Give me a single reason why you're not running Linux, besides being brainwashed by the media and corporations.
Give me a single reason why you're not running Linux, besides being brainwashed by the media and corporations
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Cause I'm a nigger
Love playing games since, like, 9 y.o., so fuck off.
And i AM running linux right now, so fuck off x2
I am not a NEET
cant do shit on linux apart from watching anime and tuning your desktop environment and it shows
Linux for huge companies, Windows Server is better.
No ecosystem.
No skype, no advanced graphic redactors.
And before you mention gimp i suggest you create a 8000*5000 canvas, tilt it for comfort a little and try using a 500px textured flat brush on it.
Anything other than PS will absolutely shit itself in a situation like that
Linux is not for huge companies, Windows Server is better.
I'm running linux
On my phone
It's called android
and let the pajeets roll in.
It's called a brain fart.
NEETs use wangblows.
Designated brain farting street.
what the hell is "hread", and why is it indented by one level?
I use skype on debian just fine
Im just too retarded to understand and use lunix so i stick to windows
I can control my GPU fan speed in Windows.
Backblaze backup doesn't support Linux.
I am running Linux, on all my servers and almost all other computers.
Non-existing AAA gaming
No way to tweak existing games however you like: modding, dll injectors, AA injectors, sweet FX, hybridphysx, etc.
Tons of way to run Torrent TV on windows, almost none on Linux
Ease of use in general, when you run windows Gates just let you do it.
I run Ubuntu on my little HP Stream 11. Works nice as a Netflix and web machine, but not much else.
Wouldn't let a Linux distro touch my desktop though because I enjoy muh gayms and applications not totally shitting themselves.
Linux distros are trash for desktop usage outside of basic web usage and are only good for server environments.
Why the fuck would you even want to use Skype? Jesus christ.
Discord, Mumble, Hangouts, or literally anything else would be better.
Because I'm smart enough to install HACKINTOSH, niBBa
FACT: most of Sup Forums audience can't install hackintosh because it's HARDER than Linux.
They will use all kinds of sour grape arguments against macOS and how they like freedom, BUT
the true FACT is, they all are just trying to escape Windows, and Linux is babbis first alternative OS. Linux, with or without games, is the literal clusterfuck like in the OP pic.
REAL NIBBAS only run professional OSes, like BSDs and macOS.
because the company I work for doesn't use autismchat
>"smart enough"
haha, nice one.
Neet got unlimited time, still pick window. make you wonder
loonix cannot even fix disk errors in /
So about 4 years then?
equals bait
Detached from reality.
Unlimited time can be very painful without gayming.
The other people man.
.t Neet
Because i have legal windows 7 on recovery partition. And when windows 7 is still supported i will give time for linux mint to develop itself even more. And for myself to slowly reduce my addiction to windows only programs. (I have few nonlinux games on steam and i want to complete them).
I like video games.
because it can't play my vidya
AutoCAD and related.
Linux is a server and appliance OS but it got no serious CAD/CAM soft. Sup Forums just runs Linux to be cool most of the time. I've run Linux since 1999 on some personal machines but I have to keep at least a Windows VM for CAD. Also printer/copier/scanner driver support for Linux is inferior to Windows but that's by manufacturer choice.
I don't pay for software either way and botnets mean nothing since what I do is background noise.
Because developing a windows only industrial software and i dont want to fiddle with cross compiling or VMs
>don't play games
>try linux
>it still sucks
Everything just felt super unpolished, even compared to something like Vista.
Linux will never go anywhere in the clusterfuck that are distros and DEs. A commercial product would get tons of bug reports which originate from the system itself and they would need a special department only to fix Linux bugs, not feasible.
Because I don't have stallman's friends to install it for me
So you're saying you're still in the mental state of a 9 year old?
My wife's daughter played with dolls until she was 9 and grew out of it.
No (proper) drivers for my sound card, no adobe shit, no mpchc+madvr placebo autism.
I use ganoo loonix for all my servers thought.
lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os
It's because your using it with proprietary windblows software you fucking retard. It will work perfectly fine if you download any open source alternative.
