There's so much misinformation being spread about firefox right now it makes me wonder why I still browse neo/g/

There's so much misinformation being spread about firefox right now it makes me wonder why I still browse neo/g/.

When firefox 57 roles around they're just going to switch the extensions.legacy.enabled flag to false.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums started shilling for Google Chrome and then they got ousted over a series of recent developments. I hope they got the memo that no one likes their kind.

Sup Forums are technoretards

How can Sup Forums even like google when they fuck over search results so much?

What has Sup Forums anything to do with addon support?
The ones I saw complaining were already established firefox users that needed addons developed in 2008 by some brazilian 14yo

Gold medalists in mental gymnastics

>Sup Forums is anything but spambots
>Sup Forums is anybut but poojeets shilling shitty products
>firefox is sjw ridden cancer removing common features people love while making the UI a total piece of shit
>firefox isn't paid by google to release pure shit to make people install chrome botnet/spyware
nice fagpost OP
>wonder why i still browse neog
please do leave, there's already too much shitposting for filters to hide here anyway, no need to have some retarded faggot shitposting without any substance ontop of it.

Sup Forums is literally cognitive dissonance the board they will bend over backwards to shill for a proud Zionist if its the agenda of the week

It should not be surprising. The conservatives turned their backs on science and technology 30 years ago when the liberals embraced it. The gap is showing now.
As a result they have become an uneducated, emotion-driven and ill-informed crowd. For example this one:

t. OP

Sup Forums needs flags asap, way too many fucking pajeets shilling garbage software because it's ""free""

use brave

That video is pure fucking cringe

its slow to open on my SSD

Pajeets only shill software if it gives them rupees and bing points

>muh pol boogeyman



Come now, is that the only defence you got?

>When firefox 57 roles around they're just going to switch the extensions.legacy.enabled flag to false.
That flag won't be there anymore when firefox 57 comes out and all the XUL APIs won't be in firefox anymore

marxist jews did nothing wrong anyway. Sup Forums is lying

I could instantly tell this was a comedy bit, nobody in the real world thinks like this. It's a character played by a comedian

But the flag is in firefox 56 RIGHT NOW set to true

>Mexicans from Brazil

Are you being paid to post this shit?

99% of these anti pol shitposts are just redditors circle jerking each other and they need to go back

>99% of these anti pol shitposts
Protip: Nobody likes Sup Forums
Probably the biggest ``red pill`` your ass can take.

Because legacy extensions are supposed to work in 56, it's set to false by default in 57 right now

This is strawman so thick it has to be bait

So flip it when 57 hits stable and use your addons... at least until they break because mozilla isn't going to care about them at all now

They're removing it entirely when 57 stable hits, the flag will be worthless when there are no legacy APIs left for extensions

?? what did you say? are you Sup Forums?

It works perfectly on beta

Source on this?

Firefox just works!

>lose argument for the second time
>m-m-muh bait!!

>people believe this false flagging shill

At least 90% of the chrome shilling thread is basically bitching about SJWs

>chrome shilling
Are you from 2009?
The only shilling I see is Brave and Vivaldi. Sometimes ungoogledChromium and Iridium are brought up but never discussed in depth.
Chrome is always being flagged as botnet.

>firefox isn't paid by google to release pure shit to make people install chrome botnet/spyware
people unironically believe this

>Sup Forums needs flags asap, way too many fucking pajeets shilling garbage software because it's ""free""
how does one shill free software? for what purpose?

>Chrome is always being flagged as botnet.
Yeah, that's why I see people saying they use chrome in anti firefox threads

>Brave and Vivaldi.
No one really uses them, it's a myth

data harvesting and manipulating, as with other free products that connect to the internet

>99% of these anti pol shitposts are just redditors circle jerking each other and they need to go back
>Protip: Nobody likes Sup Forums
indeed, it brought political shilling and some of the worst forms of propaganda with it.
but why you cucks constantly cry about pol as if anyone besides spambots even goes there, is beyond me.

>as if anyone besides spambots even goes there
user, I...

I tried using Brave some time ago, but it just doesn't run smooth like Chrome/Firefox, and it lacks the good extensions

>but why you cucks constantly cry about pol as if anyone besides spambots even goes there, is beyond me.

Why must they advertise Sup Forums like it's some cool kids club?

I use chrome sorry OP

>reddit enhancement suite

you know quantum connects to like 10 different IP's at startup? waterfox only connects to 1 IP at startup. quantum is a botnet.

>unironically using memefox

it uses the native windows font rendering...

so after transitioning to Violentmonkey now in preparation for webexts, the page flashes into the standard Yotsuba B theme briefly before swapping into my preferred dark-as-my-soul edgy shit on every page load. Any way to prevent that flash from happening aside from abanding dark themes altogether?

they think its sjw's or some dumb shit.

>project goes from ensuring technical excellence to ensuring nobody is ever offended ever
>this has no impact on quality

thats a nice opinion there. do you always just go with identity politics for everything?

LMAO nice shilling campaing Firefox is not obvious or anything

they know no one likes them. Sup Forumss basically juggalos of the internet

I value free software and a free internet. I don't want a company like google to have de-facto control over how people access the internet. They could implement anything, no matter how user unfriendly it is, and it would become de-facto standard.

every post above this was written by a cuck

It's not just addons, though that's a big factor.

It's that Firefox development is pure crap the past few years. The browser is slow as fuck when streaming video, it crashes fucking constantly, audio switching often gets fucked, then on top of all that, we have to live with the uncertainty of keeping our most cherished addons, which for the most part is why we switched to FF in the first place.

I don't need all this bullshit anxiety from a fucking browser.

So, we had the Demofaggots blaming the Russians for Shillaries loss, now we have Mozilla blaming Sup Forums for their failure.


>now we have Mozilla blaming Sup Forums for their failure.
Wait, where is this even being implied, let alone said?


>The browser is slow as fuck when streaming video, it crashes fucking constantly, audio switching often gets fucked
You realise that's why they're deprecating legacy extensions right? So they can actually work on performance and stability without the fear of arbitrarily breaking shit

You pay for your internet you stupid faggot just like how you pay for everything that you use.

I think your question answered itself

Sup Forums are a bunch cumcatching niggers who use, discord.


Bunch of nigger cattle.

yo in just updated firefox to 56 and when I open some tabs they just dont load at all
no matter what address I input in, does anyone have a fix for this shit?


Sup Forums is the new project chanology.


Choose freedom, choose FIrefox.

this is bad real bad