Using 4chanX

>using 4chanX
You don't need it.

But why not?

>paying for electricity
Your don't need it.

I like being able to mouse over images

A thread died for this

filters are what makes this place bearable

I use it primarily for third-party archive redirection, and out of force of habit. Is there a script that does just that, or should I look into rolling my own if I ever decide the full thing isn't worth it?

I agree. I don't NEED it but it enhances my shitposting experience.

>using Sup Forums
You don't need it.

This and the ability for threading and pin threads

>muh safe space

not really but it is nice if you can follow replys about topic that are interesting without first needing to fish for the replys and pining some generals is just comfy feature

>You don't need it.

This is the worst fucking argument point I have ever seen.

It is much needed

- relative time
- thread watcher
- image hover

these are essential

t. apple consumer

Syncing across multiple computers is nice too

All you need is breath and eat, everything else is just a plus to improve the experience.

This exists in the regular site options

But can you pre-load all the images in the thread using the site's extension?

Go back to tumblr or whatever the fuck you have come from.

>you don't need it
If I don't filter the fucking adnausememe shit, I might go crazy. Clearly I do need it

You don't need it.

>open Sup Forums in phone browser
>see /dpt/
>see /fglt/
>interject for a moment
>see /adnauseam.*/
>scroll faster
>quit browser
>j L1

That's actually right.

Like I don't need Sup Forums. It has neat features tho

Yes I do.

That last update fucked up the favicons loading, so I dropped it.


And Hentai too.

>repetitive shitposts deserve my time and attention

i just installed it faggot let me discover for myself

>using browser #113
You don't need it.

Does Sup Forums support loading deleted posts and images from the archive sites, or redirecting to the archive when the thread has 404ed? It doesn't, so fuck off.


>- relative time
where is this option pls?

>I like being able to mouse over images

It just works

All you need is Clover.

>implying I want to see dozens of 'what now whiteboi threads'
>implying I want to see trap threads
>implying I want to see "why are whit women so rude" threads
>implying I want to see private tracker general
>implying I want to see trips/namefags
>implying I want to see the same fifty bait posts every hour

how would i monitor my (you)s then?

Next update when?

>filtering trap threads
what are you some kind of faggot?

>get banned
>Sup Forums x tells me im banned
>reset router and get new ip
>Sup Forums x tells me im ban evading
>disable it
>post successfully

This website is godawful without Sup Forums X.
Posting does not require javascript. There is a no javascript captcha.

I like being able to use Stylechan so I can customize the look of Sup Forums here and there. There's some default themes that it comes with that I like.

Yes, I do.

I'm surprised it still works. Sadly, no one is maintaining it anymore. We really should bring this back, revive it.

This shitty site is unusable without 4chanx and oneechan.

Yes, but I want it.

Same repition of images and shitposts off topic 70% of the time. With this logic you can turn off all your adblocks, anti tracking breadcrumb scrambler from this point on because your are essentially making a safespace for yourself

Now fuck off


Open the 4chanX settings, then just Ctrl+f "relative" and it's two nested options. I untick the second one

I use it for the (You)s.