I've actually used linux for quite some time. Still use it sometimes even now. But most of the time my gentoo is just dusting on the hard drive.
Probably the main reason for me was pro audio software. There is some apps and plugins out there, but if you want to get the top quality, Linux is definitely out of competition here.
but i am, i am also running windows, bsd and osx. for ever purpose a different tool. what now?
Because macOS does everything Ganoo Slash Linux can do (at least everything relevant to me) while also having great UI/UX and lots of good commercial software.
1. I develop for windows in .NET
2. I use Office
3. I like playing games from time to time
I think 4k Streaming is just in Edge possible.
That's a problem with Netflix, not GNU/Linux.
Netflix will work perfectly fine if you install chrome (Not chromium)
I wanted to install it today, but I don't have a USB drive with me at work and my phone isn't rooted.
too poor for an external drive that i can migrate my files to before switching
If you have 50%+ free:
Shrink Windows partition
Create new temporary partition
Move data from Windows to temporary
Delete Windows partition
Install Linux
Move files from temporary to Linux
Delete temporary partition
Expand Linux partition
this is the worst copypasta I have ever read
I hope steve ballsack fires you himself
encrypt and upload to mega/gdrive
i have thought about this but it seems way to easy for me to fuck it up somehow
it's almost 200gb of stuff and my upload speed is roughly 200kb on a good day, not to mention i have to download it all again when done
First, the existence of a specific issue doesn't discount my general point.
Second, this is why I don't upgrade to new versions straight away. Same for any OS/software.
>i have thought about this but it seems way to easy for me to fuck it up somehow
it is, do not fall for shinking partition without a proper backup
>it's almost 200gb of stuff and my upload speed is roughly 200kb on a good day, not to mention i have to download it all again when done
You probably can find a used 250 GB+ hard drive for free or less than $10
??? Why are you on Sup Forums? :----)
But for real Linux is great for developing (especially web dev), it's much more stable for that kind of thing. I saw a guy waste 4 hours trying to get Apache working on Windows 10 (it was working fine before but then Windows updated itself) before he gave up and installed Linux Mint.
Exactly the left side, my games won't work. Photoshop and Vegas would also not work.
I run Linux on my 2nd PC, because its only for browsing and media playback. For anything else its not usable currently.
I recommend Linux for office-only users and hope Vulkan or a similar API becomes a standard, but yet no one cares.
The real problem was the guy, not windows. That happened with linux users, windows is so difficult for them, so they need an authistic desktop. Windows doesnt update if you change the settings, but that is too much right?
>"Linux is a collab of thousands of developers“
You would think it would be a matter of weeks to create usable GPU drivers, instead it took years after years . But at least there are thousands of horrible badly documented terminal applications out there.
I don't get it why people can't dual boot. I just have Linux for work and Winblows for the the things that I can't do on linux properly, such as gayming.
Built separate pc, hooked it to tv in my bedroom, installed windows on it with kodi and steam for gaems and watching animu lying on a bed. Now both my desktop and laptop running linux.
Holy fuck this board is full of manchildren, Sup Forumsermin, kids and other clueless retards. Even my non-tech-savvy girlfriend runs Linux and manages to do everything she'd do on windows, including light gaming and office usage flawlessly.
Nobody at my workspace uses Windows. An intern was using Windows a few weeks ago but it fought so hard against the required devtools he ended up switching to Linux and he claims to have switched his personal desktop too.
Just did it on a 10000x10000 canvas and it did fine. Otherwise try krita, I havent tested it on that though.
Cool story codemonkey.
Got a Siemens NX port yet?
this. linux doesn't run autocad and inventor, and neither does it run muh gaymes.
I'm c# developer, our team use VS and MSSQLMS, we are developing for windows platform so i have to use windows, and i like it.
I'm using w7 rn and learning c++ doing silly geimu projects and its fun.
I know the advantages of Linux but windows feels more comfy, also visual studio is bae.
Is there a way to install lennicks on a pendrive permanently? As in the kind of install that goes on SSDs - not squash based installs normally used on those pendrives. I found those to be really unstable.
