience.
You have shit experience.