It would probably help to alternate different symbols. But length is the most important thing. Which that password seems to accomplish
Brandon Collins
Cool. I guess studying all those SAT words is finally gonna pay off.
Hudson Cooper
This. Anything to lengthen a password or increase the potential characters used in it is a good thing. Using quick tricks that are easy to remember are a help, but if people know the tricks you use, then they can write more efficient algorithms to guess your password quicker.
Hudson Moore
The only thing that matters for a brute force attack is the length.
Jacob Watson
Just write a simple script that hashes the website or service name with a master password. Then you only need to remember one password for everything.
Bentley Evans
Won't their dictionary attack become insanely inefficient if they do that? Now they have to try every symbol in front of each letter from thousands of possible words.
Leo Phillips
I'm mostly reffering to personal encryption like 7zips and website passwords for yourself.
Dominic Cox
Make up your own schema for passwords. Here's my old one for an idea
It all depends on the certainty they have that you used a specific method to derive a password.
For example, the "CorrectBatteryHorseStaple" password method by xkcd, If everyone used that it would have an effective entropy of only ^4 not the 2^44 like the comic suggests because youd rule out all the astounding passwords of that length which werent made of english words.
This guy is on the mark, invent your own little scheme for making rememberable password, it doesnt have to be that hard but any random method you can remember to derive a password is as safe as a random password provided people dont know how you derive it.
Chase Carter
No, well I have a strategy for remembering them .
Try the head-tail pattern
Gabriel Barnes
though this does give me an idea..
spanish+english word with an alternating symbol after each letter
Ryan Collins
whatever works man.
Luis Hernandez
Cool, glad I made this thread. Hopefully it helped a few anons here make better passwords.
Julian Stewart
Problem with these complicated passwords with symbols is that they're more difficult to type fluently, whereas lengthy word-based ones can be entered quickly without errors.
Kevin Bailey
I write down my passwords, seems simpler than coming up with a password scheme and remembering it.
Jordan Moore
Not really a problem if you can touch type.
Grayson Fisher
OPSEC > Convenience
It'll be all nice and quick and dandy until your nudes get leaked on Sup Forums
Juan Sanders
You can use things like password tables if you write things down
Daniel Richardson
cool idea, but I'd be fucked on my phone.
Kayden Kelly
I'm saying I'd rather be typing a 60 characters password comprised entirely of words than a 15 characters password filled with symbols and numbers. I don't have the knowledge or the time to come up with convoluted schemes for creating "shorter" passwords that are MIGHT be secure than long ones, so I'm going for length.
Lincoln Green
use diceware.
Noah Richardson
use keepassxc generator
Brody Gray
Landon Mitchell
i already forget the most simple paswords as it is lol
Aiden Baker
For what purpose? You're already way out of any password list with four words and a character.
Christian Campbell
you have never heard of dice password? it is uncrackable until quantum computer become available for the mass