Am planning to install on either a speedy high end SD card or those portable SSDs. Can't really dualboot, the laptop firmware always chooses to boot windows even after a successful dualboot install, and I'd still have to use windows often
Bullshit reasons to avoid Linux or claim it's not ready for desktop use:
Fuck off faggot, if you were a real graphic designer, you know how to make things work with even simple programs. It just means you're inexperienced, lazy and novice if you can't use something else (and probably of basic intellect).
>"X" game is not on Linux.
And "X" game is not on Mac OS X either, what's your point? Faggot, get a console if you're that man-child about vidya.
>Everything on Linux is supposed to be free!
Get a job. Also, most of it is, if you're not retarded.
>All you can do is watch anime and fuck with your desktop environment.
If your IQ is about 100 or below, sure.
>No EXEs.
IQ less than 100 detected.
>No games!!!!!
IQ less than 100 detected again. Steam shits on your argument.
>Insert-program-here is not as good as the Windows version!
If you're an idiot. If you're a decent programmer/graphic designer/musician you make your art with whatever you got, and you do it well. If you can't do your hobby well without expensive, fischer price tools, you're a beginner at best.
Fuck you I'm running GNU/linux on all of my mashines.
And fuck you Fallout NV is a great game.
>your IQ is obviously too low if you won't bother with the hassle of lelnox
Quite an enlightened post my gentlesir
what is being used to a workflow.
bet your sissy ass would be dumbfounded if you're removed from your anime themed wm.
>everyone is retarded except us Linux users
And that's why everyone stays away from it
I am running GNU/Linux, and so i my mother. So I'll give you the single reason my brother doesn't: GTA V.
That's it. He actually complains that his Windows computer is slow and is curious about switching but he needs his GTA V.
There is Skype - if you want to have that garbage on your system for some reason (I'd get it 10 years ago, but who still uses that these days?)
Well, there are a lot more stupid people than smart people, so it makes since the Linux user base is smaller. Good point.
It wastes your time
Main issue I have with GNU/Linux (called from now on "Linux" for short) is its fragmentation.
Linux gives you an ILLUSION of CHOICE.
What CHOICE do I have, if all choices are SHIT?
* Good Project like KDE are overlooked because FREETARDS hate innovation and having good things, and either force an ANCIENT software, or flock to shit-tier projects like GNOME 3 and pretend that they actually enjoy having barebones DE with twice the resources consumpion of XFCE/KDE, Windows 8-esque app selection, retarded window management and failing extensions. They even have nerve to tell that KDE is ugly, despite it being the most beautiful and feature rich DE in existence, the only that can compete with Windows 10 and OSX.
* Also, thanks to fragmentation, no native Nvidia Optimus support (inb4 PRIME/Bumblebee, I DEMAND at least Windows performance), because Nvidia devs themselves don't know what to do anymore with that clusterfuck.
* Also, hibernation on Linux is a fucking joke
Installed enterprise LTSB in less than 10 minutes desu
>my wife's daughter
>driver installation
>addicted to gaming
>exe files from untrusted websites
That pic scares me. Just kill Windows already.
hHAHah nibbas LOLLL XDDD
whatsup meme lord
>use gnu+linux on every computer, other than the one I play wow on
>tfw Blizzard will never port their games to GAHNOO+Linux
Damn tiny indie company with limited resources and all that legacy code.
Because Linux is t e r r i b l e for the desktop
The problem in that picture isn't with the distros it's with how they're being used. It should be expected that the more you tweak your system the more brittle it will become (more uncommon config => less people doing it => less bugs found and resolved).
If you're going to use Linux then spend your time familiarizing yourself with the software and getting work done instead of tweaking/breaking your system. I do a ton of things on Linux that are impossible or prohibitively expensive (thousands of dollars) and way more difficult to set up on Windows. There is nothing that Windows offers me that isn't better in Linux (except for games and other time sinks).
Corell painter.
Prefer Linux honestly.
Going to thread ripper and hyper-visor soon.
>Windows doesnt update if you change the settings, but that is too much right?
Have you been living under a rock?
Actually setting up stuff like Apache on Linux is stupid easy. It pretty much just werks.
lunix is too much of a hassle, I just want my shit to work right out of the box
Get a load of this retard