Latest AMD graphics driver fucked my card up, I lost all visuals, when I restarted the PC it wouldn't show the login screen just a blank black screen, startup repair failed, system restore failed until I finally figured out the display adapter was at fault. So I had to go into BIOS, enable the Integrated Graphics, reboot, into safe mode, disable the AMD graphics card in Display Adapter and finally boot into Windows normally.
This is the first time this has ever happened, did anyone else get something like this before? The latest driver update must have fucked something up, I'm using the AMD Cleanup Utility and reinstalling an older driver but if this happens again I'm just gonna switch to NVIDIA, this is the latest in a long series of AMD frustrations including how utterly shit their Radeon Settings program is and how it just doesn't fucking work 90% of the time and is riddled with bugs
Really frustrating situation to be in when I didn't know what was happening.
Beware of this update, it fucked me over the next day,
Zachary Morales
Shit I meant this one obviously
>Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.3 Optional 9/27/2017
Robert Ortiz
I've never had good experiences with Optional Drivers so I never use them anymore. is that normal?
Robert James
>reinstalling drivers didn't fix it
Welp, card is fucked either by the driver update or possibly overheating because I don't know if a simple driver update can essentially break a card completely like this.
Stuck with integrated graphics for now.
Angel Murphy
>is that normal
I dont know but if no one else reports this latest optional driver breaking their cards so completely then maybe its just my card overheated or something, its still running, the fans still run etc but if its set as display adapter then I cannot get anything but a blank screen after booting.
Henry Collins
This is why they let you see the changelog from the driver straight from Radeon settings before you install it. As soon as I saw it was just minor fixes but still had Overwatch bugs I knew to stay wary.
Wait for the next "stable" or un-overclock your card if it has been. Could be anything killing it at this point.
Parker Walker
Levi Evans
My driver's work flawlessly since 2008.
Blake Bell
Oh shit I got the same card, albeit it's from gigabyte.
Julian Jackson
I thought I had auto update disabled, so the fact that it downloaded and installed itself and I only found out yesterday really threw me off.
Its a good mid range card, I've had it for 4 years and this was the first major problem I encountered with it.
Jacob James
Shit. I have switched to AMD after similat happened to me two times with NVidia. I guess there is no escape from these issues.
Ryder Sanchez
Never had problems Nvidia is far worse in my experience
Grayson Hill
Wait ? Is this shit for real? After i updated my Sapphire r9 290 i got crashs and the card just don't fucking work at this point , so it's just amd fault all along !!!!!
Evan Garcia
Was that the latest update? Fucking hell did they really fuck up so much as to break our GPUs?
I tried reinstalling drivers and everything but still no luck, it just gives me the black screen after startup logo. I don't have the money for a new GPU but when I do I am never buying AMD again.
Owen James
It's a decent card sure, but I got only 2GB of VRAM, so mine is horribly outdated.
Mason Martin
They bricked my gpu ... It's been fucking days since i had good sleep trying to get that shit work but no luck , good thing i had gtx580 laying around all those years
Angel Smith
I might be fucked then as well.
And I dont even have any spare GPU's lying around, so I'm stuck with integrated graphics which means no vidya, great.
Angel Reyes
>tfw got no integrated graphics, if the GPU is bricked I'm royally fucked JUST
Lucas Mitchell
Fucking AMD
never again
Levi Bailey
Weird. Latest driver gave me a boost in performance. Vega 56 flashed to Vega 64 liquid bios on custom water loop. >3dMark graphic score on previous driver = 23.8k >3dMark graphic score on new driver = 24.9k
Nolan Lewis
It might be caused by too high power usage after the update. We get many nvidia cases like this at the shop but never seen amd come in with it.
Lincoln Collins
The only time AMD creates card breaking drivers, it's ONLY 4chen users that are effected.
Austin Cooper
What card?
It could be that the new driver didn't install correctly and something fucked up, which reinstalling might fix but I'm wary of doing that right now in case the new driver is the root cause of the program
Lucas Harris
Luke White
Adrian Gonzalez
and Nvidia did it multiple times, for reference.
Nvidia did it more often then AMD buddy.
Connor Davis
Not this time pyjeet My r9 290 is fucking bricked because of that update , i tried flashing it and clean installing it but nothing works , i will take it today to a pc shop hopefully they'll fixed it , i doubt it
Jaxon Turner
OP here I used DDU did a clean uninstall of the drivers in safe mode and restarted and it booted but I don't know if I'm still on integrated graphics or if my GPU is utilized now, no drivers are installed at all but is it my card thats active now or integrated graphics?
In Speccy it mentions Sapphire which leads me to believe this is the GPU as main display adapter now and not integrated, I hope. Which means the next thing to do is install a driver, I think I'll hold off on installing the latest one though which bricked me.
