This shit real?

this shit real?

Other urls found in this thread:

Crossfire isn't for buying with a new system, it's for buying a 580 or whatever now and then buying another one in four years when its $150, so you upgrade for cheaper.

>Fallout 4
>Total immersion is gone because the characters are made black
What did they mean by this?

>Posted on 2016-06-01

that's like a gorillion years ago tech-wise

still a waste tho, it almost never works right and the mobos and PSUs set you back on the """""""""savings""""""""" you're supposed to have.

One good card is always better than 2 not so good ones.

2017's non retard premium GPU poorfag buyer's guide:

>Can't afford a 1080ti yet?
1-Get a 1060 6GB or better a rx580 8Gb
>b-but what about the 1070?
NO. See next step.
2-SAVE YOUR MONEY until you have enough for a 1080ti. One of two things will happen:
>You'll realize the card you got is enough. Be happy.
>You won't be satisfied. It's OK. Deal with it while you save. You can OC if you need, for now.
3-You saved enough and made it. SELL the card you got and get a 1080ti. Be happy.

1070 and the Vegas are placebo. They won't quiet the consumerist bug you have in your brain AND they will set you back a lot more shekels than the 1060-rx580. In the end it's just torture.

what the fuck is this site

the creator of ladies and gentlemen

>cleartext passwords

>javascript in your profile

>can overwrite other people's images by cleverly chosing a display name
>scriptkiddie heaven

he deleted my account :(

OP that's rude

aaaah there you are.
I had implemented some security tools to stop you trying to insert your own scripts... Thanks for showing me.

you might have some SQLi in your article.php

?articlenumber=451-1 same as ?articlenumber=450

(terrible articles btw delete you shitty site)

Ah thanks man I went ahead and should always properly syntax my queries.

I also love my site. It's not the best coded site but it's a site I believe in.

ok good luck
you should try out a Linux server at some point

Tell Godaddy that. I do hope they have their stuff secure.

"rate journalist" feature accepts arbitrary numbers, I rated you -1000

ah I should probably fix that. Thanks man just fixed.

I just deleted article number 6, you are not checking permissions, I can just put any number into the delete php parameter

how old are you?


script kiddy you still there?


still looking for vulnerabilities? Thanks for helping me make my site tighter. Legit though... can we talk in discord?

would you be against that? I could use your help to be honest.

nice try FBI

You should probably put a limit on article sizes.
This is the youtube-dl main binary in base64.

I also don't see the reason in allowing users to post 14 of the exact same video.