No. That is the power of C memory leaks.

The power of shitty devs.

>smaller units makes it look bigger hurr
Change the units, dumbass.
t. i3wm

Just disable baloo if it doesn't work for you.

it just werks

It's indexing a large file, dumbass.

Idle KDE uses less RAM than all other DEs.

C programmers: This language is the urlanguage and the best and anyone who uses anything else is an idiot

Also C programmers:

>C programmers
KDE uses qt which primarily has C++ bindings. Pretty much all of KDE is written in C++.


C++ programmers are almost as cocky


can i have wayland runing KDE with sway?
if yes i switch, i sick of having to configure every single fucking program or finding out that X feature is not installed

x86 plasma uses like 200mb it's fucking great, baloo is cancer tho

>memory leaks
>a file extractor actually using memory on large files

Wow, color me surprised.

>Wow, color me surprised.
I'll screenshot this so I can shove it in your face in the next Win10 thread, fucking freetard.

>admitting you're a W10 shill
Well done, dumbfuck pajeet.

If only there were a mechanism designed to automatically prevent that from happening...

If only KDE developers were competent.

y u do this konqi?

>>Admiting having double standars
Please freetard, go away.

Is there a way to get a solid white panel on KDE Plasma?

Where's the problem?

Why would an index job not use available ram? Should we cripple the operation performance so that your chrome can continue to horde your ram instead?

Because there needs to be available room to make way for whatever software the user wishes to use in the foreground.

>Hey KDE, how much memory do you want

Index data is easily swappable. The point is, and index not held in ram is useless, as is a non-complete index.

I like KDE's implementation. Searching files is pretty much instant, at the cost of some ram that is 99.999% of the time free anyway.

200MB? Maybe upgrade from 256MB of ram lad


jeez, kde is so damned ugly

>file extraction
Cut the bullshit and try harder.

How come nobody ever combines the titlebar with the menu bars or anything like that?

>that retarded title bar buttons possitioning

>can't even spell properly
Are you really trying?

>that bottom bar shadow
>that font kerning in desktop icon labels
what the fuck is the matter with kde """designers"""

kde is best in arch or kde neon.
Best in rolling.
Haven't had this problem in my 9 months of using kde.

>230 (you)s
wew. i'm jelly.

Nothing better than browser tabs at the very top pixel of the screen, easiest switching ever.

So this is the power off sepples!