Kevin Wood
Not just Sapphire but I just noticed ATI now too
Adrian Jones
R7 260X Sapphire with 17.9.3 here, no problem at all.
Zachary Carter
>What card? >Literaly said Vega 56 flashed to Vega 64 liquid Fuck you're dumb.
Bentley Turner
Go back to Sup Forums retards you don't belong here.
Nvidia shills can fuck right off too.
Jonathan Phillips
Unplug monitor form the mother board and see. Like duuuuh!
Ethan Miller
Who else is reporting this supposed card bricking driver but this thread? I can't find anything related to this update anywhere else. If it truly was the driver breaking your card, it would be showing up elsewhere, more people would complain. Clearly that's not the case. Your card was already on its deathbed before you even clicked the installer.
Ian Robinson
Well installing the July driver update didn't work. Failed to get into start up screen again.
Went to safe mode and uninstalled all drivers with DDU, and same shit now, the card apparently functions but without any drivers, otherwise it fails to work.
I'll try installing the latest most recent one which I think caused the problem in the first place and see what happens.
Kayden Wood
>no problem at all >overwatch crashs all the time >no 2d video acceleration. broken since 17.7.2+ >OVERVOLT PROBLEM. wattman is shit
Kayden Scott
Stop this shilling. Drivers CAN'T brick your card, this is technically impossible (inb4 muh overvolt). Maximum they can do is ruin your operating system.
Landon Gomez
>My r9 290 time stamped pic or you're full of shit, nvidia shill
Kevin Hall
Then explain to me why using DDU fixes the problem, but as soon as I log in and download any drivers for my card and restart, its just a black screen again after the windows logo and never boots.
Cameron Ortiz
Your registry is a messy piece of shit.
John Perez
No, DDU cleans up the registry as well.
I'm thinking you're the shill here, I'm running now not on integrated graphics but my graphics card and as soon as I install a driver it will fuck up again.
I've tried both these now And they both install but once I restart I get the same black screen on booting, then when I go into safe mode and run DDU, and restart, I can log in again past the boot screen.
The problem is with the drivers, and I swear the 17.9.3 latest optional one which installed without my permission must have fucked up my GPU now that no matter what driver I install it will fail and I have to run without drivers.
Henry Brooks
At least I don't have any problem like OP, and I don't play Overwatch too.
John Hill
>DDU fixes the problem >Installing drivers without changing registry doesn't work Your reg is a piece of shit.
Jayden Nguyen
Once again, DDU cleans up the reg as it uninstalls the drivers I know because I see it in the event log as its happening.
Leo Cox
No but you see only 4chins has the most techincal users who would knows all of thiss'
Austin Cooper
>the STATE of Sup Forums today back to the lot of you.
Joshua Johnson
OP here found some other people who had my problem
Well it does clean up all the AMD stuff in the registry that the previous drivers added, I don't see how anything else wrong with the registry not related to AMD could lead to this issue though.
Why don't you tell me what the registry has to do with this instead of being vague
Ethan Martinez
>card works without drivers >installing drivers breaks card
This is the basic crux of the issue, and I don't see how to fix it, or even how such a problem arises in the first place.
Its every driver I try even the ones that worked before with no issues, they lead to black screen on boot.
Thomas Perry
Install Gentoo.
Gabriel Martinez
Leo Sullivan
>but if this happens again I'm just gonna switch to NVIDIA lol there were 2 time when NVIDIA driver updates disabled fans on my card I thought I'd never buy NVIDIA again after that, but was basically forced to buy 1080 since AMD only released shitty polaris cards last year
Elijah Green
You're pointing the gun the wrong way user... But honestly try an Ubuntu 17.04 livecd or something, it has FOSS drivers that are actual drivers (not VESA fallback) for GCN - if it werks, your windows install and or (((you)))'re fucked If it does the same shit, it's probably the hardware or someshit.
Man I'm too fucking drunk for this shit, SPESS BAYBEE, TWENNY TWENNY TOO.
Evan Carter
Usually rolling back the driver update fixes that though doesn't it
Lincoln Sanders
Is this a designated shilling thread?
Anyways, I only had issues once with an amd card, where I installed the drivers for it in first start-up and a bunch system updates at the same time and the OS crashed, bringing down the gpu bios with it. Thankfully I could just flip the bios switch on the card so no biggie.
not after your card's already fried :(((((( rip 9800GTX+
Isaac Jackson
Updated yesterday. No problems at all.
Justin Morgan
OPhere, took card out and dusted and cleaned and seated it back and same problem
Thomas Long
Also I noticed only 1 fan in the center out of all 3 fans on the card spins, though both spin 1 revolution on startup, and continuing its just 1 fan spinning, though I don't know if thats normal or not, if its just how it works when its not under load, theres no way to test it now because of the problem I have and I never noticed if it behaves this way normally on idle or not.